MAXBET SPECIJAL Za pobedu "milionera" i gol Sanča kvota m m - win

Smailagić interview on Serbian radio

Smiley went on a Serbian radio show recently for a short interview. Source. (Used Google Translate for this, any Serbian speakers please feel free to correct.)
"I was well received by everyone in Golden State. Steph Curry often calls me to ask how I am and if I train, I talk to Green every other day, even now while I am in Serbia. Klay called me often at his house, to relax and to create chemistry in the team" - 19-year-old Smailagić revealed for MaxBet radio.
Smailagić started the season in the development league, but in time he was transferred to the first team and has already played in the strongest basketball competition on the planet.
"I remember the first moment on the field well, it is an unforgettable feeling. I can hardly describe. I went in against Phoenix and gave the basket in the first minute. I played the best game so far against the Los Angeles Lakers, I scored 11 points. It was all in that game, I scored a three and nailed it."
Fans of the "warrior" support Smailagić to the maximum. They don't mind when he plays weaker and makes mistakes.
"They consider me as the youngest player in the club, their project. They don't even mind me making a mistake, just trying. They think I'm theirs."
Interestingly, Smailagić was not afraid of the NBA league and he is not nervous when he goes out on the field.
"It can be played, it's nothing terrible. It is more of a mental feeling, the only thing is that it is a physically demanding league. In America, you train less as a team, more individually. That's how we prepare for matches."
The debut for the Serbian national team is still a dream. Smailagić is often heard with the "eagles" selector Igor Kokoškov.
"I talked to Igor, a wonderful man. He delighted me with the approach with which he welcomed me in America, even though we are from different teams. Talk to you soon and keep up the good content."
Golden State had a bad season, caused by injuries to the best players. If the playoffs are definitely played, the "warriors" will certainly not participate in it. Smailagić still doesn't worry too much about that, but is thinking about the next season.
"Curry and Klay are ready to play, they got permission. We are waiting for the next season to return to where we belong" - said Smailagić for MaxBet radio.
submitted by Perksofthesewalls to warriors [link] [comments]

Poper Blocker extension whitelist?

So when I started Chrome and it was loading my previously opened tabs, one of them didn't load properly and showed this code:
inject()var pb_whitelist = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","google","","","","","","chrome://newtab"]var pb_blacklist = ["adrunnr","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]function inject() { var originalOpenWndFnKey = "originalOpenFunction"; var originalWindowOpenFn =; var originalCreateElementFn = document.createElement; var originalCreateEventFn = document.createEvent; var windowsWithNames = {}; var timeSinceCreateAElement = 0; var lastCreatedAElement = null; var fullScreenOpenTime = void 0; var parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer : document.location; window[originalOpenWndFnKey] =; // save the original open window as global param window.pb_isRunning = true; // is running function newWindowOpenFn() { console.log(arguments); var openWndArguments = arguments; var useOriginalOpenWnd = true; var generatedWindow = null; function getWindowName(openWndArguments) { var windowName = openWndArguments[1]; if (windowName != null && !["_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top"].includes(windowName)) { return windowName; } return null; } function copyMissingProperties(src, dest) { var prop = void 0; for (prop in src) { try { if (dest[prop] === undefined && src[prop]) { dest[prop] = src[prop]; } } catch (e) {} } return dest; } // the element who registered to the event var capturingElement = null; if (window.event != null) { capturingElement = window.event.currentTarget; } if (capturingElement == null) { var caller = openWndArguments.callee; while (caller.arguments != null && caller.arguments.callee.caller != null) { caller = caller.arguments.callee.caller; } if (caller.arguments != null && caller.arguments.length > 0 && caller.arguments[0].currentTarget != null) { capturingElement = caller.arguments[0].currentTarget; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blocked if a click on background element occurred ( or document) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (capturingElement != null && (capturingElement instanceof Window || capturingElement === document || capturingElement.URL != null && capturingElement.body != null || capturingElement.nodeName != null && (capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body" || capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "#document"))) { window.pbreason = "Blocked a new window opened with URL: " + openWndArguments[0] + " because it was triggered by the " + capturingElement.nodeName + " element"; useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } else { useOriginalOpenWnd = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block if a full screen was just initiated while opening this url. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var fullScreenElement = document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement; if (new Date().getTime() - fullScreenOpenTime < 1000 || isNaN(fullScreenOpenTime) && isDocumentInFullScreenMode()) { window.pbreason = "Blocked a new window opened with URL: " + openWndArguments[0] + " because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url."; /* JRA REMOVED if (window[script_params.fullScreenFnKey]) { window.clearTimeout(window[script_params.fullScreenFnKey]); } */ if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var openUrl = openWndArguments[0]; var inWhitelist = isInWhitelist(openUrl); if (inWhitelist) { useOriginalOpenWnd = true; } else if (isInBlacklist(openUrl)) { useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } if (useOriginalOpenWnd == true) { generatedWindow = originalWindowOpenFn.apply(this, openWndArguments); // save the window by name, for latter use. var windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (windowName != null) { windowsWithNames[windowName] = generatedWindow; } // 2nd line of defence: allow window to open but monitor carefully... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Kill window if a blur (remove focus) is called to that window ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (generatedWindow !== window) { (function () { var openTime = new Date().getTime(); var originalWndBlurFn = generatedWindow.blur; generatedWindow.blur = function () { if (new Date().getTime() - openTime < 1000 && !inWhitelist /* one second */) { window.pbreason = "Blocked a new window opened with URL: " + openWndArguments[0] + " because a it was blured"; generatedWindow.close(); blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments); } else { originalWndBlurFn(); } }; })(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { (function () { // (useOriginalOpenWnd == false) var location = { href: openWndArguments[0] }; location.replace = function (url) { location.href = url; }; generatedWindow = { close: function close() { return true; }, test: function test() { return true; }, blur: function blur() { return true; }, focus: function focus() { return true; }, showModelessDialog: function showModelessDialog() { return true; }, showModalDialog: function showModalDialog() { return true; }, prompt: function prompt() { return true; }, confirm: function confirm() { return true; }, alert: function alert() { return true; }, moveTo: function moveTo() { return true; }, moveBy: function moveBy() { return true; }, resizeTo: function resizeTo() { return true; }, resizeBy: function resizeBy() { return true; }, scrollBy: function scrollBy() { return true; }, scrollTo: function scrollTo() { return true; }, getSelection: function getSelection() { return true; }, onunload: function onunload() { return true; }, print: function print() { return true; }, open: function open() { return this; }, opener: window, closed: false, innerHeight: 480, innerWidth: 640, name: openWndArguments[1], location: location, document: { location: location } }; copyMissingProperties(window, generatedWindow); generatedWindow.window = generatedWindow; var windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (windowName != null) { try { // originalWindowOpenFn("", windowName).close(); windowsWithNames[windowName].close(); } catch (err) {} } //why set timeout? setTimeout(function () { var url = void 0; if (!(generatedWindow.location instanceof Object)) { url = generatedWindow.location; } else if (!(generatedWindow.document.location instanceof Object)) { url = generatedWindow.document.location; } else if (location.href != null) { url = location.href; } else { url = openWndArguments[0]; } openWndArguments[0] = url; blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments); }, 100); })(); } return generatedWindow; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replace the window open method with Poper Blocker's ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = function () { try { return newWindowOpenFn.apply(this, arguments); } catch (err) { return null; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Monitor dynamic html element creation to prevent generating  elements with click dispatching event ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// document.createElement = function () { var newElement = originalCreateElementFn.apply(document, arguments); if (arguments[0] == "a" || arguments[0] == "A") { (function () { timeSinceCreateAElement = new Date().getTime(); var originalDispatchEventFn = newElement.dispatchEvent; newElement.dispatchEvent = function (event) { if (event.type != null && ("" + event.type).toLocaleLowerCase() == "click") { if (!isInWhitelist(newElement.href)) { window.pbreason = "blocked due to an explicit dispatchEvent event with type 'click' on an 'a' tag"; parent.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify({ "0": newElement.href }) }, parentOrigin); return true; } } return, event); }; lastCreatedAElement = newElement; })(); } return newElement; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block artificial mouse click on frashly created  elements ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// document.createEvent = function () { try { if (arguments[0].toLowerCase().includes("mouse") && new Date().getTime() - timeSinceCreateAElement <= 50) { if (!isInWhitelist(lastCreatedAElement.href)) { window.pbreason = "Blocked because 'a' element was recently created and " + arguments[0] + " event was created shortly after"; arguments[0] = lastCreatedAElement.href; parent.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify({ "0": lastCreatedAElement.href }) }, parentOrigin); return null; } } return originalCreateEventFn.apply(document, arguments); } catch (err) {} }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Monitor full screen requests ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function onFullScreen(isInFullScreenMode) { if (isInFullScreenMode) { fullScreenOpenTime = new Date().getTime(); } else { fullScreenOpenTime = NaN; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isDocumentInFullScreenMode() { // Note that the browser fullscreen (triggered by short keys) might // be considered different from content fullscreen when expecting a boolean return document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null || // alternative standard methods document.mozFullscreenElement != null || document.webkitFullscreenElement != null; // current working methods } function isInWhitelist(url) { return isInList(url, window.pb_whitelist); } function isInBlacklist(url) { return isInList(url, window.pb_blacklist); } function isInList(url, list) { if (list) { return list.some(function (li) { return new RegExp("https?://(www\.|.*\.)?" + li + "+").test(url); }); } else { return false; } } function blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments) { console.log(openWndArguments); parent.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify(openWndArguments) }, parentOrigin); } document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function () { onFullScreen(document.fullscreen); }, false); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function () { onFullScreen(document.mozFullScreen); }, false); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function () { onFullScreen(document.webkitIsFullScreen); }, false); } 
I have Poper Blocker installed and the code comments mentioned Poper Blocker so I'm assuming this is Poper Blocker code. Does this mean the extension is actually purposefully allowing ads from the websites on its "whitelist"?
These screenshots might make the code easier to read
submitted by derache123 to chrome [link] [comments]

[Store] Katowice 2014 (Graphites with Holos), Redlines, a Low Tier Knife and some Low Floats.

Hey, welcome to my store. Today I'm selling a bunch collector skins.


Normal Stuff

Weapon Skin Wear Info FV Screens B/O C/O
Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT FT Maxbet, who cares - 30 keys and $1.5 adds
AK-47 Redline FT ~~ ~~ ~~ 2.5 keys Buy something else and take this for 2 keys.
AK-47 Redline FT ~~ ~~ ~~ 2.5 keys Buy something else and take this for 2 keys.
Betting package: Knife and Redlines for 35 keys

Low Floats

See the whole album here
Weapon Skin Wear Info FV Unedited 4K Screens B/O C/O
AWP Boom MW Cheap alternative to a $90+ FN. 0.0718 Here 14 keys? Send offers -
MP9 Souvenir Hot Rod FN Golden Cologne 2015 stickers that look amazing. 0.005 Here 8 keys -
AWP Snake Camo MW 6th MW on Exchange, clean. 0.0711 Here 4 keys -
Desert Eagle Night MW Super Clean. 0.0716 Here 2 keys -
Glock-18 Night MW Higher float, but much cleaner. Go figure. 0.075 Here 1 key -
Glock-18 Night MW - 0.071 Here 1 key -
CSGO Exchange float confirmation
Prices negotiable IF PAYING IN PURE unless stated otherwise, will consider bulk discounts.

Katowice Guns

Screens for all Katowice guns
Weapon Skin Wear Info FV 4K Screens B/O C/O
AWP Graphite FN The original, the best - Titan holo! (body) 0.037 Here 35 keys SOLD FOR 0.978 STAT BLACKSIIMOV 33k mixed retracted
AWP Graphite FN Navi Holo on body 0.015 Here 25 keys -
AWP Graphite FN VOX Holo (as well as some other $10 in stickers). This and the Titan holo have been my T and CT AWPs for a while now. Sad to see them go, but I need a change :) 0.047 Here 21 keys -
AWP Redline MW Navi Holo 0.138 Here 14 keys -
AWP Electric Hive FN Hellraisers Holo on Body 0.32 Here 11 keys -
AWP Electric Hive FN Complexity Holo on Body 0.65 Here 9 keys -
M4A4 Radiation Hazard FT Hellraisers Holo - One of the best M4 Holo Combos IMO. 0.27 Here 9 keys -
AK-47 Black Laminate FT Hellraisers Holo 0.24 Here 9 keys SOLD FOR 7 KEYS -
P90 Blindspot FT Titan, LDLC, HR and NiP Holo, looks sick 0.22 Here 8 keys SOLD FOR 7 KEYS -
5-7 Kami STAT MW LGB Holo. If this doesn't sell I'm keeping it. 0.08 Here 7 keys -
M4A4 Zirka MW Titan 0.1 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FN Fnatic Holo in the backmost position. 0.0473 Looks nice 7 keys -
Nova Rising Skull STAT WW iBP and LDLC 0.42 Here 6 keys -
P2000 Red Fragcam STAT MW 3DMAX Holo, 2x 3DMAX non holo - cool nametag, not sure what it means though. 0.149 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate MW Titan on body 0.11 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate MW Fnatic on wood, Complexity, and Thug Life sticker (~$3) 0.074 Here 4 keys RESERVED -
M4A4 X-ray MW Complex. Holo on stock 0.082 Here 3 keys and adds -
M4A4 Zirka FT Scratched iBP 0.35 Here 3 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FT Fnatic 0.18 Here 3 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FT NiP, Let's Roll-oll (Holo) 0.18 Here 2 keys -
AK-47 Elite Build FT Dig Katowice and DH Foil 0.21 Here 2 keys -
5-7 Nightshade FT Fnatic above grip, I like it a lot. 0.19 Here 2 keys -
SCAR-20 Souvenir Contractor FT Gold Wolf, VP and NiP Foils 0.20 Here 2 keys -
Galil AR Sandstorm STAT FT Mousesports 0.188 Here SOLD FOR B/O Firm
Nova Graphite FN LGB, looks slick 0.028 Here 1 key SOLD FOR B/O Firm
Prices negotiable IF PAYING IN PURE unless stated otherwise, will consider bulk discounts..
I do get new items from time to time, if I do they'll appear in the store.
ALSO - I have CSGO trading cards that I'm looking to trade for sets from other games - gotta boost that Steam level!
Everything should be in order in my inventory, but let me know if something is wrong.
NOTHING ELSE IS FOR SALE, but more skins are coming!

My tradelink

submitted by fynns23 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

[Store] Katowice 2014 (Graphites with Holos), Redlines, a Max Bet Knife (30.5k) and some Low Floats.

Hey, welcome to my store. Today I'm selling a bunch collector skins.


Normal Stuff

Weapon Skin Wear Info FV Screens B/O C/O
Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT FT ~~ Maxbet, who cares (proof) ~~ 30 keys and $1.5 adds Firm, don't send for 30 keys, I won't accept. - Take 2
AK-47 Redline FT ~~ ~~ ~~ 2.5 keys Buy something else and take this for 2 keys.
AK-47 Redline FT ~~ ~~ ~~ 2.5 keys Buy something else and take this for 2 keys.
Betting package: Knife and Redlines for 35 keys

Low Floats

See the whole album here
Weapon Skin Wear Info FV Unedited 4K Screens B/O C/O
AWP Boom MW Cheap alternative to a $90+ FN. 0.0718 Here 14 keys? Send offers -
MP9 Souvenir Hot Rod FN Golden Cologne 2015 stickers that look amazing. 0.005 Here 8 keys -
AWP Snake Camo MW 6th MW on Exchange, clean. 0.0711 Here 4 keys -
Desert Eagle Night MW Super Clean. 0.0716 Here 2 keys -
Glock-18 Night MW Higher float, but much cleaner. Go figure. 0.075 Here 1 key -
Glock-18 Night MW - 0.071 Here 1 key -
CSGO Exchange float confirmation
Prices negotiable IF PAYING IN PURE unless stated otherwise, will consider bulk discounts.

Katowice Guns

Screens for all Katowice guns
Weapon Skin Wear Info FV 4K Screens B/O C/O
AWP Graphite FN The original, the best - Titan holo! (body) 0.037 Here 35 keys SOLD FOR 0.978 STAT BLACKSIIMOV 33k mixed retracted
AWP Graphite FN Navi Holo on body 0.015 Here 25 keys -
AWP Graphite FN VOX Holo (as well as some other $10 in stickers). This and the Titan holo have been my T and CT AWPs for a while now. Sad to see them go, but I need a change :) 0.047 Here 21 keys -
AWP Redline MW Navi Holo 0.138 Here 14 keys -
AWP Electric Hive FN Hellraisers Holo on Body 0.32 Here 11 keys -
AWP Electric Hive FN Complexity Holo on Body 0.65 Here 9 keys -
M4A4 Radiation Hazard FT Hellraisers Holo - One of the best M4 Holo Combos IMO. 0.27 Here 9 keys -
AK-47 Black Laminate FT Hellraisers Holo 0.24 Here 9 keys SOLD FOR 7 KEYS -
P90 Blindspot FT Titan, LDLC, HR and NiP Holo, looks sick 0.22 Here 8 keys SOLD FOR 7 KEYS -
5-7 Kami STAT MW LGB Holo. If this doesn't sell I'm keeping it. 0.08 Here 7 keys -
M4A4 Zirka MW Titan 0.1 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FN Fnatic Holo in the backmost position. 0.0473 Looks nice 7 keys -
Nova Rising Skull STAT WW iBP and LDLC 0.42 Here 6 keys -
P2000 Red Fragcam STAT MW 3DMAX Holo, 2x 3DMAX non holo - cool nametag, not sure what it means though. 0.149 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate MW Titan on body 0.11 Here 5 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate MW Fnatic on wood, Complexity, and Thug Life sticker (~$3) 0.074 Here 4 keys RESERVED -
M4A4 X-ray MW Complex. Holo on stock 0.082 Here 3 keys and adds -
M4A4 Zirka FT Scratched iBP 0.35 Here 3 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FT Fnatic 0.18 Here 3 keys -
AK-47 Blue Laminate FT NiP, Let's Roll-oll (Holo) 0.18 Here 2 keys -
AK-47 Elite Build FT Dig Katowice and DH Foil 0.21 Here 2 keys -
5-7 Nightshade FT Fnatic above grip, I like it a lot. 0.19 Here 2 keys -
SCAR-20 Souvenir Contractor FT Gold Wolf, VP and NiP Foils 0.20 Here 2 keys -
Galil AR Sandstorm STAT FT Mousesports 0.188 Here SOLD FOR B/O Firm
Nova Graphite FN LGB, looks slick 0.028 Here 1 key SOLD FOR B/O Firm
Prices negotiable IF PAYING IN PURE unless stated otherwise, will consider bulk discounts..
I do get new items from time to time, if I do they'll appear in the store.
ALSO - I have CSGO trading cards that I'm looking to trade for sets from other games - gotta boost that Steam level!
Everything should be in order in my inventory, but let me know if something is wrong.
NOTHING ELSE IS FOR SALE, but more skins are coming!

My tradelink

submitted by fynns23 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments] m video

グローバルAlexaのランク: # 161,928,SerbiaでのAlexaのランクは# 427です このサイトのプライマリIPアドレスは78.46.105.16です,Falkenstein,Germanyでのサービス. ISP:Hetzner Online AG TLD:rs CountryCode:DE 内容説明:Klađenje na veliki broj mečeva i igara Online kazino virtuelno klađenje i lucky 6 na jednom mestu Igraj jer život je igra... U prvom meču osmine fionala Lige šampiona sastaju se Totenhem – Borusija Dortmund. Biće to još jedan sudar nemačkih i engleskih fudbalera, pa je spektakl zagarantovan. Doduše, jedni i drugi imaju problema sa povredama, pa neće da igraju u najjačim sastavima. Povodom ove utakmice kladionica MaxBet je pripremila Specijal, a za vas smo izdvojili najinteresantnije […] Subotnji dan obeležiće utakmice Premijer lige, pre svega derbi susret Čelsija i Mančester junajteda. Iz tog razloga rešili smo da ne menjamo tradiciju i ponudimo vam specijal za ovaj meč. Imamo pregrš igara spremnih, ali neke ćemo izdvojiti. U pitanju su izvanredne kvote na konačan ishod i strelce. Ukoliko odigrate keca i gol Azara imaćete […] Klađenje na veliki broj mečeva i igara. Online kazino, virtuelno klađenje i lucky 6 na jednom mestu. Igraj, jer život je igra. Izvor: 011vodič.com, 31.Avg.2019, 15:31 (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.) Filipini zalutali na Mundobasket! – MaxBet Sport. Posle pobede Srbije nad Angolom, odigrana je i druga utakmica u grupi D. Italija je demolirala Filipine koji su u ovom momentu verovatno jedna od najslabijih ekipa na turniru. Borusija Menhengladbah ne gubi vreme i već je pronašla zamenu za golmana Mark-Andre ter Štegena koji će se od leta najverovatnije preseliti u Barselonu i zameniti Viktora Valdesa. Izvor: 011vodič.com, 13.Avg.2019, 12:36 (ažurirano 02.Apr.2020.) ZVANIČNO Meli propušta Mundobasket – MaxBet Sport. Na Mundobaskeu bez još jednog asa. Ni Nikolo Meli neće da igra u Kini. Nije uspeo da se oporavi posle operacije kolena, tako da je i na sajtu KS Italije objavljeno da će “azuri” da budu lišeni usluga odličnog igrača, koji je odnedavno postao član Nju Orleans Kompanija MaxBet na tržištu Srbije posluje duže od 20 godina. Naše poslovanje je zasnovano na organizovanju i praćenju sportskog klađenja i igara na sreću. Tatsächlich beträgt die Gesamtgröße der 156.4 Kb. Dieses Ergebnis geht über die ersten 1 Millionen Websites hinaus und identifiziert eine große und nicht optimierte Webseite, deren Laden möglicherweise Ewigkeiten in Anspruch nimmt. 65% der Websites benötigen weniger Ressourcen zum Laden.Javascripts take 862.67 Kb macht den größten Teil des Site-Volumens aus. m top

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