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Top Lasgun: The Camp, Sexy Space Babes Fanfic

“Tow Ki Song!” The first alien cried, pointing it’s odd rifle at the pair of pilots. Cookie regarded it through the stinking cloud of cigar smoke. It repeated itself, “Tow. Ki. Song!”
Milk cocked her head, blowing out a ring. One of the soldiers nudged the one who shouted, whispering something in an odd, lilting language. All consonants, no vowels. “Sur-end-ar” She called again. The accent was wrong, too much emphasis on the middle, nothing on the first or last syllable.
Milk held up a finger and took a deep drag from her cigar as Cookie snorted and stomped his out. The half finished cubans found their way to be crushed onto the dirt as the pair slowly raised their hands in surrender.
Aside from the guards, Camp 773 was like any other camp SERE training had prepared us for. Some rumors going around had that this was a US Army POW training camp before the Shil took it over and reforged it to their specifications. Barbed wire gates, watchtowers with guards, one massive tower in the center, a landing pad for supplies well outside the camp, and shitty bunks dotting the hard packed ground. The only difference really was the skin color and height of the guards. And the fact they were all women.
Some of the marines would laugh and catcall the women when they were marching by on duty, but nothing really came of it. Some of the off duty soldiers would catcall back and for the first week, we all fell into a pattern. They stayed on their side of the fence and we stayed on our’s. The leathernecks were sure these are Alien Marines, so that’s what we ended up calling them. Nobody really corrected us.
And then a week later, the spooks arrived. Well, technically it was The Interior, but we just called ‘em spooks. They were thorough, quickly moving through the camp and taking everything we carried in. When someone protested, they’d get a gun shoved in their face or beaten with a stun baton. People quickly shut up. They’d take survival blankets, pillows we’d smuggled or traded for, food stored under cots, they even took Milk and Cookie’s aviators. Not even the Marines did that.
And at the end, they pushed everyone out to the parade ground. A large woman stood there, wearing no armor, but standing with a confidence that comes from knowing that nothing could hurt you. She wore what our best guess pegged as a formal gown, probably a dress uniform of some kind. She spoke that weird, harsh language that some of the marines who spoke German said sounded like that tongue. She spoke that language for a good ten minutes. We all wanted to look around in confusion, but military discipline kept us in line. And then a smaller one stepped forward and began to speak. “She, the Noble Shanxi, Matriarch of the House of Orlon welcomes you to the true Shil’vati Empire Prisoner of war camp. As a member of the Interior she has seen how lax safety and security was taken by the Marines and decided to step in to correct these wrongs. I shall now announce the new restrictions and commands she has given you.”
As the smaller, male Shil’vati talked, soldiers with strange uniform marks walked forward and began placing bundles of clothes at our feet. Each of the bundles looked like the kind you’d give to prison inmates. After a bit more talking about generic stuff, “don’t talk to guards”, “you are prisoners, not soldiers”, “escape and we will shoot you”, that kind of stuff, he said the magic words that indicated how badly this next month would go. “You will now turn in your ID tags and pick up your jumpsuits. You will then proceed to your bunks and put the suits on and remain there until mealtime.”
There was a pause as soldiers broke formation and began to look down at the suits and look around. And then at a single man.
Colonel Nurdi Melikov was the highest ranking soldier in the camp, something identified very early on. The son of a Chechen refugee, he had put the pieces of what was about to happen together sooner than anyone else. He stepped forward and spoke up. “Well, ma’am.” He began “I don’t know about your nation, but our’s has requested that all POW’s, Prisoners of War, be treated with dignity. Part of that is letting us keep our ID-” before he could finish his sentence, a stun baton bashed into his gut, sending him to his knees. The smaller one whispered a translation to the larger woman. The woman laughed.
I saw Milk and Cookie’s hackles raise and the hair on the back of their neck stood on end, they later said it was the same laugh the pilot they shot down had, “You are now a subject of the Empire and we are the Empress’s Interior.” The small one translated, “You will not question us and you will learn respect.”
Colonel Melikov slowly stood back up and glared at her. “We will not be turning over our ID tags.” He said simply.
And that is how the first riot of Camp 773 began.
Aoibhinn "Milk" McDermott and Ryan "Cookie" Kennedy sat quietly in their bunk. The curfew was enforced and after the riot, nobody in the camp had the energy to sneak past guards to visit other barracks. Milk rubbed the ring threaded onto her dog tag chain while Cookie massaged his leg, trying to get it to stop twitching from where a guard held the shock baton to it. They were both sporting black eyes and bruises, just like everyone else in the camp. Colonel Melikov had been grabbed earlier on in the riot and dragged away, and nobody had seen him for a few days. “Anyone planning a Steve McQueen?” Cookie asked Milk, referencing the lead actor in “The Great Escape”.
Milk shook her head, “Still feeling the spooks out.” She replied, “Gotta find what’s ignored and what’s punished first. Been a bit of a problem.”
“Inconsistent as shit.” The WSO replied with a bite. “I so much as blink and get smacked around while others can steal food and get a glare.
“Think it’s because we shot down that one gunship?”
The pair drifted back into silence.
Colonel Milikov was returned to us at the end of the week, beaten and bloodied, dumped in front of his bunkhouse in the middle of night missing teeth and with one eye nearly swollen shut. He was quiet.
“They’re like the KGB.” He said, “Unchecked and everywhere.” He’d know. His father was brought in for questioning once by the KGB before his mother ran for NATO lines. He remembered her watching news reports of the second Chechen war and crying.
The Purps intercepted whatever the Red Cross tried to send us. I know this because I saw a pair of them, rooting through one of the care boxes and trying to figure out how to open a carton of Marlboro Reds. Ended up just slicing it open with a knife and trying one. Gotta say, first time seeing a Purp smoke one of our shitty Cowboy Killers? I’ll remember that until I die. Anyway, shit like that kept ramping up ‘till a breaking point.
Apparently a couple of the guards got drunk on duty one night and decided they wanted to have some… fun with one of the prisoners. His bunkmate came back from the shitter seeing them ripping off his clothes after they gagged him. The intention was clear.
Turns out those fancy visors of their's weren't that good against a solid wood chair being brought down on the back of their stupid skulls. Then the one who wasn’t knocked the fuck out called for backup, the bunkmate shouted “Riot” and shit just went insane.
Turns out Marines don’t like it when invading aliens try and rape one of their buddies.
Who knew?
  • Sergeant Major Colin Ryan, USMC, on the second riot of Camp 773. Neither Interior Member was charged with any crime.
“She’s looking for whoever shot down a UFO.” Someone whispered down the line at lunch. Milk and Cookie froze. “Her daughter was on it and died. She’s out for revenge.”
“Well shit.” Cookie said.
“No kidding.” Milk replied. “When she finds out-”
Cookie shook his head, “Don’t say anything. If the Colonel says they’re like the KGB, they’re like the KGB. Can’t know who’s listening.”
Milk nods, “Right. Right. Well this is… a mess.”
Cookie snorts, “Understatement.”
“Gotta say,” Milk began, changing the conversation, “If it wasn’t for them being the occupying force, I’d be all over these ladies.” She said loudly, “Anyone who can pull off an armored catsuit, mmm.”
Some of the other soldiers around the table laughed and raised their cups, “Hear, hear!”
Cookie shook his head, “You are such a useless lesbian.” He said with a fond smile.
“And don’t you know it, Kennedy!”
The first escape attempts happened soon after the second riot. Folks got it into their heads that there might be a resistance kicking around outside and that they were waiting. Said they noticed some figures on a nearby hill with binoculars watching the camp. Thought they were enemies of the Shil’vati. Turns out they were enemies of the Interior and when they arrived, we were happy to see them.
First the Interior guards cut our sleep and confined us to bunks. Nobody could leave except for parade hour where we were screamed awake before sunrise and made to stand listening to whatever propaganda they had translated into English that day. Made some of us feel like were back in basic.
If we weren’t getting yelled at or beaten for not doing whatever menial tasks they had us doing, we were stuck in the small barracks. Probably 10 bunks and 15 soldiers per bunkhouse, cramped living, but we slept in shifts and kept up watches. Again, just like basic.
Then they cut our rations. After the Shil kicked us out, we found out that we had originally been served a single Shil’vati MRE per day, enough to get a soldier through a ruck, but not much else. Not even a combat MRE which was made to be eaten as quickly as possible, just a standard garrison meal. During those last few weeks that was cut in quarters. First they took away lunch, so we ate at sunrise and sunset. Then seeing we weren’t beaten to hell, they cut how much food we got. A good meal of 2 nutrient bars, a liter of water and some assorted mashed stuff became 8 ounces and a single bar with no mashed stuff to round it out. Starvation rations. That got us hurting. Some soldiers always seemed to have a few more bars to share around than others. We never questioned how they got them. The look in their eyes was telling enough.
Kept that up for a few weeks and we started to suffer.
We got into fights with each other, which just had the guards waiting until someone was on the ground before going in and beating everyone involved senseless with their stun batons. Or opening fire with those rifles set to “hurt” into the gathered crowd. We were getting pissed and we were getting reckless.
Turns out not everyone had discarded their SERE training and we had a few Engineers in the group. Since we were pretty much eternally confined to quarters, the combat engineers pushed aside some bunks and started digging. Soon enough we had a half decent tunnel network between the bunks and, for a while, it was undiscovered.
And then some folks tried to make a run for it.
Ya see, you give US Army Combat Engineers nothing to do and shovels and they’ll dig a trench. Leave them alone for a bit longer and they’ll dig a bunker system.
Slap a fence in their way… they’ll tunnel under it and pop up at the nearest booze joint looking for a good time. The Shil not only put a fence in their way, but they said they weren’t allowed to cross it. It was inevitable that the tunnel out was finished as quickly as it was.
Shame they misjudged how far out the Shil’vati guards were able to fire.
  • Private Jack Mendoza, US Army, on the starting of the Third Riot of Camp 773
Milk and Cookie woke up to the sound of alarms, shouts and strange weapon fire. At first Milk thought the camp was being liberated, but when the weapon fire died down and no sharp crack of ballistic projectiles replied, she had to admit it was probably a faint hope.
Cookie looked over to the Army Engineer in the barracks who was quickly covering the tunnel under his bed and brushing soil off his orange jumpsuit.
He shook his head sadly.
Barely after they threw the planks over the still disturbed hole, a boot kicked the flimsy door open and a Shil’vati Interior guard started screaming at everyone to get out, rifle up and tracking the POW’s. As the pair were marched out they noticed a handful of soldiers dragging some human POW’s back kicking and screaming, literally in one case before judicious application of stun baton put an end to it.
As the whole camp was marched out to the parade ground, three of their fellow POW’s were brought up onto the stage with guards standing behind them. The guards forced them to kneel.
Cookie barely heard Colonel Melikov take a short breath in through his teeth before the Interior Noble walked on stage and began to yell angrily. Some of the guards laughed along at what seemed like jokes before the translator did his job and everyone’s face paled at the exact same moment.
“It seems your fellows have decided the gracious accommodations of the Interior were not to their liking and tried to flee without saying goodbye. That was very rude of them! I think we need to teach them a lesson, don’t you agree girls?” Milk and Cookie felt tunnel vision began to creep in as they stared wide eyed at the soldiers standing behind the kneeling POW’s. All holding pistols, “If they don’t want to stay here… perhaps they’d feel more at ease at the Goddess’s side. Or whoever you dirty primitives pray to.”
All Milk remembered was the silence. The silence as the noble raised her hand in a dismissive gesture.
The silence broken when, as one, the electrical hum of an energy pistol being readied for an overcharged shot echoed through the camp.
The silence broken even further when every soldier, every voice, every beaten down and pissed off Prisoner Of War rushed forward with nothing in their hands but spite and rage.
Milk remembered tackling the legs out from a guard as a marine dived towards her face, tripping her to the ground. She remembered her face getting splattered with blood as a third soldier brought his boot down onto the woman’s skull, adrenaline forcing him to ignore the sickening crunch of bone and boot as purple mixed with red and the guard died, grey matter spilled all over the sand.
She remembered looking over to see Cookie diving onto the stage and slamming his shoulder into the chest of one of the kneeling prisoners, pushing his head out of the way as the Shil’vati guard instinctively fireed her weapon, searing the arm off the poor bastard trying to attack her.
The noble scrambleed back in fear as a hundred and change angry voices are raised as one against her, her guards firing blindly, not even thinking enough to set their weapons to lethal. POW’s drop to the ground screaming in pain from the low powered laserblasts or silently from the guards with enough wit to raise the power on their weapons. But it was not enough. This was a riot, a pit fight, a knock down drag out bar brawl. This wasn't the area for fancy tech and longguns. This was the place for survival instinct and rocks and adrenaline.
And nobody fights harder than someone with nothing left to lose.
Milk barely remembered what happened during the 20 minutes the camp was set ablaze in full on riot. All she knows is that when a Marine gunship overhead began to open fire with stunner rounds and blaring that everyone, POW and Interior, was to stand down, her face was stained with blue blood and she was missing her pinkie.
Cookie fared better. His arm hung limply at his side and he had resorted to headbutting the Interior guard who had him pinned before she was shot off him by a Shil’vati marine who then put her gun in his face and told him to stand down.
And just like that, it was over. The soldiers had arrived.
An exo suit stood in the center of the camp with gunships flying in a low circle. Marines wearing full helmets and heavier armor than the Interior had separated the groups. The POW’s readied for another assault before humans pushed through the watching marines.
They wore white coats with an odd purple emblem stitched over their heart, but the universally recognized red cross on their shoulders had every prisoner’s shoulders sighing in relief as they rushed forward, shoving soldiers to the ground and forcing those fit to stand to clear the area with the tone of voice only trained corpsmen had. Relief had arrived, and just in time.
Cookie collapsed onto Milk, eyes flickering as Milk was forced to the ground by one of the medics. The doctor put a strange injector to the side of her neck and the last thing she saw before passing out was a Shil’vati woman in a strange brass chest piece and cape marching up to a terrified looking noble with what looked like intent to kill.
She passed out smiling.
Debrief of the events in Prisoner Of Conquest Camp 773.
Writing Officer: Mistress Of Arms Senior Marine Sau’fai Kaltani.
Reason for Debrief: Failure of the Interior and Overseeing Noble, Shanxi of the House of Orlon, to hold her soldiers and camp to Shil’vati standards.
Transcript of Debrief to follow:
[134 pages omitted, filed with Chief Communications Officer of Shil. Document number 1853741b. Salutis Orange clearance required to read.]
Result: Prisoner of Conquest Camp 773 back under Marine Expeditionary Force command. Shanxi of House Orlon removed from position as Overseeing Noble. No further punishments allotted.
Document End
submitted by CompassWithHat to HFY [link] [comments]

Goethe’s Children...

Authors Note: after my first story had been so grim with its descriptions of mass genocide, I wanted to write something light hearted and fun but which actually asked the question-‘what COULD humans actually do to compete in the universe; what do we do have that IS actually possibly a unique weapon?’ So I wrote this. Still ended up with mass genocide but we can laugh about it...
Transcript of broadcast; SNN News Hour; Special report; Broadcast Live 8:03pm EST June 19th 2089; SNN Host Meredith Walker presenting Transcript begins 6 seconds in:
Meredith Walker: ...thank you for joining us here as we continue our coverage of the first annual Victory Day celebrations with SNN’s exclusive interview with all three ‘Heroes of the Liberation’. They have not been seen in public since Victory Day itself and we are very honoured to have them all here.
SNN News Hour Ident; return to studio
Meredith Walker: So on my right is Dr Li Huning, Head of Xenobiology at the University of Beijing, former member of the U.N.A.L.C. and recently appointed member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the People’s Republic of China...
Dr Li Huning: Hello Ms. Walker
Meredith Walker: Of course we have Admiral Sir William Patterson, of the British Royal Navy, named by Time Magazine ‘the greatest military genius in human history’ and newly appointed Commander in Chief of the Allied Earth Interstellar Fleet...
Sir William Patterson: Thank You Meredith. Good evening everyone.
Meredith Walker: And finally we have Yolanda Yaltzer, writer, director, producer, fashion designer, social media influencer and author of the best selling book ‘Don’t you screw with me alien boi’
Yolanda Yaltzer: I am like stoked to be here right now. Like we are actually talking to like the ENTIRE world? That’s wild!
Meredith Walker: Thank you Miss Yaltzer
Yolanda Yaltzer: Call me Yo-Yo as in the Haus of Yo-Yo. That’s my new fashion range name by the way.
Meredith Walker: Indeed. Thank you. Now before we start a brief reminder of the achievements of the Three Heroes and our glorious victory...
(Video segment; 6 minutes long; video ends; commercial; end of commercial Meredith Walker reintroduced the three)
Meredith Walker: So, I have to ask- 26 years ago- 2063; where were you when the invasion took place?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Like OhMYGawd, I was in bed. So, I was at High School but was at home that day cos I had mono. My family lived in San Fernando and I remember seeing those spaceships on TV and was all ‘Am I tripping balls?’ cos I was like worried the mono was making me all freaky...
Sir William Patterson: I was at also at my parents home when they arrived. We lived in Wiltshire. I’d just graduated from Queens Cambridge.
Meredith Walker: So you were not a member of the military back then Sir William?
Sir William Patterson: Far from it. I was a newly minted holder of a masters in 18th Century European Literature. I joined the Royal Navy a week after our surrender. Many people joined their militaries after that back then.
Yolanda Yaltzer: You know what’s weird? I’ve liked watched EVERY single Hollywood movie ever made about aliens invading Earth and like they ALWAYS show space ships over America and shiz. But when it happened? They all freaking appeared over China! Like China! No offence Doc. But I think we were not prepared for the reality of an alien invasion.
Sir William Patterson: Well, they targeted the top 24 largest cities on Earth as you know and only New York made that list; China ended up with six ships hovering above them and India had five, with Lahore being close but...
Dr Li Huning: I was in Shanghai when they arrived
Yolanda Yaltzer: No! Freaking! Way! You never told me that Doc! Gee, you think you know a guy...
Dr Li Huning: I remember the panic. The vast leviathan above us. Its immensity. I knew then, I think we all knew then, that there would be little fighting. Their sheer size. The absolute power of them.
Meredith Walker: Indeed Doctor. And three weeks later Prime Minister Akoshi of Japan surrendered on behalf of the human species. Some feel that he acted hastily, unilaterally, that we should have at least tried...
Sir William Patterson: No, I’m sorry Meredith, but that’s revisionism. We had then, as now, no weapons capable of combatting the Vorton. I’ve seen what their ships can do. We would have been annihilated.
Dr Li Huning: Akoshi was Prime Minister of Japan and Tokyo was the largest city in Earth. The Vorton believed it was the main centre of human life. They insisted upon him representing all humans. My government, all governments, agreed.
Meredith Walker: The North Koreans didn’t.
Sir William Patterson: And that’s why there is no North Korea anymore Meredith.
Dr Li Huning: What happened there convinced us all. All governments. It was pointless fighting them. Akoshi was just unlucky to be the man who had to kowtow.
Meredith Walker: And with that, as we all know, the occupation began...
Dr Li Huning: It was hardly an occupation Miss Walker. Only a handful of Vorton ever came to Earth.
Meredith Walker: You met with the Vorton very early on didn’t you Dr Li?
Dr Li Huning: Yes. My position then was Head of Astrobiology at University of Shanghai. My government felt this would give me some insight into the creatures. So I was asked to join the United Nations Alien Liaison Committee in Geneva. We alone would meet with the Exarch and it’s three advisors.
Yolanda Yaltzer: And Vorton were like SO freaky. First time I actually met one? Half of me wanted to scream and half of me wanted to hurl. Like super-chunks. They were so large and weirdly shaped. Kinda like some kinky dildo.
Meredith Walker: The first nine years then of the occupation...
Dr Li Huning: Again. Not an occupation. We humans had submitted. We were a client planet for the Vorton Ascendency. One of a dozen such planets. They demand we provide whatever they wished for and in return for allowing them take it we would be left alone.
Meredith Walker: But members of the race would travel to earth to destroy large parts of the planet, the operations they carried out...
Dr Li Huning: When they stripped mined Alberta? Only five Vorton operated those machines. They sought the shale gas, informed us of their intention, landed, and took it. Five Vorton, two machines. Not an occupation.
Meredith Walker: But they destroyed over 43 million hectors of virgin wilderness...
Dr Li Huning: I do not justify what they did. Nor try to present it in a way other than what it was. We had encountered an alien species many times more powerful than us. They could have destroyed the human race in a moment. We just complied because we had no choice.
Meredith Walker: And yet critics maintain an active resistance would have dissuaded them from doing such things.
Sir William Patterson: Those critics are idiots.
Meredith Walker: Harsh words Sir William.
Sir William Patterson: Yes they only had a handful of Vorton on Earth but they only NEEDED a handful. They were a hive mind. What one saw they all saw.
Dr Li Huning: Many, even today, say we should have killed isolated Vorton as a sign of resistance. This would have been foolish. If we killed one the whole race would know.
Meredith Walker: But those critics insist that had we acted fast enough...
Dr Li Huning: They do not understand quantum biology Ms Walker. Those critics brandish ideas around like ‘a bomb acts quicker than the speed of thought’. These ideas are foolish. Vorton minds were linked in a much more complex way. Complex Quantum entanglement captured in biological form. If we killed one the entire species would know of its death. Instant communication over a dozen planets.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Like, can you IMAGINE taking a dump and EVERYONE knows your dropping? Like GAWD!
Sir William Patterson: I must echo Dr Li’s words here Meredith. The Vorton species was, until recently, the most formidable race in the galaxy. A collective hive mind, driven by a single purpose. I dedicated my life to fighting them as you know, and have been told I helped defeat them. Well then, with those credentials allow me say- Those critics who wish we had done more those first ten years or so, they do not know what they are talking about.
Dr Li Huning: The Vorton didn’t occupy us. They took what they wanted and left us alone. They desired all subject races be useful for them is all. We were not and until we could be, our planet was judged useful. This was why they took the shale and the copper and the zinc...
Meredith Walker: Useful. Interesting choice of words Dr Li. You refer, of course, to the Paris experiments?
Dr Li Huning: I was not involved in those projects.
Meredith Walker: But you knew off them?
Dr Li Huning: The Liaison Committee approved of the attempt to see if humans could connect to the Vorton hive mind.
Meredith Walker: Even at the cost...
Dr Li Huning: All those who died were volunteers.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Ohhhhhh the brain melting? Oh that was SUPER gnarly. I saw pictures of that stuff after I got security clearance. Like we are talking Mr Bufu! I mean Lord-God-King-Bufu. It was as grim as balls.
Dr Li Huning: Human brains could not merge with Vorton. We had the base structure but in their words their brains were a million times more complex. We were not as useful to them as our planet was. We would not be seen as useful until after the creation of the films.
Meredith Walker: Now that leads us onto a subject many are curious about. The Human-Vorton film industry. Dr Li- how did it all start?
Dr Li Huning: I would ask Miss Yeltzer, she was the most successful exponent of it.
Meredith Walker: Yes but who was it who brought her in- whose idea it in the first place?
Dr Li Huning: You misunderstand. We did not bring Miss Yeltzer into this. She brought us into it.
Meredith Walker: Miss Yeltzer?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Hel-Lo! Yeah. Oh I know this one. So it’s likes SUPER convoluted. But like really if you gotta pick a day when the whole thing started it’s when those cops in India like raided that call centre...
Meredith Walker: India?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Yah. There was this guy, some minor dweeb working there, real sweaty cubical meerkat, and he was making memes about the Vortons in his work time. Like super weird stuff, little animated films of Vortons screwing elephants. Cos like they were SO large.
Dr Li Huning: This part of the story has not been declassified yet Miss Yaltzer.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oops. My bad.
Dr Li Huning: Miss Yeltzer refers to a raid carried out by the Mumbai police force on a warrant issued by the Liaison Committee in Setember 2072. A series of short animations about the Vortons had began appearing on the internet, each growing in extreme content. We worried that if even one of the Vortons saw them they would all know and we would face an overreaction so we ordered the creator arrested.
Meredith Walker: Sir William? You were not involved in this at the time?
Sir William Patterson: No, I was simply a junior officer in Whitehall at the time. It’s all Yolanda.
Yolanda Yaltzer: So like I was there yar? I was freakin Ground Zero. Like not in the raid in India, obviously BUT... well I was working at a SPFX company in LA at the time. I’d graduated from the animation department at UCLA by then and like EVERYONE went there to work for Pixar and I was like ‘no way I’m gonna work for the damned mouse’. So I ended up at this little place that specialised in high end late stage rendering of CGI. And like someone sent us a copy of the Indian meme animations. And immediately I was like ‘WHOAH DUDE!’ Cos I could see there was something special.
Meredith Walker: What drew you to it?
Yolanda Yaltzer: The detail. Like whomever rendered the image- he’d SEEN a Vorton up close. Not on TV but in the flesh. They rendered it really well. Like, maybe cos of the nature of their bodies but it was easier to cross the uncanny valley with Vorton than with humans.
Meredith Walker: Cross the uncanny valley?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh yar. So when we do computer generated people on screen there is always that little thing that makes them look off. It isn’t much but we can usually always tell- that’s not a fricken human yeah? But Vorton have much more simplistic facial features. They like are easier to render on screen and make look real. To then anyway.
Meredith Walker: So what led you to make that first film?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Well, I’d JUST dumped this guy, he was like a yoga instructor from San Diego, and he was super into Tantra, but like, not willing to BE in the moment. And so I was like ‘no way is it worth trying to get him to actualise his feelings’ so I’d dumped his ass and I went on this super big creative trip and so was all up in my desire to make something. So I used those animations and improved on them. Improved on them a LOT.
Meredith Walker: What inspired you to make a film with an all Vorton cast?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Like it was easy. I could use the template from the Mumbai animation and just adjusted it. Did a short film about two Vorton encountering an automated food vendor. You KNOW how fustrating those things are- you have to be SO precise. So I did this short film about two Vorton trying to get it to work.
Meredith Walker: Entirely computer generated?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Obviously. Its not like I could like ASK a Vorton to show up.
Meredith Walker: And the language barrier?
Yolanda Yaltzer: I used a standard translation matrix. Their language was pretty basic.
Meredith Walker: Professor- why was Miss Irwins animation accepted and the previous ones not?
Dr Li Huning: Miss Irwin’s short film was not mocking Vorton. If anything it mocked the weakness of human AI. It was satire on our technology. The Vorton came across as very realistic, disdainfully trying to work out how to fathom something even we humans had issues with.
Meredith Walker: Is this why you decided to show the Vorton delegation the film?
Dr Li Huning: Partly. Also we were desperate. We wanted to distract them. They were talking about a new quota. 186 million tonnes of hardwood. They were after the Indonesian rainforests. All the Indonesian rainforests. Everyone was trying to find a way for us to be ‘useful’ for them. Any idea was being considered. I saw a copy of Miss Yeltzer’s short film and decided to show it to them.
Meredith Walker: And their reaction?
Dr Li Huning: They enjoyed it.
Meredith Walker: The Exarch and his advisors?
Dr Li Huning: No, all of them. The entire species. The Vorton hive mind. Four watched it, 23 billion enjoyed it. They wanted more.
Yolanda Yaltzer: And hey presto- 2074, the Human Vorton Entertainment industry was born. You’re welcome humanity.
Meredith Walker: Which leads us to the question that many have asked over the years- why DO you think they enjoyed our movies so much?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh GAWD so many reasons. Partly it was like you know, we had been making films for SO long. Like Hollywood was SO good at it..
Dr Li Huning: The Vorton had never needed visual portrayals of themselves Ms Walker. They communicated with themselves instantly after all. So seeing themselves on a screen was a novelty for them.
Sir William Patterson: And our film industry was merely a continuation of a long tradition of story telling, humans have been creating stories for centuries, thousands of years, after all.
Yolanda Yaltzer: TOTALLY! I mean like we forget- we watch some Hollywood movie and are all like ‘its derivative and commercial’ blah blah. We forget like movies are just an extension of the human need to create narratives so as to find a sense of the freakin’ numinous. To get a small hit of what the Vorton got on a daily. Since the first ever dramatists, Kālidāsa in India, Aristophanes in Ancient Greece, narrative tales had been man’s attempt to create meaning.
Meredith Walker: Er...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Humans seek desperatly to connect with one another. That dude Huxley said we are all ‘island universes’ you know? Each consciousness profoundly trapped within our own minds, desperately seeking commonality of experience. It’s why we are drawn to fictional tales. We want to find a sense of empathy, of connection with one another. Movies and books and all our stories were like the Vorton hive mind. But basic you know. Like super basic. Yet even the most crude low budget film is an attempt to unite us as a species. Take porn.
Meredith Walker: Porn?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh yar. Perfect example. Everyone who clicks on porn? Bottom line their need is to see something that makes them go ‘I want that to be me’ or ‘I want to make that happen’ yar? So like porn is just like reading something weird like Lord of the Rings but without the need to imagine yourself with pointy ears.
Meredith Walker: I had not...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Ultimately, we had been making films and doing books, hell just telling stories for aeons and it was all a low-key attempt to replicate the advanced central intelligence and experiences of the Vorton. We humans are alone and through stories and narratives seek to create constructs that allow us unite as a species. So given we had been doing that for freakin CENTURIES it meant we had such a head start when it came to translating such ideas into a moving visual medium that we were easily able to adapt to facilitate complex, nuanced and sophistication empathic responses within an alien audience.
Meredith Walker: Well. I don’t think our viewers have ever heard such an explanation... Er...
Sir William Patterson: You know, despite how Yolanda is portrayed in the media, she does have an IQ of 163.
Dr Li Huning: Yes. She would have a doctorate now if she would only maintain her studies.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Please Doc. Academia is like super boring.
Meredith Walker: Moving on, Professor? So Yolanda’s theory that human films replicated Vorton hive thinking was the reason they liked them?
Dr Li Huning: Partly. There was also a fascination with moving images of them. Vorton had a mixed sense of self. They do not exist as individuals. They are Collective. So seeing a Vorton always meant knowing a Vorton. ‘They’ and ‘me’ are one. Until they saw images of Vorton on screen. These high resolution computer images looked like them highly accurately but they could not connect to them telepathically. It intrigued them. They would focus on the images with all their attention.
Sir William Patterson: And this is where language became crucial.
Meredith Walker: How so Sir William?
Sir William Patterson: The Vorton had never developed a native language. They had not needed to. Since the species evolution they had communicated telepathically. This had allowed them evolve into apex predators on their home world. Had facilitated their technological ascendency. They only created the spoken Vorton language to communicate with the dozen client Worlds they conquered. They invented language so as to talk to non telepaths.
Dr Li Huning: Yes and the language was, by their standards, simplistic and crude. After all, all other species were crude by their standards. Yet in this simplicity lay the potential for vast amounts of systemic resonance.
Meredith Walker: Systemic resonance?
Sir William Patterson: Consider it this way Meredith. Suppose I say the word ‘blue’ to you. What comes into your mind?
Meredith Walker: The colour blue.
Sir William Patterson: Right. But someone else may think automatically of the sky. Or the ocean. Or the wallpaper in their nursery.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Totally. It’s dependent upon the individual. Like I hear ‘blue’ and I think of the music of Robert Johnson and BB King and the blues...
Sir William Patterson: Someone may think of the uniforms of Union soldiers in the American civil war. Others will think of cold. Or sadness.
Dr Li Huning: A person from China would hear the word and think of wood or immortality or spring...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Exactly, or be like ‘oh GAWD that blue dress Shawna was wearing last week made her ass look SO fat’...
Sir William Patterson: But each link, each connection we can infer from the word is kept within our minds, these ‘island universes’ as Yolanda said.
Dr Li Huning: But the Vorton shared all these connections with one another in real time. You say blue to a Vorton and they would instantaneously have all these thoughts and connections at once, even divergent ones and be able to reconcile these divergent reactions all within moments.
Sir William Patterson: By using their simplistic language we could communicate vast amounts of meaning.
Yolanda Yaltzer: It made writing scripts SUPER easy you know? Who needs careful dialogue to show a growing attraction between two Vorton? Just have one say ‘Meal. Tomorrow. Together?’ and they would fill in the blanks with like a billion variations and ideas and so forth. Not that they understood romance.
Dr Li Huning: This was why for the next 12 years we humans provided films and entertainments for the Vortons. Which they rewarded with payments. Usually in the form of gold.
Meredith Walker: And the Vorton just accepted these films without reservations?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Have you SEEN the size of my mansion?
Dr Li Huning: There were suspicions at first. But Miss Yolanda and a few others could produce movies showing Vortons doing things and saying things which they would watch with utter fascination. Their collective minds would fill simplistic plot and narrative with vast amounts of context, subtext and culture detail we could never guess at. Our films entertained them. And we would make sure they fit within world views the Vorton approved. We earned trust and became useful.
Meredith Walker: And on that note we need a word from our sponsors. We will be right back...
(Cut to advertisements; upon return video segment of clips of films targeted at Vorton audiences between 2077 and 2087 including ‘Destemper’ (YoYoFilms 2078); ‘Encounter on Farjo’ (UniversalWarner 2080); ‘The Enral Connundrum’ (YoYoFilms 2083; Winner Best Visual Effects; Best Sound Editing Academy Awards) and ‘Isolation’ (YoYoFilms 2086; Winner Best Adapted Screenplay; Best Director; Best Film Academy Awards)
Meredith Walker: Isolation was your biggest hit wasn’t it?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh MY Gawd. They adored it. The story of one of their own cut off from the hive mind by mysterious alien tech and battling his way back to connect to his own people? They fricken LOVED that. So did the Academy Awards! But like I didn’t have to blow anyone to get liked by the Vortons!
Meredith Walker: Sir William when did the military become involved?
Sir William Patterson: We were monitoring the growth of the entertainment industry from the earliest days but we only seriously became involved in 2083.
Meredith Walker: And you led that involvement?
Sir William Patterson: Eventually, yes. I had developed a theory at the time that the film industry would be useful to us. British Intelligence put me in contact with someone in America and this was how I became involved in Yolanda’s productions.
Meredith Walker: And your first joint project?
Sir William Patterson: ‘Twen’.
(Cut to clip of the film ‘Twen’ (YoYoFilms 2087) The fictional account of the famed warleader of the Vorton species who led their first three subjugations; the clip shows the image of Twen stood before his Legions during the Battle of Nebebabn Station; the image of Twen turns to his soldiers and begins speaking- human subtitles reveal the dialogue; ‘Forward again. Forward siblings. Or neglect the dead. Before now, harmonious being was purpose. Now war. Reject briefly harmonious. Be like a feral Braan....’ clip ends)
Meredith Walker: The Vorton enjoyed Twen?
Yolanda Yaltzer: A fricken understatement lady!
Dr Li Huning: It wasn’t that they enjoyed it. It was that we made it knowing they were about to invade the Gasteibians. It was basically a war movie made just before they went to war. And it actually aided them.
Meredith Walker: Aided them?
Dr Li Huning: The Vorton Exarch informed us that the species watched Twen three times before the attack on Gasteibian. It drove them to a heightened almost fanatical sense of combat readiness. Indeed by all accounts they felt Twen helped them ruthlessly destroy all Gasteiban resistance.
Meredith Walker: And Sir William was involved in making Twen?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Are you kidding me? He wrote the damn script.
Meredith Walker: You wrote the script Admiral?
Sir William Patterson: Not really. Its Shakespeare. Henry V. ‘Once More onto the breach dear friends once more...’. Just simplified it to fit the Vorton language and allowed the words and images inspire their collective mind. They did the rest.
Meredith Walker: But Twen was what convinced your superiors about your theory?
Sir William Patterson: Convinced them? No. But my superiors took my idea to NATO high command and they submitted it to the U.N. Liason Committee.
Dr Li Huning: And I saw the merits in his idea. Yes. I approved the plan. Invited William and Miss Yaltzer to join me in Geneva.
Meredith Walker: And that was how you all started working together then?
Dr Li Huning: On the Werther project? Yes.
Meredith Walker: What made this special?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Well like firstly, the basic set up I gave them was TOTALLY killer. So the opening sequence was gonna be a magnatar crashing into a black hole and there is this massive disruption of spacetime but also at a quantum level and BOOM! The Vortons in our story suddenly found themselves unable to talk with their minds.
Dr Li Huning: The basis for the movie wasn’t scientifically accurate...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh PLEASE Doc. It was a disaster movie. No disaster movie is EVER scientifically accurate. It’s all about narrative. Disaster happens. Hero copes. Standard template. Blah blah. And cos we hadn’t like ever made a disaster movie for em before we could use like EVERY trope like cos they hadn’t seen the tropes before. It was ideal.
Meredith Walker: But there was more to the film than that?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh yar! That was where sailor boy came in. He insisted we base what followed on some old book.
Meredith Walker: Sir William?
Sir William Patterson: Yes it was imperative we use a novel called ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’ by Johann Von Goethe. This is the book that established Von Goethe as one of the greats of German literature when it was published in 1774. I tried to tell Yolanda it was imperative we used this book as the basis of the story we were telling...
Yolanda Yaltzer: And I was like NO way. Like sure, I could see that we needed a narrative structure about individuals ‘Cos like all disaster movies do the big ‘arrrgghhhh im dying I’m dying’ routine but always make the story about basically boy meet girl and they get together while everything is blowing up, like ALL disaster movies you know, but this book? Oh GAWD!
Sir William Patterson: It’s one of the greats of European literature.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Its super boring Sailor Boy! Like the protagonist, Young Werther, he is SUCH a fricken Mary Sue. He is SO what the Goethe guy wanted to be. Super super intelligent and super super sensitive. Oh so goddamn sensitive. Like BARF!
Sir William Patterson: The book was chosen for a reason Yolanda...
Meredith Walker: Rumour has it, it was you who solved the creative arguments Dr Li?
Dr Li Huning: Yes. I saw the dilemma- where had two vehicles designed to tell two very differing stories. On the one hand Miss Yeltzer’s desire to use a disaster movie, which we could see would work at providing an exciting narrative structure. But on the other hand we had Williams need to use the novel by Goethe. Which we needed, to fit within his overall plan. At the same time I also saw a need to include narrative elements showing the Vorton coping with their loss of telepathic abilities and wanted images showing them coming together to overcome this as a way of reinforcing Vorton belief systems.
Meredith Walker: So how did you solve these conflicting ideas Dr Li?
Dr Li Huning: I suggested we scrap making a film and turn it into a mini series.
Yolanda Yaltzer: A freakin MINI SERIES. Screw Hollywood- do Netflix. It was great. We could take our time, work in somehow all we wanted.
Meredith Walker: And the Vorton enjoyed it?
Dr Li Huning: They could not get enough of it. The series introduced concepts they had never encountered before. Ideas they had never conceptualised. They would spend days engaged in complex debates based upon the themes we raised. And for the Vorton? Debates that last that long were unprecedented.
Meredith Walker: And they didn’t suspect any ulterior purpose?
Dr Li Huning: They saw us react truthfully. They would invite myself and Miss Yeltzer to their mothercraft in orbit above Earth to answer questions directly from their exarch after each episode on behalf of their species.
Yolanda Yaltzer: It was like a SUPER intense Q and A. Sailor boy came along with us as our bodyguard each time.
Dr Li Huning: And we appeared as what we were. Humans eager to entertain them and engage them.
Meredith Walker: Did you know the show would have the effect it did?
Dr Li Huning: Of course the possibility had been raised by Sir William.
Sir William Patterson: I didn’t KNOW at all. There was a small chance it could happen. That was all.
Meredith Walker: So what was it about that book that made it so important? Its a classic of literature as you said Sir William...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Oh please. Its a crap book. Don’t look at me like that sailor boy. It is. The Sorrows of Young Werther. Gimme a break. It’s all boring exposition. And the central story? So you have this guy Werther and he falls for this hottie but he never says anything cos he is as wet as it comes. And the hottie gets together with this older gentlemen- which is creepy but there it is. And Werther is always hanging around the couple in a super cringe way to ‘win her back’ or some crap like that.
Sir William Patterson: There is a little more to it than that Yolander...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Really? Where? Its insipid. He realises that the chicks Sugar Daddy? He’s ok. The girl he loves? She’s happy. So guess what? He decides it’s in everyone’s best interest to...kill himself.
Sir William Patterson: Seriously, there is a lot more to it, it was part of the Strum und Drang poetic movement and...
Yolanda Yaltzer: What a TOTAL incel! I mean Jebus! But guess what? Uber Incel can’t even kill himself right. He puts some old pistol to his head, pulls the trigger but doesn’t die. So lies there, like his brain’s bleeding out and it’s all woe is me and afterwards this girl and her Sugar Daddy are all sad...
Sir William Patterson: Honestly, it...
Dr Li Huning: There is a degree of accuracy here Sir William.
Yolanda Yaltzer: Thank you Doc. Anyway there THEN follows this huge over the top reaction apparently. Young men all over fricken Europe read this book and start dressing as this character. Like a whole new fashion craze all based on this Werther Incel Guy. Let’s face it- Goethe invented fanboys!
Sir William Patterson: Goethe did NOT invent fanboys.
Dr Li Huning: It could be argued that ‘Werther Fever’ was the first manifestation of what is today called ‘fangirl syndrome’ yes.
Yolanda Yaltzer: ANYWAY- that’s what we had to work into our disaster flick. That! How the hell do we work in that?
Meredith Walker: But you all clearly did?
Dr Li Huning: We were able to harmonise the themes in the novel into conventions the Vorton’s could conceptualise. Human romanticism became Vorton desires for unity; connotations of desire were made into a longing to be re-connect as a species; crucially we showed the Vortons they were not weakened by this horrendous situation but retained agency. It was important they became invested in the story.
Meredith Walker: Because of the Werther Fever Effect?
Dr Li Huning: Because of that, yes.
Meredith Walker: Sir William, you insisted upon the story being used because you of this after effect. Did you hope somehow using the book by Goethe that the Vorton’s would change their minds about us. Sway our conquerors with a good story?
Dr Li Huning: The original made Napoleon a huge fan I have noticed.
Sir William Patterson: Well not quite. Werther Fever erupted across Europe as translations of the novel came out, as Yolanda described, but there was an additional side effect to this. Across Europe there began a series of copycat suicides as these impressionable young men would emulate their hero...
Meredith Walker: So the book inspired suicide?
Sir William Patterson: Not quite. The link between the novel and the spate of suicides that erupted across Europe is still hotly debated within academic circles...
Yolanda Yaltzer: There was a fricken wave of 18th century Incel fanboys blowing their brains out after reading this book I swear!
Sir William Patterson: I felt that perhaps this effect could be replicated to a degree; given the complexity of Vorton psychology, I didn’t expect a simple replication of the impact upon 18th century readers but that was the gist of the plan. I simply weaponised our ability to tell stories.
Meredith Walker: And Professor the hope within the liason committee was that this miniseries would cause some suicides amidst the Vorton race?
Dr Li Huning: No. Given they had once said we humans were but a millionth of them, we earnestly hoped for a much stronger reaction. And we all know the results.
Meredith Walker: The entire Vorton species.
Dr Li Huning: Every last one of them. We imagine it was a cascade effect. The climax of the series, the Vorton version of Werther discovering that the race had lost its telepathic abilities forever and that his furious determination to regain this skill was in fact holding back his species from evolving to maintain their position as dominant was crucial. They had to see him rationalise that he was hurting the species by his continued existence
Sir William Patterson: The aim was to introduce the very human idea of noble sacrifice to the Vorton... you know ‘it’s a Far far better thing that I do now...’
Yolanda Yaltzer: BUT punch it home with a 28 hour lead up designed to get the entire race to identify with one fricken over-sensitive milkbaby. The results? Splat!
Meredith Walker: Splat?
Dr Li Huning: Quantum biological effect. Autopsies reveal the Vorton suffered cerebral implosions as we imagine a cascade effect of the desire to self destruct took over.
Meredith Walker: They willed themselves to death?
Yolanda Yaltzer: Hey- you ever stood on the edge of a drop and gazed down and had that brief urge to just like jump!? Imagine that but that urge amplified by 23 billion people, your entire species thinking it at the exact same time and now imagine just how powerful that urge would become. Splat!
Meredith Walker: None of you seem bothered by the fact you annihilated an entire species?
Yolanda Yaltzer: They had wanted to wipe out the Orangutans. I’d take Orangutans over the aliens who screwed Canada any time.
Dr Li Huning: Ultimately it was about survival. Either we destroyed them or we remained slaves. I have no issue with that.
Sir William Patterson: They were the enemy. And this was the only weapon we could use. We won. They lost. Its war.
Meredith Walker: And Admiral you were able to take control of their ship instantly?
Sir William Patterson: We had spent 18 months carefully studying how they piloted their ships and in the weeks during the serialisation of the show I had familerised myself with the controls yes.
Meredith Walker: Now there are some who feel that there was a degree of calculation in what came next...
Sir William Patterson: The entire Vorton Ascendency was gone. The species was no more. But the 13 subservient planets didn’t know we had just wiped them out. What followed was a strategic decision.
Dr Li Huning: Presidents Lu of China, McKindrick of the United States, and Prime Ministers of Israel, Great Britain, Japan and Indonesia all agree upon us travelling to the Vorton homeworld and taking control of its resources.
Yolanda Yaltzer: I am SO gonna turn that trip into a film...
Dr Li Huning: Miss Yaltzer, much of the operation and the aftermath is still classified...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Doc, PLEASE! Like anyone needs accuracy to make a good movie... of course I’d need to make me and sailor boy have a romance to make it work...
Sir William Patterson: A romance Yolanda? Well I hardly think...
Yolanda Yaltzer: Hey sailor boy. Chill. Its a movie not real life. We both agreed on the way back to remain as sex buddies...
Meredith Walker: And coming up- the new Human Space Empire; one year on- are we ready to rule the galaxy? I’d like to thank my guests for their time...
(Transcripts end)
I could tear open my bosom with vexation to think how little we are capable of influencing the feelings of each other
No one can communicate to me those sensations of love, joy, rapture, and delight which I do not naturally possess; and though my heart may glow with the most lively affection, I cannot make the happiness of one in whom the same warmth is not inherent
The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
submitted by thefeckamIdoing to HFY [link] [comments]

The owners of the resort I'm staying at have coins for eyes

I was about thirteen years old when my family went to stay at a resort called The Plastic Flower for the summer. From the very start, it was a bizarre experience. I remember like it was a dream, waking up to my mum saying; “time to go, dear.”
Out the window of our city apartment, I could see a taxi parked on the street. It looked old-fashioned, like a drawing of a taxi in an Addams Family comic strip, all pointy and black. My family were the type to always take us kids on weird extravagant adventures with no warning. I was used to being woken up in the middle of the night for a sudden trip to the Bahamas, or taken out of school to go to a fashion show in Paris. I already had a small travel bag for occasions such as this.
My family walked out of the apartment to the waiting taxi. The windows were blacked out so we couldn’t see the driver. I looked around at us all. My mother, Yasmine and her brothers Abe and Casper along with my twin brother Darius were all walking out the front door with their suitcases. I felt the usual exasperation in my chest.
“Where’s Old Mother?” I said. This was our name for our grandmother.
“She didn’t want to come,” said Uncle Abe as he knocked on the driver’s window. The boot lifted open and Uncle Casper helped stack our luggage inside. Then we all piled into the back seat, squashed up together. There was a screen that blocked the view of the driver.
“Where are we going?” Darius asked. Our mother smiled gleefully, placing a hand to her heart.
“Oh a lovely resort in the countryside,” she said. “I got a pamphlet in the mail and it reminded me of Mallory Towers, this beautiful old house by the beach. Just gorgeous. It’s called The Plastic Flower. They’ll be other children for you to play with too my dears.”
My mum often talked to us like we were toddlers instead of teenagers. The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep again was the vehicle driving through the archway at the end of our street and suddenly realizing the driver was following another identical black taxi.
Old Mother, a bespectacled woman with her black hair always in a bun had made a fortune developing a world renowned fashion house, the most elite of society clamoring to wear her clothes. After Old Father died she turned away from the spotlight and locked herself up in her apartment with her triplets and grandchildren. My Uncle Abe, a small man with slicked back hair who wore loud gold suits, had taken over most of the duties of the fashion house as Old Mother was getting on in years. My Uncle Casper, who was large and muscular, was a drag queen known as Cassandra and my mother, petite and doe-eyed ran the nightclub he performed in. My mum didn’t know who our father was, telling Darius and I when we were ten that we were conceived during an orgy. Darius, was lanky, had his hair dyed fire engine red and liked to wear Goth make-up and clothes, while I was stockier and tended to present myself in a more casual style of hoodies and shorts.
I woke in the taxi, feeling cramped and stiff. My family was waking up around me. We were driving down a dirt road through a forest, lush, green with wildflowers dotting the roadside. We were approaching a house on a grassy hill, only one story with white walls and a terracotta roof. At the bottom of the hill was the seaside, the waves lapping serenely at the white sand.
I was a bit surprised. This place seemed a bit too ordinary for my family’s tastes. But I immediately preferred it to the grand hotels and resorts we usually stayed in. It was very cozy looking.
The taxi pulled up to an area of gravel in front of the front door. We all got out as the boot of the car cracked open. Uncle Casper got all the bags as Mum and Uncle Abe walked ahead towards the house. Darius and I helped Uncle Casper with the luggage before we made our way inside.
When we walked in, Darius and I immediately stopped, looking around with complete bemusement. We were in a foyer, the ceiling stretching above us, all latticed and intricately detailed. There was an arched door made of oak in front of us and we could hear faint laughter and chattering behind it. On either side of the oak door were two circular holes covered with black vinyl flaps and a set of gold tracks that connected them. To our left and right were long corridors, the floors all decoratively tiled, the windows letting in light.
“It’s too big,” said Darius. The foyer alone looked larger than the whole building from the outside. The adults ignored us, smiling around at the place as Uncle Casper put down the bags.
“Oh looks just divine doesn’t it?” said Uncle Abe. There was movement at the corridor to the left and Darius and I looked around.
Another girl was there. She was squat and sulky looking and was around our age but dressed much younger in a pinafore dress, white stockings, Mary Jane shoes and a bow in her bobbed black hair. I noticed the dress was from my family’s fashion label. She must have been rich.
We were both a bit too shy to introduce ourselves, so we just awkwardly ignored each other. Ahead of us, the triplets had found an old fashioned television up against the wall. It turned itself on at their approach.
“It’s so retro!” Uncle Casper said delightedly. “Total vintage vibes!”
“I know, isn’t it just the cutest?” my mother replied.
“Hush,” said Uncle Abe, flapping his hand at his siblings. “We’re going to miss what its saying.”
We watched as a rainbow grew across the black static filled screen and swirled around like a snake’s tail. Then a woman grew from the end of the rainbow in a long dark pink dress with heavy sleeves. She had strawberry blonde hair and an alarming smile on her paper white face, mouth fixed, lips stretched and teeth shining. A sliver of unease went through me. Something must have been wrong with the television. Her eyes looked like silver coins engraved with two crosses.
“Welcome!” the lady in the rainbow said in a soft, sweet and smooth voice that reminded me of strawberry ice-cream.
“Here at The Plastic Flower you can do whatever your heart desires. My associates and I will always be around to help you with whatever you need.”
In a glitter of rainbow light, two men appeared on either side of her. They looked similar to each other with thick red frowning mouths, paper white skin and the same silver crossed eyes as the lady in the rainbow. The one on the left was tall, thin with a wild black cloud of hair, wearing a top hat and a ruffled black suit. The one on the right was short and overweight with three tufts of blond hair on his head, wearing dirty shorts and a singlet with his beer gut hanging out.
“Just give us a call and we’ll be there,” said the lady in the rainbow. “Feel free to swim in our lovely beach, explore our forests or shop til you drop in our shopping center. Enjoy you’re stay! You’ll never want to leave.”
The TV flickered and the woman shrunk back into a rainbow, reversing over the black screen, the two men disappearing with a sparkle. Darius and I exchanged confused looks. A shopping center? How could a shopping center fit in this place?
“Oh lovely,” my mother said to us. “You’ve made a little friend already.”
She smiled at the strange girl beside us.
“What’s your name dear?”
“Lucy Moon,” the girl replied and the triplet’s faces brightened.
“Any relation to Moon Jewelry?” asked Uncle Abe and Lucy nodded.
“Tell your parents hello when you see them,” said Uncle Abe. “We always have our models in their products. Absolutely divine!”
Lucy’s face shifted as she looked between my mother and uncles, slowly recognizing who we were.
“Well, have fun!” said mum. “We’re going to go check out the shopping center. You can amuse yourselves, dears.”
The triplets walked for the oak door, disappearing into the darkness behind it. They’d left their bags behind for us to look after. Lucy looked us up and down. Darius was silent but I decided to try to be friendly and sent her a little wave
“Hi,” I said to her. “This is my twin Darius and my name is Salome, but everyone calls me Sally.”
Lucy stared at us with shrewd narrow eyes.
“If you’re parents are so rich and famous, why do they let you look like that?” she asked and then pointed to Darius. “You look like a Tim Burton drawing of a raccoon. And you, you’ve got a bowl-cut and a five dollar outfit.”
We just stared at her, shocked into silence by her rudeness. Old Mother believed in teaching her grand-kids the value of money. She said she’d been too hands-off with the triplets, throwing nannies and gifts at them and now they were shallow and materialistic. We did chores to earn pocket money, were hounded to get jobs after school and always bought our own stuff, including clothes. I wasn’t very interested in fashion and just got whatever was in the clearance rack. The triplets disapproved of all this and their spontaneous holidays where Old Mother wasn’t invited was their childish rebellion against her.
“My parents wouldn’t let me out of the house looking like you two,” Lucy said. “They’ve got pride. But I guess that’s because we’re not nouveau riche like you’re trashy family.”
With that she walked off on us. I wanted to point out that at least I was dressed my age and not like an overgrown toddler. But she was already off around the corner.
“Charming,” said Darius and I bit back a smile. I could see down the corridor, tags hanging off the door handles, each one displaying the names of our family. I went over and picked up my tag, turning it around to see a door pass attached. I opened up my door to see a cozy room with a plush bed covered in colorful cushions and a large wardrobe to hang my clothes.
Darius and I started hefting the bags over to each of our family’s rooms. Then we just stood around the corridor trying to think of what to do to entertain ourselves. A door opened somewhere around the corner and Lucy came skulking out, carrying a towel and dressed in a swimsuit no doubt heading for the beach. She sneered at us and we ignored her.
“I dunno what to do,” said Darius. “Maybe I’ll just take a nap or something.”
Suddenly there was a magnified sound that filled up the corridor like it was coming through an intercom, making us all jump. It was a horrible slobbering as though someone was choking on their own spit. Then there was angry muffled murmuring and the clunk of someone grabbing at the speaker.
“What do you like?” an awful high-pitched voice shouted. “What do you like? Answer! Answer!”
Again there was a knocking sound and a commotion of huffing and snarling as the speaker was wrestled free.
“So sorry,” the familiar voice of the lady in the rainbow said. “Please tell us what activity you’d like to participate in and we’d happily oblige you.”
We three kids just exchanged looks. What the hell was all that other noise about? I could feel the unease that had just been a seed in my chest when I first got here start to blossom larger, spreading its poison tendrils through my body.
“Uhhh…” said Darius finally. “I could watch a movie?”
A door at the end of the corridor opened and the smell of buttered popcorn wafted over to us from the darkness.
“Anything you want,” the woman said. Darius hesitated then moved for the door.
“I want to go swimming at the beach,” said Lucy at once.
“Of course, there’s a path out the back of this building that will lead the way,” said the voice. Behind us in the foyer, the front doors creaked open, a sea breeze blowing down the corridor. Lucy ran off.
“And last but certainly not least, what is it that you desire?” said the voice to me.
“I guess I’m a bit hungry,” I murmured under my breath, her soothing voice not doing anything for my nerves.
“What is your most favorite of food?” she asked me. “It shall be provided to you.”
My mind instantly jumped to having tea in Old Mother’s parlor. She made delicious scones with jam and cream, little sandwiches, sugar biscuits and the nicest tea I’d ever had.
“Tea and scones with sugar biscuits please,” I said.
“As you wish,” said the strawberry ice-cream voice. A door down the other end of the corridor opened. I walked towards it. Inside I took a seat at a table with a three-tiered platter and a chintz tea set. Through a big bay window overlooking the beach I could see Lucy running gleefully across the sand, splashing in the water.
I poured myself a cup of tea and picked up a scone, along with the little saucers of cream and jam. Taking a bite, I watched the waves crashing on the sand outside the window. The tea and finger food was delicious, made to perfection. Not as nice as Old Mother’s obviously but of course we all tend to prefer the food we grew up on.
I remembered being in the parlor in our city apartment in comfortable armchairs, Old Mother refilling our cups with piping hot tea.
“When I was your age,” she’d say as we sipped from our cups. “My mother had me running around at the tea-shop, serving the customers. I was supposed to run the place when she died, be a nice plump woman in an apron and hairnet with flour on my nose. I horrified her when I got into “that whorish fashion,” instead.”
I enjoyed listening to her stories. I’m not much good at anything else but listening to people. I like hearing people talk about themselves, especially Old Mother. I didn’t get to spend much alone time with the adults in my family, the triplets just took us on expensive holidays. I think we were more like handbag Chihuahuas to them, cute accessories to take around, show off and coo at but not emotionally connect with.
Lucy had stopped running around and was now standing stock still, staring at something in the distance. I looked over and saw one of the men from the welcome video, the shorter, fatter one, over by the path that led to the beach. He was boggling at Lucy, slack jawed, drool running down his chin. There hadn’t been a problem with the television. His eyes were silver coins with cross engravings.
Lucy walked backwards into the ocean, swimming further and further out, not taking her eyes off the man. He was completely still for a few moments and then turned around. I felt a jolt of terror in my chest. Could he see me through the window?
The man didn’t spot me. He just wandered off down the beach path towards the forest, arms dangling loosely by his sides.
My heart was still thumping, my skin cold and clammy. What was that? Was he some kind of pervert? I looked out at the ocean, Lucy’s dark head bobbing in the water. She swam back towards the shore, picked up her towel and bolted for the house again. When she made it inside I heard her cry out in a frightened voice; “Mum? Dad?”
She ran down the corridor, disappearing away into the depths of the house.
The whole experience had put me of the food. I got up and hurried out. I peered up and down the corridor, feeling my stomach shake. When I saw the coast was clear I bolted for my room. I pulled out my old stuffed toy crocodile that I’d had since I was a toddler. Inside the toy’s head hidden among the fluff was a switchblade. Old Mother had gifted us the weapons to me and Darius at a young age.
“The celebrity world is full of rich perverts who get away with all kinds of depravity,” she said. “You can’t depend on your mother or uncles to protect you. Anyone tries anything, you go straight for the eyes.”
After a while of watching the door, I found myself growing tired. Still carrying my plush crocodile, I climbed into my pajamas and dressing gown, sitting on my bed. I didn’t want to fall asleep but my eyelids were heavy, my body fighting against me. I’d take a quick nap and by the time I woke up the triplets were sure to be back. Gripping my secret weapon I dropped off to sleep.
I dreamed of a black void with a pink light glowing in the distance.
There was a creaking sound. My eyes flew open, my stomach dropping and my skin going cold. Moonlight was shining through the window, illuminating a figure bent over at the foot of my bed.
The tall thin man with the black hair in the ruffled suit and top hat was going through my bag. He pulled out my brush and untangled some of the hair from the bristles. He spotted me and his silver coin eyes glinted.
“My brother eat the hair,” he said in the high-pitched voice that I’d heard over the intercom earlier. “I not eat hair. Disgusting.”
He shoved the black hair into his pocket.
“I prefer the special blood,” he said. “Do you bleed yet? Put the cotton thingies in the bin so I can have them. Nice to chew on.”
I screamed, making the man jump and shrink back.
“Mum!” I wailed with terror. The man’s face furrowed with confusion, putting his hands up to his ears.
“Why you screaming?” he said. “I just make conversation?”
I jumped out of bed and ran for the door, still wailing at the top of my lungs, tears pouring down my face. I bolted down the corridor towards the foyer.
Sitting by the big oak door was Darius and Lucy, both in their pajamas too. They looked up at me as I ran over.
“M-m-man in my room…” I gasped out, fear and adrenaline coursing through my body.
“This place is fucked,” said Darius, eyes flickering around. “I was in the cinema and I felt something picking at my head. I turned around and it was that fat guy. He was putting my hair in his mouth.”
I shivered as I sat down beside him. It was night time and the adults hadn’t returned. Through the big arched door, we could hear faint laughter and chattering.
“I bet it’s like the end of Society happening in there,” said Darius.
“What are you talking about?” I asked. Darius sent me a condescending smile.
“Oh it’s a really underground film, barely anyone knows about it,” he replied and I rolled my eyes. Darius was fine most of the time but he had a pretentious, hipster side of him that annoyed the crap out of me. Lucy was eyeing the toy crocodile I was carrying with a look of contempt on her face.
“You still have stuffed animals?” she said. “That’s so babyish.”
I couldn’t believe she’d make fun of something so trivial when we were all being terrorized by creepy men in a strange house with all of our parents missing. Her priorities were completely warped.
“Have you seen Mum or the Uncles at all?” I asked Darius who shook his head.
“My parents will be back soon,” Lucy said, looking down her nose at us. “Maybe yours don’t care about you but mine do.”
We ignored her.
I felt a sick jolt go through me, my heart panging painfully in my throat. Something was moving out of the vinyl flaps to the right of us and onto the wall. For a moment I had no idea what it was as we moved back all at once. It looked like a shadow of a humongous creature.
We heard a clanking, clattering sound coming from the same direction. The vinyl flaps were pushed open as a cart with a man inside came rattling across the tracks towards us. The man, old and frail with wild grey hair, dark wrinkled skin and black sunglasses, peered at us for a moment as if he was struggling to make us out.
“Where’s the dragon?” he yelled. “Where’d the dragon go?”
We looked up at the shadow on the wall. I realized it was a painting of a curling, writhing traditional Japanese dragon with a gaping maw and huge mane. It was moving towards the other vinyl entrance to the left.
The old man gestured at us with a gnarled hand.
“Get in the trolley quick!” he said. “This is a dangerous place. I can get you back home again!”
We stared at him, more frightened than ever. Stranger danger blared in my mind. I felt completely unsafe at this resort and wanted to go home but I’d be the dumbest kid around to just jump in this man’s trolley.
“Quickly!” said the old man as the cart traveled across the tracks towards the second set of vinyl flaps. The dragon had disappeared inside it.
“My parents told me to never go anywhere with strangers!” said Lucy. “They’ll be back any second now and they’ll call the police on you for being a creep!”
There was a rough coughing sound from behind us and we jumped around. In the doorway was the overweight, blond man with coins for eyes. He was making a gagging, choking sound, slobber dribbling down his chin. Sticking his fingers clumsily into his mouth, he started pulling out clumps of matted saliva soaked hair, black and fire engine red from the depths of his throat with horrible heaving gasps.
“Ughhh!” screamed Darius in horror as I staggered back and Lucy let out a cry.
“C’mon already!” cried the old man, his cart beginning to slide through the vinyl flaps. Between the two, I knew who seemed more terrifying. We all ran to clamber inside the cart. As we rolled across the tracks, I watched the gagging man in the doorway, our combined hair oozing down his front as he watched us leave.
Part Two
submitted by madoto-78 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Adventure: Parting (Ch. 21)

First l Previous l Next
David was ecstatic, giddy, excited and every other word synonymous with those. He had a brand new ship! He inhaled deeply, taking in that new ship smell. The airlock pressurized and allowed them to proceed further inside.
If he thought the air lock had the new ship smell, he was practically overwhelmed by it in the main portion. Everything was clean, shiny, and sleek, he almost felt like it would be a sin to step inside but his excitement outweighed the feeling by far. Doing a power walk he proceeded into the ship eager to see just how everything looked in person.
He came upon the storage rooms first and figured he should make a stop to collect some of the personal items currently in there. It was a fairly plain room as he expected, just a large cube of new metal with a couple of crates and boxes laying around. David went over to where he spotted the gun cases and checked them. The larger, almost guitar like case held his new railgun and when he opened one of the smaller cases he found his pistol there. He managed to fit the cases into his grip along with the rest of his luggage and told Sky to get the left over case that had his gun inside.
Solomon perked up a bit, "You got him a gun?"
"Yeah, if he's going to be coming with me for a while he will need one, just in case."
"I hope you taught him how to use it at the least."
"Of course, I'm not going to give a gun to someone who doesn't at least know how to handle it, that's just asking for accidents to happen."
Solomon seemed content after that and they went to see the rest of the ship. With arms currently full David decided to check out the rooms first, the ship could comfortably house six, but was capable of transporting far more than that should the need arise. They came to the hallway that contained all the rooms and David directed the pair on where to go.
"Ok, if I remember correctly, I think your room is the first one on the right Sky, It should be designed for you. Solomon, I don't think you'll be on board for that long but feel free to choose a room as well." Sky moved to his room, Solomon decided to check out the middle room on the left side, and David moved to the room right across the way from Sky's.
The room was very modern in design, David was happy that they managed to get the wood inlay that he requested for the walls. The bed was queen sized, neatly made, and he felt sleepy just looking at it. There was an entertainment system imbedded into the wall across from the bed and a few pieces of furniture like dressers and nightstands.
David dropped all his stuff by the foot of the bed then flopped onto it's surface. Oh my god it's soft. He huffed the bed sheets savoring the clean scent that they had and sighed blissfully. He probably would have attempted to sleep right there if he didn't want to see the rest of his ship and get them moving. He slid off his bed and grabbed the case that held his new gun. He examined it to make sure everything was working correctly, loaded the gun and a few mags, then slipped them into his holster before proceeding out the door.
Solomon was waiting in the hall but Sky was apparently still in his room. David went up to the door and knocked. "Hey Sky, we're going to check out the rest of the ship, are you coming?" David heard the sound of clicking footsteps rush to the door before it slid open.
"Sorry, I was trying to figure out how things work."
David waved off his apology. "Don't worry about it, I'll show you later. Right now, let's tour the rest of the ship." Sky nodded and the trio left to see what the ship had to offer. They found the kitchen close by, though it was closer in size to a large living room than anything else. The appliances took up about a fourth of the room and were quite impressive to look at. There were two large tables that took up a lot of space and could fit upwards of a dozen people. David considered all the things that he would be able to make now that he had a fully loaded kitchen on board. He was excited for dinner so he could test all this to its fullest extent.
They found the lounge next. David noticed that it did come with it's own bar, which was a nice feature but he would have to stock it first. The room was two tiered, with the upper bar area descending into the entertainment area. A large semi-circle couch, that was flush with the bar level, was the center piece of the room with stairs on either side of it. A very nice coffee table was present inside the semi-circle and a massive entertainment system with VR hookup was across from it. The lounge chairs in the bar area all looked extremely comfortable and David couldn't wait to sit down with a nice drink one of these days.
The gym was located near the lounge. There was a lot of the typical things you would find inside of one, dumbbells, treadmill, a few weight machines. The only thing out of the ordinary was an elevated platform that had no really indication of what it was. David went to inspect it quickly and found a console on one side which he powered up. The power on greeting answered his question as to what it was, a gravity machine. You can locally manipulate the amount of gravity in the area of the platform in order to get a more intense work out if you so desire, it had safety limits, but was still useful. Curiosity sated, they continued on.
They passed by the engine room with a quick look inside at the impressive array of pipes, lights, and the glowing reactor that was humming away. The fabricator was the next discovery. It had it's own little room in a corner of the ship but was still a fairly large machine. Like an advanced 3D printer, it could create objects and tools so long as it had the correct material stored, and David made sure he wouldn't be running out of any material any time soon.
Last room of any note was the cockpit. Four very nice padded seats comprised the cockpit, two in the front for pilot and copilot, one on the back left that looked like navigational controls, and one on the back right that controlled shields and weapons. David smiled and rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he jumped into the pilot seat, which was very comfortable. There were a lot more controls available than what he was used to. He looked over all the new features at his disposal and came to the conclusion that he had the ability to slave any controls and functions of the ship to himself at any point, the other seats were for relieving stress on himself or the AI. Speaking of the AI, he thought that maybe he should think of a name for it as well.
"Alright, lets get this show on the road then. Take a seat everyone. Hey AI, can you get us clearance to launch?"
"Sending requests now captain." David powered up the ship with a few flipped switches that caused his command console to light up and a hum to be heard through the ship. "Clearance received, marking exit trajectory." A holographic display appeared on the front view port marking the exact path to take.
Damn I love this ship. Hands on the controls he throttled up until the ship left the ground. Retracting the landing gear he pushed forward, smoothly propelling them out of the hanger and into the void of space. "Alright, path a route to the stations jump gate."
"Yes captain." The display morphed and showed a new curved path. Following the display led around the station and eventually their destination came into view. A massive metal ring floated in the weightlessness of space with a line of ships slowly proceeding through it. Every couple of seconds an arch of energy would fire from the rings edge to its center followed by a flash of light that would cause a ship to disappear. David piloted the ship to the back of the line and matched velocity of the ship ahead of him.
"Buckle up everyone, jump gates are a bit rougher than FTL." Several seatbelt clicks rang out from the cockpit as David input coordinates for the jump into his console. He looked over at Sky who was decidedly nervous about the whole jump thing. "It'll be alright Sky, these things are perfectly safe. Just keep your head back against the seat. When we jump it will feel like we are accelerating very fast and press you into the seat. Try to relax your body as much as possible." Sky took a few deep breaths to calm himself but he still was not very relaxed.
Their turn was coming up, the ship in front of them was hit with a bolt of energy and blinding light then was gone. Sky was definitely not taking to it very well as he was wide eyed and digging in to the seat. They were in position, coordinates input, and then they got hit with the energy. Approximately three Gs of force pressed onto them as they slipped through the fabric of space at impossible speeds. All they saw was black as not even light could reach them at this velocity. The sensation lasted maybe three seconds before they came out with a jarring deceleration.
Sky looked woozy but still in one piece, Solomon shook himself a little bit before straightening again. David looked at the information on his console to make sure everything had gone according to plan. Readings from surrounding area confirmed that they did indeed make it to Orion Station and David set about turning them towards said station.
Far smaller than Kallengos, but still quite large, the stations design opted for a more cylindrical shape, which helped with its primary function of producing large ships en masse. A few of those ships were currently positioned around the station. Destroyers and leviathans were moving about, possibly as test flights to make sure everything was working. The one ship David was mostly interested in however was the planet cracker that was positioned on the perimeter of the station.
This class of ship was a human brain child as it didn't exist until after humanity came into the galactic scene. It lived up to its classification as the armaments it possessed could annihilate an unprotected world by itself. Watching test fire recordings that were conducted on dead planets was something to behold as literal chunks of the planet would be removed with each volley of its weaponry.
David transmitted his request for landing clearance and was granted it after a minute. Following directions to the designated hanger he deployed the landing gear, and with what was possibly his smoothest landing to date thanks to the fantastic hydraulics, touched down in the hanger. David release an appeased sigh and rubbed the console of the ship a little in satisfaction at the performance.
Everyone unbuckled and got up to exit the ship. Sky was a bit wobbly on his feet at first but found his space legs again after a moment. Walking down the hallways David came to the realization that Solomon would soon leave the group and was starting to feel a bit depressed at the notion. He had made fast friends with him and then parted just as quickly. He resolved himself to visit whenever he had free time.
"So this is it then huh? New station, new job, new start. This time try not to get abducted, can't go chasing all over the universe after you."
Solomon did his version of a chuckle. "I don't think I'm in any danger of that anymore when this station literally produces machines of war to keep those kinds of people away."
"Still, keep those tentacles out of trouble while I'm away."
"Yes, mom." He said sarcastically. David got a good chuckle out of that retort, maybe Solomon had spent too much time around humans for his own good. They made it to the airlock again and the doors closed around them.
"I'll stick around for a few hours in case something goes south and you need another lift out of here."
"I appreciate it, take care of yourself, I don't want the next time we meet to be meeting you in pieces." He turned towards Sky. "Make sure the stupid monkey doesn't do anything crazy would you?" Sky smiled a bit at that and nodded.
Traitor, and you are asking for it Solomon. "Yeah, and you make sure no one turns you into calamari there Squidward."
Solomon tilted his head slightly. "I do not get the reference, but I can tell you are pleased with your counter, so I take mild offense."
David laughed heartily and then offered a hand to Solomon. "Till next we meet then."
Solomon wrapped a manipulator around his hand and shook. "Safe travels to the both of you." Disconnecting from the handshake he did a respectful bow which David returned. The exit door slid open to let Solomon out and he proceeded down the ramp before the door closed again. David let out a sad sigh at the absence of his friend. turning away from the door he went back into the ship with Sky following.
Heading back to the rooms he addressed Sky. "Well it's as good a time as any to show you how to use the equipment in your room. Point out anything you don't understand and I'll show you how to work it." Sky nodded and went into his room with David following this time. Sky's room was similar in design to his, but a noticeable difference was that everything was smaller and the bed was replaced with a padded perch.
"What is this?" he had pointed to the entertainment system in the wall. David explained it's use in watching shows and movies as well as how to work the controls to navigate through said mediums. Sky looked at the system with wonder as he tested it, getting a view of a far away planet that was part of a documentary.
Sky peeled himself away from the screen and went into the bathroom where he pointed to the shower. "How do I use this?" It was a fairly advanced shower all things considered so David gave him the benefit of the doubt. He showed him how to select which shower head the water came out of, how to set the temperature, pressure and type of spray, as well as what he needed to do if he wanted to take a bath instead.
Sky sat with his mouth agape for a moment before speaking again. "I can use warm water?" Of all the things to be surprised about, that was the last one David expected.
"Umm, yeah, you can use hot water if you really wanted to. Out of curiosity, how did you normally shower?"
"We were allowed to use the shower once a week, and it was just a pipe with a valve that sprayed cold water."
David sighed to himself. The more I learn the less I want to know. The conditions Sky lived his life in were truly horrendous, he was only glad that he could now give Sky something good in return for all the horrible things he suffered through. "Well you can use this shower whenever you need to, at any temperature you find comfortable." Sky was beaming at the thought.
After a second he turned and pointed to the other side of the room. "What's that one then?" David looked over and there was an instalment similar to the shower but not quite it.
David cocked his head a little bit. "To be honest I'm not a hundred percent sure. Lets find out shall we." He went over to the glass enclosure and saw vents of some kind spread all around inside. There were controls on the wall within, he opened the glass door and reached to press what looked like the power button. He was almost immediately hit with a stream of warm air as the vents created something akin to a wind tunnel.
"Oh, it's a giant hair dryer, or in this case feather dryer. You can use this to dry off when you get out of the shower." Sky looked in awe at the machine as it whirled the air inside around. David hit the power button again to turn it off. "So, is there anything else you want to know?"
Sky shook his head. "No, I think that's it."
David gave a nod. "Alright then, now that I think about it, I should probably take a shower myself before I start stinking the whole ship up."
Sky looked at the shower again. "That does sound nice."
"I'll see you after then." He left the room for his own and fished out some of his soaps from the bags. He stripped down and went into the shower turning on the hot water at a decent pressure from multiple angles. This is heaven. The water washed all his grime and sweat away leaving him feeling born again. The soap was lathered all over him without regard to quantity used as he scrubbed his crooks and crevices that were in desperate need of cleaning. He took a longer than normal shower, mostly just enjoying the water, but eventually he got out and dried off with one of his new towels.
freshly washed he decided to shave to complete the triumvirate of being showered, shaved, and freshly clothed. Smooth faced and looking like a million credits, which he may actually have now that he thought about it, he went to the bedroom and laid down on the bed again. He was exhausted and extremely relaxed but couldn't sleep at the moment because he needed to keep an eye out for Solomon and then get ready to fulfill his first promise to Sky. With a sigh he managed to push himself to a sitting position. Grabbing his clothes he got dressed again and went to kill a little time. Maybe it's time to show Sky VR.
Like always let me know what you think down below and of anything that could improve my writing.
submitted by XSevenSins to HFY [link] [comments]

Will0fthePeople's EXTENSIVE Challenge Recap week 7

I'm back and I'm ready to rock exactly 13 of you luck reddit users with my completely unbiased summary of last weeks shenanigans. Quick insight to how I write these, I take notes when I do my first watch of stuff I think - foreshadowing etc. and then do the write up around this time of the week with the full episode on stop and start. So if I think somethings significant or have an opinion I'll only mention it if I've included it in my first watch notes. (to make the summary seem live I guess?) ANYWAY. Last weeks summary:
And without further ado, week 7:
The recap has me BRICKING IT. Teresa my queen (I’m not biased I’m just in charge) is in deep **** and by proxy Jay, who just wants to do competing and things. “The Killers are home” says Queen Kam. RIGHT. I’m putting my foot down. Until further notice no more contestant generated nicknames. Frankly, it just makes me look lazy.
“The double agent scorecard is a big fat F” Devin lets us know that angering that many teams was pretty stupid. I’ll be honest, I think it could be a smart move, but only if the subsequent manoeuvring is smart - unfortunately I don’t think Jayresa have it in them to get it right. We will see. (Also interesting note, Devin is clearly the narrator of this season which is surprising given I think half the community thought we might have seen the last of him.)
“A swing and a miss, a swing and a miss” The big bad wolf tells Jay with Cori in tow. I don’t want to insult their intelligence, but I think the world knows that Jay wasn’t trying to get rid of them. More sensibly Cori and the Wolf point out that if it had been a guys day then it would have been the two of them. Valid - and Jay acknowledges that “he was putting them at risk”. Cori does a pitiful confession complaining he can’t trust anyone. Given his best friend literally sacrificed himself for him last season I’m going to offer him zero sympathy points at all.
Quasimodo (Nam) says “Jay is my closest friend in here, he has a target on his back, this is really bad to see, really bad to see”. It’s a confessional but it’s such an earnest cry for help I nearly tear up. Have yourself 200 points I think I love you Nam. “Jay it’s just common courtesy” LeROY companies to Jay. I’m sorry but I’ve watched every season since 15 and common courtesy has had little to do with multiple seasons. LeROYs alliance in WOTW2 would regularly blindside players and throw their own US team in to further their goals. Teresa, piles in, tells them “this was my move”. The boys don’t know what to say, they seem perplexed someone has the Ordacity to interrupt their merciless verbal execution of Jay. “Get over it” says Teresa. I agree. Jay also owns it in confessional “I don’t owe anybody an apology”.
Queen Kam is doing her complaining, in her confessional she looks GREAT (short hair vibes it’s cool). She lets the audience know she plans to throw in Jayresa again and again and again - which besides being impractical for the sake of the gold scull twist, it’s also just weirdly vindictive. (Can you tell this mafioso vibe makes me feel uncomfortable - the only points I’ve given out are too Nam!) Teresa tells us that a day in the challenge house is many in the real world and that Jay just needs to lay low. So, a) I think she underestimates how much KamRoy want her head and b) I don’t think she has the calm vibes to pull this off - sorry Teresa I still love you.
Morning time and Fuzzy bunny and Teresa are chatting. “What’s everyone crying about” bunny says. We all agree. Teresa throws out the Darell name and Bunny is on board, knowing full well how solid he is in finals. This made the edit so clearly this will come up later. JUDAS is chatting to Cori and he’s trying for the apology. “Sometimes I come across as arrogant and Cocky” nah JUDAS you literally tell everyone you can take them, you ARE cocky. Still, he talks about being introverted and struggling to talk to people and it’s not a million miles off what we see on screen so I at least think this is an honest attempt at dialogue. The big bad wolf comes in with a confessional “You CANT trust him, he’s screwed you over”. Cori is… half sold.. but also not really. I was about to reward JUDAS with a half point or maybe even a pat on the head when he pipes up with “I feel like I’m a misunderstood player in this game” NO JUDAS, you literally physically assaulted your friend and eliminated him from the game despite claiming you could beat anyone in an elimination. Devin, being Devin uses this to bring up the sneaky Big Bother alliance and how he wants to break them up.
Challenge time! they’re on a beach. There’s a helicopter. The Challengers get needlessly excited. The challenge is called Ariel Takedown. 5 contestants on a Cargo net suspended from the Copter over the sea. The last challenge remaining wins - if there are teams with equal numbers of wins it’s down to time (To be clear I hate challenges like this that reward speed of win as the winning always feels random - anyone remember back to the Rivals era when Daily wins felt…. won? Like certain teams were able to dominate dailies because the challenges actually measure skill and physicality. Clear MTV don’t. ANYWAY - as a spectator sport this should be good viewing, buckle up.
“Y’all gotta go in the water so: goodbye” says Queen Kam. 50 points, no explanation required. So it’s: Kaycee, Kam, Nany, Aneesa and The Eagle. Not much physical happens but Aneesa is off. The Eagle is somewhat persuaded off. Kaycee “wants to let Kam know” that she’s strong and takes her out. Nany and her crush Kaycee are left. Nany pretends that she has a masterplan to toss Kaycee but then rather predictably Kaycee just tosses her.
The MEN are here. Darell is very scared - for those out of the loop he’s always hated height challenges. It’s Devin, Kyle, Fessy, Darell and Nam. Literally nobody does anything. They all realise that if they do nothing they are all equally disadvantages. Nam is very sad about this. Teresa is pursuading her allies that because the challenge is speed based it makes sense for people to jump off and give a quick win to someone. Amber B, YES SHE EXISTS, is having none of it and wants to keep control. Amber M, Lolo, Gabby, Teresa and Amber B are up. One by one Teresa persuades them to jump. Amber is like nah, and Amber and Teresa have to go at it physically. it looks pretty tight but eventually Teresa gets her off using the momentum of the net hitting the water.
Final up, it’s **Jay, LeROY, Mechie, Fuzzy Bunny and and ANNOY******TM . Jay goes straight for LeROY and is going at him full throttle. The rest of the boys are doing fuck all. Mechie falls off of his own volition. Jay despite valiant efforts fails to knock ROY off. Challenge over. TJ Acknowledges that Jayresa and LeROY and Kaycee were great and he calls out the boys for the simple fact that they “F***ing sucked”. 1 Second separated our two top teams. And… (Jay in a confessional refers to Teresa as Mother Teresa the holy one, have yourself 100 points) and… LeROY and Kaycee win. “one second… ONE SECOND” says Jay. I feel you bro I feel you. He knows he’s screwed.
Back at the house Teresa isn’t a happy bunny with Amber B. Nany - not to be confused with Tera's arch nemesis - is interviewing Amber and tells us she likes Amber B. It’s important to note that Nany - not to be confused with Teresa's arch nemesis - likes anyone who crosses Teresa and it’s hilarious. We’re in the dome club. Teresa is cutting a lonely figure. Gabby tells Teresa she thought the plan was to throw in Darell. This sets off Teresa and she’s on a rampage, she has a go at Darell then Amber. It’s Messy. *Flashbacks to when she told Jay to lay low*. THIS is the Teresa I tune in to watch. Devin correctly notes that this is pretty bad news for Jay.
Devin, classic Devin, goes to poke the bear and tells Judas “We don’t want you to win” and The big bad wolf double teams straight in to wind him up. We’re back in the house and Fessy is drunk and trying to intimidate. Devin and the Big Bad Wolf can’t stop laughing. AMAZINGLY **ANNOY******TM breaks it up and relocates JUDAS to their room. **ANNOY******TM enters the room and Devin tells him he’s now allowed in because he was “mean to me”. Having literally just calmed down JUDAS, **ANNOY******TM throws water on the big Bad Wolf. words are thrown. “Don’t bother, he’s just a big man child” Fuzzy bunny advises the big bad wolf. *multiple CT fight flashbacks*, chuckle. Devin in the hallways asks if they can have an adult conversation and **ANNOY******TM tells him he has 3 seconds to get away and having ignored the countdown Devin summarily gets a hard shove on to the couch. I mean, I’m calling it, if that push had been onto anything other than cushions, that’s an exitable offence. “Josh, I’m a layup but at least I own it, you’re a bigger lay up” says Devin in a confessional and earns an automatic 100 points for owning his layup status. It all quiets down and our angry challengers slip off to bed.
It’s morning and Kaycee is worried about her tempestuous alliance. She wants an “Alliance of Kaycees” no no no no, we can’t deal with those levels of boredom. Lose yourself 100 points Kaycee for trying to ruin this show. Devin apologises to Gabby for causing more stress than required. It’s suggested they are the alternate vote. Amber B and Teresa have patch things up chat with Jay in as witness. Teresa admits that only one conversation she’s had even mentioned Darell - one with Fuzzy Bunny and that it was “coffee banter”. Jay then suggests it must have been CT who spread it, “Yeah, I had the notes, I know what I was wearing, a Lulu lemon shirt between the hours of 9 and 10.” OMG this is iconic. 200 points to Teresa and the Laurel Stucky cosplay award. Teresa says she’s going to bring it up in deliberation. To what end I’m not sure.
Deliberation. Devin apologises.. interesting. Jay puts his plug in, that he doesn’t have a mastermind plan. The Killers are having none of it. Teresa goes straight at for Fuzzy Bunny. He isn’t pleased and uses his energy to shut her down. There’s a lot of mess, Kam and Darell accuse the girls of throwing the challenge. “Having a partner who’s trying to save me as much as Teresa’s trying to save me right now is super dope. But please stop” says Jay. Wisdom earns you 100 points young sir. I’M NOT BIASED OKAY. Queen Kam makes a clear argument that now LeROY is the double agent he gets to call the shots and that Teresa needs to accept that. 50 points. Lines are drawn. Teresa is having a wee confessional cry - mostly because of the Darell situation.
Voting time, some votes for Devin but mostly for Jay. Kaycee and LeROY learn that it’s… Jayresa going in. Having said that last week the Itty bitty small committee (IBSC) had the control of the game with Jayresa I now look stupid. That said: Amber M, The Eagle, Amber B and Gabby and their respective partners ALL vote in Jayresa in an attempt to protect Gabby. I said this at the start of the episode, but there WAS a way out of this, if Teresa had identified a target the IBSC wanted to vote in, and avoided all the name throwing, the distraction of Devin (aka forcing the Big Bother alliance to vote for him) would have left them an open goal to put in who they want. ANYWAY. Rant over. Jay is going in. LeROY is wondering if he should go in. It seems likely.
Rudolf is prepping Quasi that if LeROY doesn’t want to go in then he is the likely other candidate as Jay’s best bud. LeROY wants his scull and lets Kam know. Challenge Bingo +1 for a chess board making it into the shot. Queen Kam isn’t 100%.
Elimination time! and we’re down in the Crater. TJ gives the one and only warning for the physical altercation from last night. TJ lets the guys know that any guys that didn’t try in the Daily lose their votes for elimination…. I’m pretty sure that has no effect on the Elimination so I’m a bit nonplussed. “This challenge proves that the girls are braver and stronger and here to compete” says Nany - not to be confused with Teresa's arch nemesis. Fair play, 50 points gal. Jay and Teresa are down. “There’s two people responsible for my girlfriend getting her scull, so it’s only fair they be responsible for me getting my scull too” says LeROY (calling himself down) WHAT A SPEECH. Power move and 200 points. The elimination is the same as the girls elimination from week 1 “Fire escape” Where contestants hang from ropes off a beam and have to move themselves along the beam, over obstacles, to the end and back. This is twice as long as the girls elimination and for those out of the loop it’s identical to an elimination LeROY bossed in Exes 2. That said, Jay is a climber and should also be his sort of thing.
This is going to be big. AND WE’RE GO. They are BOTH fast, like fasttt, and it’s neck and neck as far as I can tell until half way through the leg out. In classic challenge fashion the edit is super stop start and confusing (Challenge produces lose 100 points) and it’s hard to get a read. It looks like maybe LeROY is shading it? Ad yep, he hits the end and half way with a solid 2m lead. At which LeROY f***ing MOVES. He is soooooooo fast. and Jay is no slouch. Having pushed the lead to 3m LeROY briefly gets stuck on an obstacle, but having cleared that gets his win with a good 2m clearance. IMPRESSIVE. “HOW? I was hauling ass” says Jay. and rightly so. I think if Jay had competed against anyone else he’d have won and he knows it. They both know how good that was and Jay leans in and tells LeROY he wants him to win the whole thing. 500 Points to LeROY for being exceptional.
TJ in his goodbye tells Jay that he expects him to be back. Jay in his exit interview tells us “I just want to compete” and he sheds some tears. Respect, there’s a reason we like him. LeROY chooses despite wanting to switch to Kam to stick with Kaycee and promises to get her a scull. Cori and Teresa are therefore together. “Welcome to the cursed side” says Cori, she’s so very aware that Cori has so far burned through all his partners.
So despite my dislike for the slightly mafioso turn in this episode it was pretty solid. I promise I’ll get back to being slightly less biased and awarding more points next time. As ever It’s been a pleasure, Will0fthePeople xoxo
EDIT: dyslexia
submitted by Will0fthepeople to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

The owners of the resort I'm staying at have coins for eyes

I was about thirteen years old when my family went to stay at a resort called The Plastic Flower for the summer. From the very start, it was a bizarre experience. I remember like it was a dream, waking up to my mum saying; “time to go, dear.”
Out the window of our city apartment, I could see a taxi parked on the street. It looked old-fashioned, like a drawing of a taxi in an Addams Family comic strip, all pointy and black. My family were the type to always take us kids on weird extravagant adventures with no warning. I was used to being woken up in the middle of the night for a sudden trip to the Bahamas, or taken out of school to go to a fashion show in Paris. I already had a small travel bag for occasions such as this.
My family walked out of the apartment to the waiting taxi. The windows were blacked out so we couldn’t see the driver. I looked around at us all. My mother, Yasmine and her brothers Abe and Casper along with my twin brother Darius were all walking out the front door with their suitcases. I felt the usual exasperation in my chest.
“Where’s Old Mother?” I said. This was our name for our grandmother.
“She didn’t want to come,” said Uncle Abe as he knocked on the driver’s window. The boot lifted open and Uncle Casper helped stack our luggage inside. Then we all piled into the back seat, squashed up together. There was a screen that blocked the view of the driver.
“Where are we going?” Darius asked. Our mother smiled gleefully, placing a hand to her heart.
“Oh a lovely resort in the countryside,” she said. “I got a pamphlet in the mail and it reminded me of Mallory Towers, this beautiful old house by the beach. Just gorgeous. It’s called The Plastic Flower. They’ll be other children for you to play with too my dears.”
My mum often talked to us like we were toddlers instead of teenagers. The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep again was the vehicle driving through the archway at the end of our street and suddenly realizing the driver was following another identical black taxi.
Old Mother, a bespectacled woman with her black hair always in a bun had made a fortune developing a world renowned fashion house, the most elite of society clamoring to wear her clothes. After Old Father died she turned away from the spotlight and locked herself up in her apartment with her triplets and grandchildren. My Uncle Abe, a small man with slicked back hair who wore loud gold suits, had taken over most of the duties of the fashion house as Old Mother was getting on in years. My Uncle Casper, who was large and muscular, was a drag queen known as Cassandra and my mother, petite and doe-eyed ran the nightclub he performed in. My mum didn’t know who our father was, telling Darius and I when we were ten that we were conceived during an orgy. Darius, was lanky, had his hair dyed fire engine red and liked to wear Goth make-up and clothes, while I was stockier and tended to present myself in a more casual style of hoodies and shorts.
I woke in the taxi, feeling cramped and stiff. My family was waking up around me. We were driving down a dirt road through a forest, lush, green with wildflowers dotting the roadside. We were approaching a house on a grassy hill, only one story with white walls and a terracotta roof. At the bottom of the hill was the seaside, the waves lapping serenely at the white sand.
I was a bit surprised. This place seemed a bit too ordinary for my family’s tastes. But I immediately preferred it to the grand hotels and resorts we usually stayed in. It was very cozy looking.
The taxi pulled up to an area of gravel in front of the front door. We all got out as the boot of the car cracked open. Uncle Casper got all the bags as Mum and Uncle Abe walked ahead towards the house. Darius and I helped Uncle Casper with the luggage before we made our way inside.
When we walked in, Darius and I immediately stopped, looking around with complete bemusement. We were in a foyer, the ceiling stretching above us, all latticed and intricately detailed. There was an arched door made of oak in front of us and we could hear faint laughter and chattering behind it. On either side of the oak door were two circular holes covered with black vinyl flaps and a set of gold tracks that connected them. To our left and right were long corridors, the floors all decoratively tiled, the windows letting in light.
“It’s too big,” said Darius. The foyer alone looked larger than the whole building from the outside. The adults ignored us, smiling around at the place as Uncle Casper put down the bags.
“Oh looks just divine doesn’t it?” said Uncle Abe. There was movement at the corridor to the left and Darius and I looked around.
Another girl was there. She was squat and sulky looking and was around our age but dressed much younger in a pinafore dress, white stockings, Mary Jane shoes and a bow in her bobbed black hair. I noticed the dress was from my family’s fashion label. She must have been rich.
We were both a bit too shy to introduce ourselves, so we just awkwardly ignored each other. Ahead of us, the triplets had found an old fashioned television up against the wall. It turned itself on at their approach.
“It’s so retro!” Uncle Casper said delightedly. “Total vintage vibes!”
“I know, isn’t it just the cutest?” my mother replied.
“Hush,” said Uncle Abe, flapping his hand at his siblings. “We’re going to miss what its saying.”
We watched as a rainbow grew across the black static filled screen and swirled around like a snake’s tail. Then a woman grew from the end of the rainbow in a long dark pink dress with heavy sleeves. She had strawberry blonde hair and an alarming smile on her paper white face, mouth fixed, lips stretched and teeth shining. A sliver of unease went through me. Something must have been wrong with the television. Her eyes looked like silver coins engraved with two crosses.
“Welcome!” the lady in the rainbow said in a soft, sweet and smooth voice that reminded me of strawberry ice-cream.
“Here at The Plastic Flower you can do whatever your heart desires. My associates and I will always be around to help you with whatever you need.”
In a glitter of rainbow light, two men appeared on either side of her. They looked similar to each other with thick red frowning mouths, paper white skin and the same silver crossed eyes as the lady in the rainbow. The one on the left was tall, thin with a wild black cloud of hair, wearing a top hat and a ruffled black suit. The one on the right was short and overweight with three tufts of blond hair on his head, wearing dirty shorts and a singlet with his beer gut hanging out.
“Just give us a call and we’ll be there,” said the lady in the rainbow. “Feel free to swim in our lovely beach, explore our forests or shop til you drop in our shopping center. Enjoy you’re stay! You’ll never want to leave.”
The TV flickered and the woman shrunk back into a rainbow, reversing over the black screen, the two men disappearing with a sparkle. Darius and I exchanged confused looks. A shopping center? How could a shopping center fit in this place?
“Oh lovely,” my mother said to us. “You’ve made a little friend already.”
She smiled at the strange girl beside us.
“What’s your name dear?”
“Lucy Moon,” the girl replied and the triplet’s faces brightened.
“Any relation to Moon Jewelry?” asked Uncle Abe and Lucy nodded.
“Tell your parents hello when you see them,” said Uncle Abe. “We always have our models in their products. Absolutely divine!”
Lucy’s face shifted as she looked between my mother and uncles, slowly recognizing who we were.
“Well, have fun!” said mum. “We’re going to go check out the shopping center. You can amuse yourselves, dears.”
The triplets walked for the oak door, disappearing into the darkness behind it. They’d left their bags behind for us to look after. Lucy looked us up and down. Darius was silent but I decided to try to be friendly and sent her a little wave
“Hi,” I said to her. “This is my twin Darius and my name is Salome, but everyone calls me Sally.”
Lucy stared at us with shrewd narrow eyes.
“If you’re parents are so rich and famous, why do they let you look like that?” she asked and then pointed to Darius. “You look like a Tim Burton drawing of a raccoon. And you, you’ve got a bowl-cut and a five dollar outfit.”
We just stared at her, shocked into silence by her rudeness. Old Mother believed in teaching her grand-kids the value of money. She said she’d been too hands-off with the triplets, throwing nannies and gifts at them and now they were shallow and materialistic. We did chores to earn pocket money, were hounded to get jobs after school and always bought our own stuff, including clothes. I wasn’t very interested in fashion and just got whatever was in the clearance rack. The triplets disapproved of all this and their spontaneous holidays where Old Mother wasn’t invited was their childish rebellion against her.
“My parents wouldn’t let me out of the house looking like you two,” Lucy said. “They’ve got pride. But I guess that’s because we’re not nouveau riche like you’re trashy family.”
With that she walked off on us. I wanted to point out that at least I was dressed my age and not like an overgrown toddler. But she was already off around the corner.
“Charming,” said Darius and I bit back a smile. I could see down the corridor, tags hanging off the door handles, each one displaying the names of our family. I went over and picked up my tag, turning it around to see a door pass attached. I opened up my door to see a cozy room with a plush bed covered in colorful cushions and a large wardrobe to hang my clothes.
Darius and I started hefting the bags over to each of our family’s rooms. Then we just stood around the corridor trying to think of what to do to entertain ourselves. A door opened somewhere around the corner and Lucy came skulking out, carrying a towel and dressed in a swimsuit no doubt heading for the beach. She sneered at us and we ignored her.
“I dunno what to do,” said Darius. “Maybe I’ll just take a nap or something.”
Suddenly there was a magnified sound that filled up the corridor like it was coming through an intercom, making us all jump. It was a horrible slobbering as though someone was choking on their own spit. Then there was angry muffled murmuring and the clunk of someone grabbing at the speaker.
“What do you like?” an awful high-pitched voice shouted. “What do you like? Answer! Answer!”
Again there was a knocking sound and a commotion of huffing and snarling as the speaker was wrestled free.
“So sorry,” the familiar voice of the lady in the rainbow said. “Please tell us what activity you’d like to participate in and we’d happily oblige you.”
We three kids just exchanged looks. What the hell was all that other noise about? I could feel the unease that had just been a seed in my chest when I first got here start to blossom larger, spreading its poison tendrils through my body.
“Uhhh…” said Darius finally. “I could watch a movie?”
A door at the end of the corridor opened and the smell of buttered popcorn wafted over to us from the darkness.
“Anything you want,” the woman said. Darius hesitated then moved for the door.
“I want to go swimming at the beach,” said Lucy at once.
“Of course, there’s a path out the back of this building that will lead the way,” said the voice. Behind us in the foyer, the front doors creaked open, a sea breeze blowing down the corridor. Lucy ran off.
“And last but certainly not least, what is it that you desire?” said the voice to me.
“I guess I’m a bit hungry,” I murmured under my breath, her soothing voice not doing anything for my nerves.
“What is your most favorite of food?” she asked me. “It shall be provided to you.”
My mind instantly jumped to having tea in Old Mother’s parlor. She made delicious scones with jam and cream, little sandwiches, sugar biscuits and the nicest tea I’d ever had.
“Tea and scones with sugar biscuits please,” I said.
“As you wish,” said the strawberry ice-cream voice. A door down the other end of the corridor opened. I walked towards it. Inside I took a seat at a table with a three-tiered platter and a chintz tea set. Through a big bay window overlooking the beach I could see Lucy running gleefully across the sand, splashing in the water.
I poured myself a cup of tea and picked up a scone, along with the little saucers of cream and jam. Taking a bite, I watched the waves crashing on the sand outside the window. The tea and finger food was delicious, made to perfection. Not as nice as Old Mother’s obviously but of course we all tend to prefer the food we grew up on.
I remembered being in the parlor in our city apartment in comfortable armchairs, Old Mother refilling our cups with piping hot tea.
“When I was your age,” she’d say as we sipped from our cups. “My mother had me running around at the tea-shop, serving the customers. I was supposed to run the place when she died, be a nice plump woman in an apron and hairnet with flour on my nose. I horrified her when I got into “that whorish fashion,” instead.”
I enjoyed listening to her stories. I’m not much good at anything else but listening to people. I like hearing people talk about themselves, especially Old Mother. I didn’t get to spend much alone time with the adults in my family, the triplets just took us on expensive holidays. I think we were more like handbag Chihuahuas to them, cute accessories to take around, show off and coo at but not emotionally connect with.
Lucy had stopped running around and was now standing stock still, staring at something in the distance. I looked over and saw one of the men from the welcome video, the shorter, fatter one, over by the path that led to the beach. He was boggling at Lucy, slack jawed, drool running down his chin. There hadn’t been a problem with the television. His eyes were silver coins with cross engravings.
Lucy walked backwards into the ocean, swimming further and further out, not taking her eyes off the man. He was completely still for a few moments and then turned around. I felt a jolt of terror in my chest. Could he see me through the window?
The man didn’t spot me. He just wandered off down the beach path towards the forest, arms dangling loosely by his sides.
My heart was still thumping, my skin cold and clammy. What was that? Was he some kind of pervert? I looked out at the ocean, Lucy’s dark head bobbing in the water. She swam back towards the shore, picked up her towel and bolted for the house again. When she made it inside I heard her cry out in a frightened voice; “Mum? Dad?”
She ran down the corridor, disappearing away into the depths of the house.
The whole experience had put me of the food. I got up and hurried out. I peered up and down the corridor, feeling my stomach shake. When I saw the coast was clear I bolted for my room. I pulled out my old stuffed toy crocodile that I’d had since I was a toddler. Inside the toy’s head hidden among the fluff was a switchblade. Old Mother had gifted us the weapons to me and Darius at a young age.
“The celebrity world is full of rich perverts who get away with all kinds of depravity,” she said. “You can’t depend on your mother or uncles to protect you. Anyone tries anything, you go straight for the eyes.”
After a while of watching the door, I found myself growing tired. Still carrying my plush crocodile, I climbed into my pajamas and dressing gown, sitting on my bed. I didn’t want to fall asleep but my eyelids were heavy, my body fighting against me. I’d take a quick nap and by the time I woke up the triplets were sure to be back. Gripping my secret weapon I dropped off to sleep.
I dreamed of a black void with a pink light glowing in the distance.
There was a creaking sound. My eyes flew open, my stomach dropping and my skin going cold. Moonlight was shining through the window, illuminating a figure bent over at the foot of my bed.
The tall thin man with the black hair in the ruffled suit and top hat was going through my bag. He pulled out my brush and untangled some of the hair from the bristles. He spotted me and his silver coin eyes glinted.
“My brother eat the hair,” he said in the high-pitched voice that I’d heard over the intercom earlier. “I not eat hair. Disgusting.”
He shoved the black hair into his pocket.
“I prefer the special blood,” he said. “Do you bleed yet? Put the cotton thingies in the bin so I can have them. Nice to chew on.”
I screamed, making the man jump and shrink back.
“Mum!” I wailed with terror. The man’s face furrowed with confusion, putting his hands up to his ears.
“Why you screaming?” he said. “I just make conversation?”
I jumped out of bed and ran for the door, still wailing at the top of my lungs, tears pouring down my face. I bolted down the corridor towards the foyer.
Sitting by the big oak door was Darius and Lucy, both in their pajamas too. They looked up at me as I ran over.
“M-m-man in my room…” I gasped out, fear and adrenaline coursing through my body.
“This place is fucked,” said Darius, eyes flickering around. “I was in the cinema and I felt something picking at my head. I turned around and it was that fat guy. He was putting my hair in his mouth.”
I shivered as I sat down beside him. It was night time and the adults hadn’t returned. Through the big arched door, we could hear faint laughter and chattering.
“I bet it’s like the end of Society happening in there,” said Darius.
“What are you talking about?” I asked. Darius sent me a condescending smile.
“Oh it’s a really underground film, barely anyone knows about it,” he replied and I rolled my eyes. Darius was fine most of the time but he had a pretentious, hipster side of him that annoyed the crap out of me. Lucy was eyeing the toy crocodile I was carrying with a look of contempt on her face.
“You still have stuffed animals?” she said. “That’s so babyish.”
I couldn’t believe she’d make fun of something so trivial when we were all being terrorized by creepy men in a strange house with all of our parents missing. Her priorities were completely warped.
“Have you seen Mum or the Uncles at all?” I asked Darius who shook his head.
“My parents will be back soon,” Lucy said, looking down her nose at us. “Maybe yours don’t care about you but mine do.”
We ignored her.
I felt a sick jolt go through me, my heart panging painfully in my throat. Something was moving out of the vinyl flaps to the right of us and onto the wall. For a moment I had no idea what it was as we moved back all at once. It looked like a shadow of a humongous creature.
We heard a clanking, clattering sound coming from the same direction. The vinyl flaps were pushed open as a cart with a man inside came rattling across the tracks towards us. The man, old and frail with wild grey hair, dark wrinkled skin and black sunglasses, peered at us for a moment as if he was struggling to make us out.
“Where’s the dragon?” he yelled. “Where’d the dragon go?”
We looked up at the shadow on the wall. I realized it was a painting of a curling, writhing traditional Japanese dragon with a gaping maw and huge mane. It was moving towards the other vinyl entrance to the left.
The old man gestured at us with a gnarled hand.
“Get in the trolley quick!” he said. “This is a dangerous place. I can get you back home again!”
We stared at him, more frightened than ever. Stranger danger blared in my mind. I felt completely unsafe at this resort and wanted to go home but I’d be the dumbest kid around to just jump in this man’s trolley.
“Quickly!” said the old man as the cart traveled across the tracks towards the second set of vinyl flaps. The dragon had disappeared inside it.
“My parents told me to never go anywhere with strangers!” said Lucy. “They’ll be back any second now and they’ll call the police on you for being a creep!”
There was a rough coughing sound from behind us and we jumped around. In the doorway was the overweight, blond man with coins for eyes. He was making a gagging, choking sound, slobber dribbling down his chin. Sticking his fingers clumsily into his mouth, he started pulling out clumps of matted saliva soaked hair, black and fire engine red from the depths of his throat with horrible heaving gasps.
“Ughhh!” screamed Darius in horror as I staggered back and Lucy let out a cry.
“C’mon already!” cried the old man, his cart beginning to slide through the vinyl flaps. Between the two, I knew who seemed more terrifying. We all ran to clamber inside the cart. As we rolled across the tracks, I watched the gagging man in the doorway, our combined hair oozing down his front as he watched us leave.
Part Two
submitted by madoto-78 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

Top 10 King Size Mattresses For 2021 & 2022 (The Best Of The Best)

Top 10 King Size Mattresses For 2021 & 2022 (The Best Of The Best)
If you are looking for the best king size mattresses for 2021 and 2022 you are in luck.Let's start with the list

  1. Avenco King Size Memory Foam Mattress
Click Here To Get Avenco King Size Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • ⭐SUPPORTIVE FOAM MATTRESS KING: Different from other foam mattresses, our king size memory foam mattress is designed with double-layer airflow high-density foam to provide stronger support. The wave shape foam increases air circulation and function as massage foam. You can get flawless support for your neck, back, and hip.
  • ⭐SLEEP IN COMFORT: Constructed with all foam structure, this king mattress perfectly fit your body curve by absorbing your body's weight distribution. As it can effectively alleviate the pressure when you sleeping on this memory foam mattress king, thus achieve the effect of supporting the body's weight and preventing waist injuries.
  • ⭐DESIGNED FOR ULTIMATE COMFORT: The unique design allows the king size mattress to be shaped into the natural shape of the sleepers and keeps cool while you sleep, thus achieving a balance between firmness and softness. With no-sink support foams, it can adapt and conform to your body for optimal pressure relief. Recommended for back sleepers, you will gain back support and enjoy a whole night's sleep.
  • ⭐PREMIUM KING MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS for QUALITY SLEEP: This king foam mattress is CertiPUR-US and includes 4 layers, 1.18 inches Gel Memory Foam for breathability, 1.57 inches Pure Memory Foam for sleep comfort, double layers of 3.94 inches Airflow High-density Foam for pressure relief and provide essential support. And a plush skin-friendly mattress cover that can be washed for your convenience.
  • ⭐REST ASSURED PURCHASE: You are covered by our 100 nights sleep trial and 10-year support, no worry about ordering king size mattresses online. Our king size bed mattress comes compressed and you will receive the king mattress in a box, which can be easily delivered to your door and fully expanded in your room. Please allow the mattress king size for 72 hours or more to fully recover, especially for the mattress corner. Sizes are subject to ±0.5 Inches.
2)Sleep Innovations Marley 12-inch Memory Foam Mattress
Click Here To Get Sleep Innovations Marley 12-inch Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • Polyester Quilted Cover
  • TOP-RATED: Named U.S. News & World Report’s Best Budget Mattress of 2020.
  • TRIPLE-LAYER DESIGN: 12” mattress with 2” cooling gel memory foam, 3” air channel foam to optimize breathability, and 7” premium base foam for durability and edge support.
  • FRESH, COOL COMFORT: Hypoallergenic design keeps your sleep space fresh. Made with gel memory foam and ventilated airflow channels provide cool, comfortable rest.
  • PRESSURE-RELIVING SUPPORT: Medium firm support with all-night comfort with responsive memory foam for pressure relief and motion isolation for undisturbed sleep.
  • MADE IN THE USA: Our foam is proudly made in the USA and CertiPUR-US certified.
  • PERFECTLY PACKAGED: Shipped directly to your door and easy to unpack so it’s set up in minutes. Shipping box design and product tag color may vary. Double sealed packaging for your protection.
  • 3,650 NIGHTS GUARANTEED: Rest easy. The Marley comes with a 10-year warranty so you sleep secure for years to come and CertiPUR-US certified.
3)LUCID 10 Inch 2020 Gel Memory Foam Mattress
Click here to get LUCID 10 Inch 2020 Gel Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • Memory Foam
  • This mattress features a 10-inch MEDIUM-PLUSH feel profile for universal comfort for side, back, and stomach sleepers
  • Gel infused memory foam regulates temperature while conforming to the body to ease pressure points
  • The 2.5-inch ventilated gel memory foam top layer creates a cooler sleep experience than traditional memory foam by helping to regulate body temperature and increase circulation
  • 1.5 inches of transition foam and 5.5 inches of dense bamboo charcoal infused support foam provide stability and full body support
  • Compressed, rolled, and shipped in a box for simple setup; easily fits through narrow hallways and staircases
  • We only use CertiPUR US certified memory foam to ensure your uncompromising safety and comfort
  • Dimensions: 76" x 80" x 10"
4)Sleep Innovations Shiloh 12-inch Memory Foam Mattress
Click here to get Sleep Innovations Shiloh 12-inch Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • DUAL-LAYER DESIGN: 12" mattress features 2.5" premium Suretemp memory foam top layer and 9.5" long-lasting base foam
  • CLOUDLIKE COMFORT: Advanced Suretemp memory foam gently conforms to your body shape, providing pressure relief and motion isolation for undisturbed sleep
  • REFRESHING SLEEP: Each foam layer is hypoallergenic, naturally keeping your sleep space fresher, longer
  • JUST RIGHT FOR EVERY TYPE: Whatever your sleep position or body type, the medium firm feel of Shiloh provides all-night comfort that leads to all-day energy
  • MADE IN THE USA: Our foam is proudly made in the USA and CertiPUR-US certified
  • PERFECTLY PACKAGED: Shipped directly to your door and easy to unpack so it’s set up in minutes; Shipping box design and product tag color may vary; Double sealed packaging for your protection
  • 3,650 NIGHTS GUARANTEED: Rest easy; The Shiloh comes with a 10-year warranty so you sleep secure for years to come
5)KUNPENG 10 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress
Click here to get KUNPENG 10 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • ✪【BETTER SUPPORT AND PRESSURE RELIEF】: KUNPENG memory foam mattress is designed with 3 layers all-foam system to improving support and heat dissipation, include 1" gel memory foam, 2.5" comfortable layer, and 6.5 inches of high density base support foam for ultimate comfort. It also provides the proper support to your body, back & alignment. Suitable for side, back and stomach sleepers. Say goodbye to back pain.
  • ✪【STAY COOL ALL NIGHT LONG】: KUNPENG premium queen mattress is designed with gel-infused foam with open cells so that it's ventilated to meet your needs. Gel foam naturally adjusts the mattress temperature to make you sleep comfortably. You will NEVER worry about sleeping with sweat and get cold during hot or damp weather.Easy-to-clean zip off cover for added durability.
  • ✪【MOTION ISOLATION FOR A PEACEFUL UNDISTURBED SLEEP】: KUNPENG medium firm mattress combined expertise and the best materials with advanced sleep technology to reduce motion disturbance between partners, which means you will NOT be disturbed when your mate turns over or gets up. You will get a more peaceful and quiet sleep with KUNPENG foam mattress.
  • ✪【SLEEP SOUNDLY WITH HEALTH & HYPOALLERGENIC MATTRESS 】: KUNPENG bed mattress is eco-friendly and all the memory foams are CertiPUR-US and Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified. Without harmful substances like formaldehyde, mercury, and other heavy metals. A quality mattress helps a family sleep better and healthier, wake up with energy.
  • ✪【EASY SHIPPING & SET-UP】: Mattress in a box, this luxurious queen size mattress is compressed and smartly shipped in a box for convenient delivery and setup. They fit all Queen size frames, such as box Spring, floor, slatted base, flat platform. Please give it 24-72 hours to expand to its full size. You are covered with KUNPENG 10 years warranty.
6)Modway Jenna 14” California King Innerspring Mattress
Click here to get Modway Jenna 14” California King Innerspring Mattress

About this item

  • SLEEP SOUNDLY - Reduce pressure on your hips, back, shoulders, and neck with the contouring ability of this California king mattress with individually wrapped coils and layers of memory foam
  • ISOLATED MOTION - Limit bounce and absorb motion disturbance between partners with individually encased springs. Perfect for enabling partners with unique schedules and habits to sleep comfortably
  • CALIFORNIA KING INNERSPRING MATTRESS - Jenna is a quality mattress that comes with a 10-year warranty against manufacturer defects and a fire-resistant polyester barrier to meet flammability standards
  • EASY SET-UP - Simply position the mattress box next to your bed, carefully unbox and unwrap without cutting the mattress, then unroll and place in your desired spot. Allow 24 hours to expand fully
  • SUPPORTIVE MATTRESS - Jenna comes with 9.84” tall individually wrapped coils, 1” responsive foam, 3” egg crate foam layers, and a padded polyester quilted tight-top for a smooth and even feel
7)LUCID 14 Inch Memory Foam Plush Feel
Click here to get LUCID 14 Inch Memory Foam Plush Feel

About this item

  • This mattress features a 14 inches plush feel ideal for side and back sleepers that prioritize a plush feel above all else
  • The top layer of foam offers a plush and supportive feel that conforms to the body to ease pressure points without leaving lasting impressions
  • The 2 inches ventilated gel memory foam layer creates a cooler sleep experience than traditional memory foam by helping to regulate body temperature and increase circulation
  • 3 incheses of transitionary foam atop 9 incheses of dense bamboo charcoal infused support foam provide extra stability and full body support
  • We only use CertiPUR US certified memory foam to ensure your uncompromising safety and comfort; this mattress is compatible with all Lucid Adjustable Bed Bases
8)Olee Sleep 10 inch Aquarius Memory Foam Mattress
Click here to get Olee Sleep 10 inch Aquarius Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • Perfect Top layer supports bodyweight & maintains body shape for rest in the best condition
  • 4 inch 8 ILD soft memory foam supports body with soft power
  • 4 Inch 25 ILD HD foam prevents defection of memory foam
  • 4 inch I Gel disperses temperature accumulation to maintain a constant mattress temperature.
  • Dimensions: 80" L x 76" W x 10" H
  • Smartly shipping - Our patented technology allows Our mattresses to be efficiently compressed, rolled and shipped in a box conveniently to your door
  • Note: Mattress needs 48-72 hours to expand fully
9)Zinus 10 Inch Gel-Infused Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress
Click here to get Zinus 10 Inch Gel-Infused Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress

About this item

  • Product 1: AS COOL AS IT GETS - Settle in to a bed made with our most cooling formula yet, promising perfectly temperature-regulated sleep and a clean feeling night after night, all thanks to our enveloping memory foam packed with cooling gel and green tea
  • Product 1: PRESSURE-RELIEVING FOAMS - 2 inch ultra-cooling gel and green tea infused memory foam, 2.5 inches soft comfort foam, and 5.5 inches durable high density base support foam; ideal for back sleepers and average-weight sleepers
  • Product 1: CERTIPUR US CERTIFIED - Highest quality foam is CertiPUR US Certified for durability, performance, and content
  • Product 1: EXPERTLY PACKAGED - Our technology allows this mattress to be efficiently compressed into one box that’s easily shipped and maneuvered into the bedroom; simply unbox, unroll and this mattress does the rest, expanding to its original shape within 72 hours
  • Product 2: GO MINIMALIST - Less is more, especially with this modern and boldly outlined foundation that lends both strength and understated sophistication to your bedroom - two qualities that never go out of style
  • Product 2: NO BOX SPRING NEEDED - Reliable metal slats are designed to support and extend the life of your latex, memory foam or spring mattress without the need for a box spring; for twin and full sizes, slats are spaced 5.5 to 5.9 inches apart
  • Product 2: UNDERBED CLEARANCE - A 14 inch platform features 12 inches of underbed space perfect for storing extra odds and ends
  • Product 2: EASY ASSEMBLY - Metal slats are secured with our bolt-free Quick Lock assembly system to save you time and hassle; all parts, tools and instructions are shipped straight to your door in one efficiently packed box; set-up takes less than hour with a friend’s help
10)TUFT & NEEDLE - Original King Adaptive Foam Mattress
Click Here To Get TUFT & NEEDLE - Original King Adaptive Foam Mattress

About this item

  • Proven: Over a million people choose us every night. In fact, 95% of our customers keep and love their T&N Original Mattress, Featuring our own proprietary T&N Adaptive foam, the Original Mattress is universally comfortable for all sleeping positions
  • Proprietary foam: Our T&N Adaptive foam is engineered based on customer feedback and provides pressure relief where you need it most. An open-cell structure provides a flexible sleep surface that adjusts to you as you move throughout the night
  • Cool sleeping: Our foam is more advanced than outdated materials such as latex and memory foam, the T&N Adaptive foam helps pull away heat with cooling graphite and gel beads, wrapped in our breathable plush cover to help keep you cool and comfortable
  • Certified - Greenguard Gold and CertiPUR certified; This means our beds are third party certified to be free of harmful chemicals, substances or materials. With HeiQ NPJ03, your mattress is protected against harmful microbes that affect its lifespan
  • Questions: We pride ourselves on customer service and urge you to reach out to us directly if you have any questions at any point, our expert customer service team will be available to help you through any hesitations, problems or questions you may have
  • Note: Please allow up to 72 hours for the mattress to fully expand and for any potential odor to dissipate
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