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My ultra hardcore recycling guide for our house

Hi all,
I've been putting together info for how to recycle in Tucson while leveraging all the recycling options that are open to me: curbside, the city's upcoming glass drop-off, local and mail-in corporate-sponsored, and TerraCycle (a paid option). I aim to reuse or recycle every last bit of waste coming out of our house, no matter how crazy it may seem. Partly I just want to see how difficult it is; I recognize that my process isn't practical for most people.
Anyway, here's what I've gathered so far.

General principles

  1. COMPOST: If it can be composted, compost it! (More on this below.)
  2. REUSE: If it can't be composted, reuse it! Reuse is always the most environmentally-friendly option.
  3. DONATE: If it can't be reused by you, donate it if it's something worth donating that someone else could use. has a great directory for places that will accept various materials. Cero is a Tucson store that also accepts lots of stuff for donation and reuse. Donation usually involves transportation and some kind of carbon emissions, but it's still better than recycling. Don't donate junk! Donations aren't a free trash can.
  4. MUNICIPAL RECYCLING: If it can't be donated, recycle it locally using municipal recycling (curbside or drop-off). Recycle Coach has all the info you need on what municipal recycling can or can't recycle. ESGD's page on residential recycling also has some important guidelines. Recycling uses energy and involves carbon-emitting transport, plus not everything in a recycling waste stream actually gets recycled, so try to reuse first.
  5. LOCAL STORE DROP-OFF: If it can't be recycled using municipal recycling, recycle it at a local store for free. Earth911 has a search page that finds these stores and breaks them down by type, and TerraCycle's corporate-sponsored programs page also has some local programs. These programs typically ship their waste to a recycling partner, often TerraCycle in New Jersey, which adds to the environmental footprint of the process, so try to recycle municipally first.
  6. FREE MAIL-IN: If it can't be recycled at a local store, use one of TerraCycle's free corporate-sponsored mail-in programs. These programs end up sending waste TerraCycle, just like the local store drop-offs, but are arguably less efficient than sending a big communal batch of stuff, so try to use the local store drop-offs first.
  7. TERRACYCLE (PAID): If it can't be recycled using a mail-in program, use a paid all-in-one box to have TerraCycle recycle it if it's small and light. This is effectively the same as using one of the mail-in options above except that you have to pay, so try to use a mail-in program first.
  8. REGIONAL DROP-OFF: If it's a big bulky waste that can't be donated, see if it can be recycled outside of Tucson (e.g., save up Styrofoam for the next time I drive to Phoenix, where they do have the appropriate facilities). TerraCycle accepts almost anything, but their all-in-one boxes are pricey, so it may make more sense to save up big hard-to-recycle stuff like packaging for Phoenix or another big city, if you think you'll drive there at some point. Don't make unnecessary trips just to drop off waste!
  9. TRASH: If it can't be composted, reused, donated or recycled, throw it away and make sure that you follow the guidelines for hazardous waste disposal.
  10. GOLDEN RULE #1: Make sure that the material is clean. Clean waste streams are more valuable to recyclers, which helps keep costs down. Don't use too much water cleaning up stuff, but don't feel too guilty about using water, either! Dishwater usage is a tiny sliver of household water consumption, not to mention that industry and agriculture generally use much more water than homes.
  11. GOLDEN RULE #2: The goal of recycling is to break down your waste into "primary materials" (e.g., plastic, metal, paper, glass) that can be used by industry to make new products. The more mixed your materials, the more you need to research how to recycle it. Knowing the basics goes a long way. For example, I know that metal cans get melted down, so a paper or plastic label attached to the can doesn't worry me because I know that it will get burned off. But what about a milk carton, which is paper fused with plastic? Or the circuitry inside the plastic base of a CFL bulb? If you can't intuitively explain how the thing is going to get broken down into its primary materials, that's your cue that you need to do some research.
  12. GOLDEN RULE #3: Knowing the basics of how recycling centers work goes a long way. For example, if you know that you can't recycle plastic grocery bags curbside because they get stuck in the machines, that's a hint that you shouldn't try to recycle your plastic food wrap, either. Or if you know that plastic bottle caps fall through the holes of a separator, that's a hint that you need to research whether your beer bottle caps are recyclable (even though they're metal).

Reuse and recycling guide for my home

This is not a comprehensive list of every recycling resource in Tucson, this is just for my house my household's needs. I've found that there's no one-size-fits-all solution if you want to reach close to 100% recycling/reuse, you end up having to come up with a list that's customized for your home, which requires research. I'm providing my list as a potential template as well as for inspiration.

How do I sort all this?

Right now, I'm using a makeshift system of lots and lots of bags to keep everything separate. My idea is to do a monthly "recycling day" and drop off everything that needs to be dropped off as well as mail in everything that needs to be mailed in. I haven't had to do this yet since I started this project.
I hope to build a sorting station in my house once I understand my needs a bit better.

Notes on TerraCycle and partner programs

A lot of the corporate-sponsored/mail-in/drop-off programs are done through TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based recycler that specializes in recycling hard-to-recycle things (e.g., potato chip bags, toothbrushes). They make lots of their money through large corporations, which essentially pay them to process unprofitable waste in order to burnish their environmental stewardship bona fides. They also offer paid recycling pouches and boxes to the general public. You mail in these pouches/boxes (they come with a shipping label) after filling them up with recyclable waste.
TerraCycle will recycle almost anything and everything. However, anything that gets recycled through them or one of their corporate programs is shipped to New Jersey for processing, so it's preferable to reuse or recycle locally. They're also not as transparent as I wish they would be. I'm not certain, for example, how much of each waste stream actually gets recycled. They have a customer support contact form that's been very good for getting my questions answered, but beware that they take about 2-3 days to get back to you per request.
I bought the large "all-in-one" box from their site and found a coupon code online to bring the cost down to around $350. I read a review elsewhere from someone who got a medium box (about 50% the size) who said that it lasted her six months. My idea is to use this box as "recycling of last resort" and rely on drop-off programs as much as possible to keep costs down. On the other hand, this makes my life more complicated in terms of sorting different waste streams, so you could simplify by putting waste destined for various drop-off points into a single TerraCycle all-in-one box.
You need to register for free on their website to use their mail-in programs. Many of their mail-in programs unfortunately have wait lists. Of the ~15 programs for which I signed up around two weeks ago, about 8 had wait lists, and I got off the wait list for about 5 of them. So they seem to go through the list pretty regularly. Once you're in, you can print off a free UPS label from the "my profile" section of the site after logging in.
If I had to take a wild guess, I would assume that TerraCycle has a higher rate of recycling than municipal programs, but this must be balanced against the financial and environmental cost of shipping waste to their facilities.


The Achilles' heel in my recycling and reuse plan is organic matter. The City of Tucson has a composting program but it's only open to businesses.
There are a few volunteer-run programs here and there that accept compostable waste. I managed to sign up for one, UA's Compost Cats, and will be meeting them tomorrow to pick up my sealed composting bucket and go over the program rules. I know that they have limited capacity, so you have to email them. They took about a week to get back to me.

Am I insane?

Maybe a little 🙃.

Shout outs

submitted by Low_Walrus to Tucson [link] [comments]

If you see a creature coming down your chimney, you need to read this as a matter of life and death.

I need to talk. Like, I really need to talk.
The trouble is, I don’t have anybody I can talk to. My family’s estranged, my friends are all gone, and the authorities think I’m a lunatic.
It's just five days from Christmas, and I’m alone. Isolated. If I don’t get this off my chest though, I’m afraid it’s going to start festering in my mind like a decaying carcass; I’m afraid it’s going to sink its teeth in.
So I’ll talk to you. All of you. It’s not perfect, but it will do.
My name's Terrance Sims. I’m sitting in my rocking chair, rifle draped across my lap, in bloodstained pyjamas that still reek with last night’s piss. I haven’t slept in two days, and I might not sleep for two more. Last night something came down my chimney, and I think it’s coming back.
I’m getting ahead of myself, so let me paint you a picture. I live alone, up in the mountains where the pine trees are draped in snow, and the rivers are an icy blue. I could be a bit more specific, but I don’t think it’s warranted. Besides that, I like my privacy.
All of this to say, where I am isn’t important. What matters is what I have to say.
I’m a researcher. Or at least, I was once upon a time. My funding has long been cut, and my job along with it, but I've stayed out here because I believed in the research my team was undertaking. It was revolutionary. It meant the possibility of bridging worlds, of seeing new forms of life.
Now I’m terrified that research has found me.
You’ve probably heard of monsters, or urban legends, of things that claw at our imaginations and lurk in the dark recesses of our minds. Perhaps you’ve even felt one. They wait there sometimes, prowling just beyond our vision, tearing at the fabric that holds our realities together. Desperate. Hungry.
My job was to study these beings. I was tasked with developing an understanding of not only what they wanted from us but how to gain access to their world: the place Beyond the Veil.
Needless to say, I wasn’t successful. The organization I worked for, the Facility, poured millions into my ideas and wasn’t forgiving of my failures. When my theories came up short, they cut ties with me -- he cut ties with me.
‘It’s unfortunate, but it’s business,” Mr. Reid had said, feet on his desk, long hair pulled back in a ponytail. “Your failures reflect on me, Terrance, and they’ve become an accounting nightmare.”
I had begged him. Groveled. It didn’t matter. I was terminated along with my research, and when you’re studying the kind of things I am, they don’t want that information leaking out into the world. It’s what they call a liability.
So I was blacklisted. Facility teams picked away at my reputation, whispering in the back corners of universities and at the water coolers of laboratories. My name became synonymous with paranoia and madness. I was a laughing stock among my peers. A joke.
It was the end of my life.
Only one person cared to associate with me afterwards, a junior colleague and a brilliant young man named Alexi Azimov. He believed in the research nearly as much as I did, and luckily for him, his name wasn’t attached to the project.
When the Facility pulled the plug and dragged my name through the dirt, they simply moved him to a new department, and that was that. Despite it, he spent his vacation days returning to the mountain, assisting me with further study whenever he could.
Until last year, when even he abandoned me too.
But now I’ve shown all of them. I’ve proven they were wrong -- dead wrong. It’s here. He’s here. I always suspected he lived among these mountains, or at least that his Bridge was located within them, but I had given up hope for so long. It had been years, after all -- damn near a decade. They called me absurd. Insane.
Then, last night everything changed.
I was lying in bed, winding down after logging the readings on the temporal measurement equipment, when the cabin shook. At first, I thought an avalanche had struck it, but then I heard it: a clatter of hooves upon the roof.
I shot out of bed, my breath trapped in my chest and my body cold with sweat. I sprinted to the closet and pulled out my hunting rifle. Outside, a blizzard howled, but all I heard was the voice, a menagerie of tone and emotion, high and low, guttural and smooth. It rang out from above me.
Ho ho hO.
My first thought was to contact the Facility, but my satellite internet wasn’t functioning in the storm. Even if it were, I knew better. I was too far. Too isolated for help.
The mountains I study in are remote, and the cabin even more so. It was chosen for its seclusion as a means of observing the being known as the Sleigh Father, but the circumstances were meant to be different.
Much different.
Above me, the ceiling creaked, and dust drifted down from the rafters. Boots crunched upon the snow-caked roof. You always think you’ll know what to do when the moment comes, that your training will kick in, and you’ll just go through the motions like some kind of pre-programmed robot. I wish that were true. I really do.
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think.
I’d spent the better part of my career chasing that monster, and now that it’d found me, I was lost. My fingers played against the trigger of my rifle, my mouth dry, and my eyes latched open. Inside of me, my body thrummed with terror. My fight or flight response oscillated between cowardice and impulsive foolishness. I was paralyzed. Alone.
A chorus of chattering pierced the screaming wind. It came fast and jittery, like a ticking clock marking time in microseconds. I knew what it was before the hoofbeats followed. It was them, the creatures the Sleigh Father commissioned in the First Days when people still feared the night and all the horrors within. Eight abominations, stitched together by the innards of mutilated children.
Their agony acted as his gateway -- his Bridge between worlds. The souls of the children lived on in the beasts, while their vacant spirits stalked the earth, lost and hopeless, seeking the missing piece that would finally grant them rest. Their tortured existence was his Link to our reality. The sleigh the abominations drew, his Bridge.
The thought shook me from my trance. I’d spent years waiting for this—a chance to see the other side, to see other worlds.
I had to act, so I lurched forward, moving through the lonely cabin while the Sleigh Father’s footsteps creaked above me. HO hO ho. He lumbered toward the chimney while I shivered down the cold hallway, rifle trembling in my skinny arms.
It took me only a few moments to reach the living area, and when I did, I settled there, just behind the corner of the wall. I kept my gun levelled at the fireplace, and my eyes plastered open. A crackling blaze danced in the hearth. It cast the sparse furnishings in an orange glow, throwing shadows across the loveseat and the messy desks.
The night became still.
The snowstorm quieted. The hoofbeats vanished. There was no sound of boots, no sound of laughter, only the snapping flames and my heart pounding blood through my skull. My mouth moved, and words spilled out. Affirmations. Come on, I muttered. Slide down the chimney, you beast. The fire’s waiting for you.
I knew better. Of course I did. I’d spent years researching the Sleigh Father, consumed tireless hours reading into his history. Of all the monsters the Facility had dealt with, the terrors that haunted old email chains and the urban legends that spread through panicked breaths, he was the anomaly. He was celebrated.
Santa Claus, they called him.
It was an error I traced back to centuries ago when a young girl witnessed her abusive father taken by the Sleigh Father. The creature devoured him and left the man’s skull as a parting gift, having taken what he came for: a human soul. To the girl, the beast was a saviour.
A saint.
The words she spoke in the following weeks, months, and years became immortalized. They became history, and then they became legend. A jolly being, laughing and hungry, coming down the chimney and leaving gifts in its wake. It was as tantalizing a tale as they come, especially to young children, eager to be appeased in their search for comfort and joy.
Now he was here with me, looking for another soul to add to his collection.
Seconds stretched into minutes as I waited, tucked quietly behind the corner of the wall, rifle in my arms, elbow steadied upon my knee. Once, we had contingencies for this. Plans in place that provided the means to incapacitate the Sleigh Father should he pay us a visit, but those plans involved government agents no longer in my employ. They involved expensive technology and complex spells. They were a last resort.
A clump of snow fell down the chimney, and the fire responded with a hiss of steam. Its flame retreated for a moment, flickering, before lashing back in anger. Something heavy shuffled above—the Sleigh Father.
Emotions swam inside of me. Regret. Anger. Fear. Why had I stayed out here? How could I have been so stubborn, so goddamn arrogant?
The answer was obvious: my old boss, Donovan Reid. His mockery, his wanton destruction of my life. It left me with no other option. Either I remained on this mountain, burning through my life’s savings and hunting wayward game, or I returned home. One meant a chance at redemption, the other guaranteed humiliation and disgrace.
I hated Mr. Reid more than words could say. Alexi had seen it. He’d seen how much my loathing distracted me, and so he recommended methods to help get the snake off my mind. A list, he’d said in an email last month. Write a list of all the ways you want to hurt him. Write a list of all the horrible things you want to happen to him. I think it could help you get him out of your head and free up your attention.
It helped—a little.
hO ho HO.
The laugh came high and low, husky and slick. A crunch followed it, like something digging into brick, and panic found its way into my bones. Dust and debris fell into the flames. The Sleigh Father's legend was explicit in his form of entry: if possible, it was always the chimney.
A grunt came down the flue, followed by more pebbles and stones. Then, the cabin shook. It was as if something heavy had jumped from the roof -- and what comes up must come down.
A pulverizing cacophony filled the night like cannon fire. Rubble tumbled into the blazing hearth while the bricks of the chimney bulged outwards, crumbling as something massive shot down it. I barely brought my rifle on aim before a figure crashed into the flames.
Burning logs shattered with a thunderous crack, plunging the cabin into inky darkness. Wooden splinters ricocheted around the room like blazing shrapnel, their slivers slashing at my face and tracing my skin in searing agony. I swung back behind the protection of the hallway wall, rifle clutched to my chest.
My thoughts raced. This couldn’t be happening, I said to myself. It couldn’t. I slammed my eyes shut, trying to get my out-of-control breathing back in line. I was hyperventilating. Panicking. I had to calm down because if I didn’t, I would start making impulsive decisions, and impulsive decisions were a good way to die.
I opened my eyes.
The fire was gone. I could barely see a thing. A short distance away, boots groaned against hardwood, kicking past broken logs in the hearth. My finger quivered against the cold steel of the rifle’s trigger, and I desperately wanted to pull it, but I knew that if I did, then it was over. Either the Sleigh Father would die, or I would. The odds, I decided, were not in my favour.
So I waited.
A piece of me, infinitesimally small, wanted to see him, wanted to flick on a light or blindly fire into the darkness. I wanted to witness the monster that possessed my life for so long -- if only for a second. But I didn’t. It’s not worth it, I told myself. It’s not worth it.
The footsteps stalked to the window, dragging something heavy behind them. Against the faint light of the moon, I made out the Sleigh Father’s silhouette. He was tall, inhumanly so. His neck craned forward, pressed against the top of the high cabin ceiling. A cloak was draped across his broad shoulders, and from his head slumped the pom of a stocking cap. Beside him sat a large sack.
“NaUghty oR niCe?” his voice hummed, in discordant melody.
I didn’t reply. It seemed impossible, but a part of me held onto the belief that maybe he wasn’t speaking to me. Maybe he didn’t know I was there. It was just a monologue, perhaps—words for the night.
I raised the rifle, aiming it toward his massive figure. I could do it now, I reasoned. I could pull the trigger and hopefully make this nightmare disappear.
Ho HO hO.
The silhouette turned, its face masked in shadow, save for a single glint of bobbing light. “CaReFuL wiTh tHaT,” it said.
A cold breeze swept across me, and suddenly my fingers burned with agonizing frostbite. My rifle clattered to the floor while my hands trembled in pain. “YoU’ll TaKe yOur eYe OuT.”
“W-what do you want?” I stuttered, stumbling backward. My feet croaked on the floorboards as I came up against the back of the hallway. My heart hammered. Tears filled my visions as I cradled my cold hands against my stomach. “Please,” I whimpered.
“NaUgHty?” he sang. “Or NiCe?”
“N-nice,” I said. “I’m a good man. I just wanted to l-learn about you.” The words stumbled out of my mouth like lemmings falling to their death. “I don’t mean any harm. I swear--”
The footsteps creaked closer, and as they did, the silhouette vanished from the window's moonlight. All that remained of it now was sounds it made. I listened intently to the burdensome echoes of boots on hardwood and the heavy scratching of coarse fabric being dragged across the floor.
ho Ho hO.
He was close. So close. I slammed my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable, waiting to die. Warm piss spilled down my leg, and my face screwed up as I fell to my knees, bawling on the floor. “Please,” I begged. “I'm a good man! I told you -- please!”
The rumble of footfalls stopped, and in their place came the sound of rustling fabric, like somebody opening a sack.
“NiCe, yOu sAy?”
A dim light formed, radiating out of a burlap bag some five feet away. Behind its glow, I could make out a white, singed beard hanging over a red suit. The Sleigh Father’s face was otherwise indiscernible amidst the suffocating shadow, save for one dancing speck of light.
“WoULd yOu LiKe a GiFt?” he asked.
My mind raced. Was there anything in the mythology that warned against accepting gifts? I couldn’t recall. “Yes,” I hazarded, in a small voice. "Yes, please." It seemed unwise to refuse the creature.
hO ho Ho.
A massive, red-jacketed arm reached into the burlap sack. My eyes widened in horror as I realized the sack was moving. Kicking. Like there was something alive inside of it. Muffled screams followed, and the great arm pulled back, clutching a man by his long, blonde hair. The man thrashed and whimpered. Tears soaked his pale face.
Our eyes connected, mine and the man’s, and something ran through me. It was a feeling I’d never experienced before, a mixture of dark excitement and absolute loathing.
“You,” I said slowly.
The light from the sack was dim, but to the man, it was all he had known. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the heavy darkness of the cabin, and as they did, he peered toward me, eyelids pinched together to discern the voice speaking to him.
“Who’s there?” he whimpered.
I gazed forward in stunned silence. Was this real? There was no way. He dangled in the Sleigh Father's grasp like the finest Christmas present I'd ever seen.
“Hello?” his voice called. “Please, I have resources -- more than you could imagine! I’m a powerful man in government! Just get me the hell out of here, and I’ll give you whatever you want.” His voice turned weak, broken. “Please… please get me out of here. I have a family.”
I opened my mouth, but if words were there, I didn’t speak them. No. It seemed wasteful, at this moment, to reply so thoughtlessly. This moment necessitated careful words and a measured tone. It required my best.
“NauGhtY,” the Sleigh Father hummed. “So, sO NaUgHty.”
I found myself nodding along. Yes, the man was naughty. The worst. He was an abomination, fit for disposal. He’d doubted me -- made a mockery of me, and torn apart the life I’d so carefully built.
“Donovan,” I said, doing my best to keep my voice level. “Donovan Reid, isn't it?”
The light was faint. So faint. In spite of it though, I could see Mr. Reid had finally realized who I was, whether because his eyes had adjusted or he recognized my voice. Perhaps a combination of the two. His expression fell.
“That voice…You used to work for me,” he choked out. “Didn’t you?”
I gazed at him, something horrible growing inside of me. It ate up all of my fear, my regret, my rage and it left only hunger in their wake—a desperate desire for retribution.
“I did.

submitted by Born-Beach to nosleep [link] [comments]

[Frostpunk] Chapter 3: Stretched Thin

First Prev Next
Having returned from their surprisingly successful hunt, Adrian Elliot trudged back to the Captain, who was, impressively, already awake. They may not be working in the field with the rest of us, but they certainly put in the hours to make sure everything runs smoothly.
“Are you coming back from the hunt?” the Captain inquired.
“Yes. We got lucky and stumbled across a polar bear’s burrow, with some animal carcasses that we started cutting up. However, the bear fought to protect its stash, wounding a couple of the hunters.”
“Make sure they get treated at the medical post. I’m glad you made such a good find. Any thoughts on how to procure more food?”
“Absolutely, Captain. We need better gear if we want to get this big of a haul consistently. More maneuverable snowshoes, traps with better camouflage, and ranged weapons that can work in a blizzard. The rifle got filled with snow and could not be relied upon.”
“I’ll get the engineers working on that immediately.”
The Captain seems awfully concerned about the hunt. Is that why they’re still up? Is my… no, our food supply in trouble? “Is everything alright? I know we’re unlikely to get this lucky each time, but with some rest between hunts, and the equipment I am certain our engineers can craft, we should be able to get by, even if from ration to ration.”
“That would be the case, except I have heard word from our scouts. They have already located the other people from our convoy, and are bringing them back to the city. They say they are in poor condition -- weak from sickness and hunger.” The Captain had started pacing frantically. “They’ll be here before the day is out, and we don’t have enough food, shelter, or medical facilities for everyone. I’m trying to think of any way to provide for everyone, but, hah, no one can create food and warmth from thin air. I… I don’t know what to do.”
The poor Captain… I know what must be done, but are they willing to go that far? “If I may, I have a suggestion.” The Captain’s eyes locked with Adrian’s. “I know that breadmakers would often add sawdust to their cheaper breads to cut down on grain use, and therefore costs. This would often be met with backlash, and some warned of health hazards, but I think desperate times call for radical measures.” The Captain looked like they were facing an internal conflict. Let’s see what kind of leader they are…
“Are you saying you would knowingly submit yourself to such a measure?”
“I…” Adrian faltered. I have thus far been willing myself to ignore the implications of such a measure. Yet, I am feeling hungrier than I have ever felt during my life of comfort. I must focus on that. This is only a temporary measure, anyway. I hope. “Yes, I would knowingly consume food with sawdust additives. More people have survived eating sawdust than eating nothing.”
“I see. I must contemplate how to go about this. I thank you for your advice, and for your admirable efforts, during these dark times. Please, rest all you can. I imagine nighttime hunts will be more effective anyway, so you will be allowed to rest during the day, and to hunt for food at night.”
Good, I’m just about to collapse from exhaustion. Adrian stumbled over to his tent. Let’s hope the tent can retain some of the Generator’s heat… oh, who am I kidding? They better start gathering enough coal to keep the Generator on during the day.
“You’ll live. Neither frostbite nor infection had a chance to set in. Whoever bandaged you did a good job.” With the other hunter attended to by his assistant, Theo, Charlie Chambers took a moment to clean up the medical supplies. To fight off a bear with nothing but sharpened sticks and a jammed gun… impressive, to say the least.
Do I hear cheering? Oh, the scouts must have returned with the remaining survivors. “Theo, I’m going to go find out what we need to prepare for the incoming people. They are definitely going to be hungry, cold, and tired, so get some soup from the cookhouse ready.”
“As you say.”
However, as Charlie was going to leave the medpost, he ran into the Captain.
“Good morning, Captain. Do you bring instructions?”
“There are many in bad condition among the rescued, but nothing you haven’t already proven capable with. How many more patients can you take care of?”
Charlie glanced back into the tent. “We have two empty cots, and I think we’ll be able to take a third patient in once the worker from yesterday is discharged -- ”
“Not nearly enough,” the Captain interrupted. “Are you sure you can’t take on more?”
“Don’t get me wrong, we would be able to attend twice as many, but we don’t have the beds for them!”
“Please, these people need medical care, urgently. If they just have somewhere to lie, they should be able to recover.”
The Captain seems desperate to help them. “Very well. We’ll take on five more. Make sure they bring their sleeping bags here, they cannot sleep directly on the ground. Theo, make sure to grab enough soup for everyone.”
“You have my gratitude, sir.” The Captain turned to a group of people standing outside the tent. “Bring in the seven weakest people, and five sleeping bags from their supplies. The rest of you can get soup from the cookhouse and then get to work to help build your tents and another medical post. Who here is a...”
As the Captain walked off, Charlie began directing the half standing, half carried arrivals to their places. As the tent filled with a cacophony of the pitiful noises the sick tend to make, Charlie remembered why he had been cautious of allowing five people in here, much less ten. Getting any rest is going to be a challenge, and a single infection will rip through this crowd in an instant.
“What in blazes is going on here?”
Charlie looked and saw the day shift of three doctors. “Captain’s orders -- give them a place to lie and recover, at any cost. Do as you wish, but all of these people must be cared for.” As Charlie headed back to his tent to sleep, the staff he left behind slowly began to assess their new patients. This is a big risk we’re taking with those patients, but the Captain’s right. Leaving them without proper medical care is even worse. I hope this is only a temporary measure.
Ariya Collins inspected the sawmill she had helped set up. Attached to the gathering post, it would allow the grove of frozen trees nearby to be processed into planks for building something sturdier than tents and huts. It won’t be nearly enough, but a few buildings made sense to improve. Like the medical post. It definitely needed more space, though they might be able to build more of them instead, if they have the doctors to staff them.
The alternative seems to be cramming all the sick people inside regardless of space. Which, it seems, the Captain has ordered in this case. Thank God I got out of there before the remaining survivors arrived.
As a team of lumberjacks dragged a tree back, Ariya turned on the saw. As steam was diverted from the Generator along old ventilation piping, the blade began to accelerate until the individual teeth became a blur. The tree was fed into it, and came out cleanly cut in two.
As Ariya watched, ready to shut the steam off if something went wrong, she realized what was different from the sawmills she’d worked at from time to time. The sawdust is being collected! Probably for later use as tinder or something. Waste not, want not, I suppose.
The work day went smoothly: trees were sawed, metal scrap and coal piles were brought in on sleighs, no accidents occurred. As Ariya shut down the sawmill and prepared to deliver the planks to the stockpile, she spotted a worker gathering the sawdust into a bucket.
“Hey, buddy, where are you taking that?”
“I’m not supposed to say. Captain’s orders…”
“Come on, we’ll keep it between us.”
“I’m taking it to the cookhouse. I think you can figure out why.”
Ariya stopped. No. They wouldn’t. To stoop so low, so quickly? “Do we really have so little food that we’re to be fed with sawdust?” I already know the answer, but I… I can’t…
“These are tough times, and we suffer what we must.”
“I suppose, but I won’t take it lying down. Not for long. Something had better be done about this, and soon.”
Ariya returned to the task of transporting the planks, still recovering from the revelation, when she spotted the people lying in sleeping bags around the generator.
She walked up to the nearest one. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met yet. You’re one of the survivors that were just rescued, right?”
“Yes, I am. Thank you for that.”
“Oh, no need to thank me. I don’t really know if I contributed anything to the rescue effort…”
“I disagree, the man has every reason to thank you.” A worker came up from behind Ariya and put her hand across Ariya’s shoulders. “You were the first person to volunteer for staying up on the first night and getting the cookhouse done on time. Collapsed from exhaustion while doing so, I heard.”
Yeah, the cookhouse… where they’re cooking up some delicious sawdust as we speak.
“Is that so, miss? Well, then, my gratitude is not misplaced. Some warm soup does wonders for…” before he could finish, the man broke into a horrible, raspy cough.
“Oh no, you seem terribly ill! How come you aren’t in the medical tent?”
“From what I’ve heard, they don’t nearly have enough space. They filled the place with more people than I thought would fit in the thing. The others were in a worse state than I, so I’ll wait my turn.”
“Still, you cannot be allowed to sleep outside, on the ground. Did they not build enough tents?”
“Really, it’s fine. With the Generator for heat, I…”
“Take my bed in the tent, I insist,” Ariya added, sternly.
“Very well. Know that my gratitude towards you grows with every action, and I hope I can ever repay you.”
Just be ready to do your part and help the city survive as soon as you can, Ariya thought as she wrapped herself in the sleeping bag and tried to fall asleep. The tiring day at least meant that was easy, regardless of the discomfort.
It was Kris Hawkins’s second day of helping out in the cookhouse. It was far from comfortable, with one side of him sweating from the steam that kept the soup hot, and his other side freezing due to the Generator being off. Some of my friends might complain, but I’m a big boy! I will do my work well! In the end, seeing people happy when he gave them their soup made it all feel worth it.
Today, it was Kris’s Mother’s turn to take care of the children as they worked. Kris was delighted to spend time with his mother, though he wished she wouldn’t fuss over him so much more than the other kids.
Late in the morning, a small crowd of people Kris remembered seeing on the ship made their way to the tower. “Mom, are those the people that got lost?”
“Oh, you’re right! Thank the Lord they’re alright. Quick, get some bowls of soup ready. They’ve got to be in even worse shape than we were when we first got here.”
Kris poured out some soup. Sure enough, the doctor who’d just picked up two bowls of soup soon walked in again. “I’ll need seven more bowls for the patients, please.”
Kris’s Mother looked confused. “Seven? How can you possibly fit seven more people in that tent of yours?”
“We’ve had to fit as many patients as physically possible to take care of all the people who’ve just arrived.” He grabbed the tray with the bowls on it. “Thank you, children.” With that, the doctor left the cookhouse.
“There’s at least nine patients in that tent,” Kris’s Mother mused. Then, she gave a stern look to each of the kids in turn. “You all keep all your clothes on and buttoned up at all times, got it? It’s the only way you aren’t going to fall ill.”
The rest of the day went smoothly. When few people were asking for soup, Kris’s mother let them go outside and play in the snow a little, though she made them promise to come back inside as soon as she called them.
Towards the end of the day, a man with a crate of sawdust came in and talked with Kris’s Mom. “Ma’am, new orders from the Captain. From now on, you are to cut the amount of food used in the soup to two-thirds, with the remaining volume being replaced by sawdust.”
“No way… do the… does everyone know about this?”
“Not yet, the Captain has asked this to be kept a secret until the sawdust is already in the food.”
“I hope the Captain realizes that everyone will not take this lightly, and doing it in secret like this will make it worse. Was it really such a big concern that people would try to interfere?”
“I suppose so. In any case, try to wait until tomorrow morning. If the Captain does not bring this up then, you will be right in bringing it up yourself. Alright, I’ll be off, then.”
The other kids had been too busy playing in the snow to notice, but Kris did notice. “Mom, is everything alright?”
His mother put on a smile. “Of course! Well, as alright as we can expect them to be.”
“But, why did that man ask us to put sawdust in the soup? Can you eat sawdust?”
His mother faltered. “Well, it’s usually not good for you, but people have done it in the past - they’ve put sawdust into cheap bread. After all, we eat other plants, why not trees?”
Kris looked unconvinced. “But why did you look so upset about it, then?”
“Well, we’ve always had enough money to eat good bread and good soup. However, it seems times are tougher than we thought. But, please, sweetie, let’s keep this as a little secret between you and I. Just until morning, and then we might tell everyone if someone else doesn’t. Can you do that for me?”
“Even from Dad?”
“Oh… no, I think we can tell your Dad about it. He’ll understand.”
Before wrapping up that day, Kris snuck a little piece of sawdust into his mouth. He thought it might feel somewhat like a carrot. He did not like it. I hope it tastes better when it’s cooked, because I don’t want to eat that!
Emmie Fraser heard the horn for the end of shift sound. She helped gather up the snow shoes, crossbows, and camouflaged traps to be handed off to the hunters for that night’s hunt. It had taken her and the team of engineers the entire day to produce enough equipment to outfit all the hunters, but the demand for food needed to be met at any cost.
It is not the end of the shift for us in the workshop, however. The Captain had begged us to work longer hours in hopes we could create more life-saving inventions. Though some of our number might feel that this is an unnecessary burden, I’m not opposed to it, given that we get to work in a relatively cosy building rather than toiling out in the snow. And the idea that my work is important, that I am important, is nice. I am concerned whether the remaining hours would be enough to at least eat and sleep.
“What’s next on our list of priorities?” Emmie asked.
“We need to figure out how to build a charcoal kiln,” one of the engineers read off a chalkboard.
That’s right, we want at least enough coal to run the generator during the day, for the sake of the patients in the medical post and the hunters on their rest time. It has been getting colder, and people are starting to complain. This will keep them happy for a bit, but we need to find Winterhome. The Captain should already have directed the scouting party as such. They will have the necessary supplies and technology to keep us alive. Forecast shows it will only get colder, and making it here on our own would be incredibly difficult. When we do find Winterhome, we’ll need the added fuel to pump enough water through the Generator.
“Hello? Ms. Fraser?”
Emmie gave a small jolt. “Oh, what? Did I doze off?”
“I think you were about to. Are you doing alright?”
“I’ll be fine, thank you.” Fourteen straight hours of mental exertion does not come easily. I could use a break, but people are depending on me! “Where were we?”
“Well, we had decided that we have to use some of the steel salvaged from the wreckages here in order to contain the flames needed to char wood. We would also need to insulate the kiln in order to reach the necessary temperature.” The engineer stifled a yawn.
“Sounds good. Well, we finished one big task today, so I think we can leave the rest of this project for tomorrow. Plus, I want to take a look at our coal stockpile. There might be enough to keep the Generator running while the kiln is finished.” With that, Emmie and the rest of her team packed up and headed home, the Generator creaking as it worked to keep the cold away for another night.
submitted by rer24 to HFY [link] [comments]

[Humans are Hiveminds] Pt 12: Conclusion

As this is a language of tastes and strands of DNA analog names cannot be written phonetically and are instead replaced with a human name or Earth analog in [brackets].
Span: The diameter of an average [Gaian] = 0.94mm, Kilospan = 0.94m.
Beat: The amount of time takes an average [Gaian] to move their cilia = 0.064s, kilobeat = 1min 4s
Work Cycle: 10 kilobeats. Equivalent to around 15 hours on their time scale
Day: Day length on [Gaia] = 28h 16min. Equivalent to around 3 months on their time scale.
Year: Year length on [Gaia] = 224.4 days = 264.3 Earth days.
[First] [Previous]
[Faythe] was positively sick with excitement. She had hit a wall on the rescue mission front, [Alice] had been adamant about not revealing themselves further by sending a rescue team, and launching a mission in secret would have required sabotaging half of the station. Even if she thought she could get all the comms and scanners down she wasn’t crazy enough to actually try it. Widespread sabotage or ship hijacking was a dangerous proposition, and she doubted [Walter] and the others would want her to put the station in jeopardy for them.
After 3 solid tenth days of appeals, requests, and contemplating sneaking off while scouting, she had to admit a rescue mission wasn’t going to happen.
But that doesn’t matter now! She thought giddily as she rushed to the docks. They are still alive, and making contact!. Her hope was warring with caution and hope was currently winning. Like most of the station she had followed the messages from the Humans with rapt attention. She recognized [Eve]’s signaling right away and found it a bit funny she had been the main speaker, [Faythe] had always pegged her as the [quiet] sort. [Faythe] had attempted to remain cautiously optimistic as she read the debate, wary of the creatures playing some terrible trick, but frankly she was past caring. Her hope that her friend was still alive had been fading by the cycle, and now they were supposedly about to be picked up. There was no way in hell she was going to miss that.
Thank the depths [Grace] let us be the ones to go get them. I would be gnawing on the walls if I had to wait around and let some other team be the first to greet them again. She thought amusedly, wondering how the reunion was going to go. The “painful testing” [Eve] had briefly mentioned was concerning. She began wondering what kinds of terrible things someone might do while experimenting on supposedly subsentient drones and winced. Sometimes an active imagination is a bit of a curse. She thought as her mind was filled with scenes of detached and methodical disembowelment.
She was so caught up in her thoughts in fact that she didn’t notice the harpoon that flashed out behind her.
[Sybil] [grinned] as she boarded the hastily readying recovery ship. She always like being a [Hephaestus]., being able to effortlessly push through crowds never got old, though annoyingly enough it seemed she would have to keep that to a minimum if she wanted to avoid notice, apparently it was out of character for her to be that rude.
How boring.
She managed to get abord the ship with no questions raised and made some small talk with a few of the ship crew she knew while she waited impatiently for that blasted representative to arrive. I hope she doesn’t pull the translators off into to a private meeting the moment we pick them up. She thought worriedly. She hoped to get at least one of them alone first, and had a somewhat believable reason to do so. She had been openly expressing concerned for her dear missing friend for tenthdays after all.
A few beats later and representative [Grace] finally arrived. The ship silently slipped free from its birth and flicked up and out of hanger into the lunar surface above. It hung there for a moment before the lunar dust below the ship briefly rippled as the stations great grav units bent the space around it, and in an instant they were elsewhere.
Flicking back into existence 28 thousand kilometers above Earth, the ship did not bother making orbit, it simply fell towards the night shrouded continent below, heading towards the outskirts of a vibrant patch of light. As the ship sped downwards [Sybil] settled in for a few cycles of waiting, running over her plans. The basics of [Mallory]’s plan is somewhat sound, but there are some holes that need patching She grumbled. They were tortured and the humans attempted to mindhack them into being saboteurs and they pretend it worked on them so they can escape. Simple enough. People might ask why they didn’t try and say any of this in their message though. This could be explained by the Humans having a better grasp of Standard Gaian then they let on. I could say they learned enough Gaian and Solarian that they planned out most of the things in those messages, including the supposedly stealthily side comments that [Eve] had added in Solarian, all to make it seem like the crew were being genuine and not just reading off a script, but really the Humans were following every word they said and would quickly notice if they went off script or tried to slip something behind their backs by sending in an language they didn’t know.
The crew didn’t bother risking that since they were trying to play along and pretend they had been fully brainwashed, since they knew the humans were planning on letting them go back to the fleet if they thought their program was working. Thus, they played along, following their script, not letting anything slip until they get safely back onto this ship and out of the humans clutches. Only then do they tell everyone what really happened. If I don’t manage to edit the memories on all of them, that could be explained as the brainwashing being successful on some of them. A suboptimal result, as it would place significant scrutiny on the psyche of the supposedly mindhacked crew, and I would have to justify the humans having somewhat effective mindhacking techniques. However it might still sow enough confusion and outrage to be effective, and by the time they are studied close enough that the story might unravel we will hopefully be long gone…. Yes, that could work.
[Walter] strained his eyes peering skyward as the beats crawled by. He had asked the humans when the ship was arriving but they had said he would know more about that then they would. He grumbled at that and spent some time calculating the fastest time he expected a ship could be scrambled to collect them. If they jumped in right overhead and had a powered decent downwards it would probably take around 80 kilobeats for them to get here. The trip out to this field took around a quarter of that so they should be arriving in another 60 kilobeats or so. He thought tiredly. He sighed and settled in for 6 cycles of waiting.
The break did give him time to finish up some more of his signal pathway repairs and other projects but that was a minor consolation. The comms were mostly silent, as eventually the mix of tension and boredom sapped most of the energy of the group. The lull was broken near the end of the sixth cycle when [Eve] spotted a faint point of light in the sky that was rapidly growing brighter.
“Look! That’s them!” The group staggered to their feet and twisted their heads to point their eyes skyward. [Frank] [laughed] when he spotted it “Yeah that seems to be them all right, they must be coming in hot. I guess they aren’t bothering with stealth for this.” The point of light grew to become a bright red star in the sky above them, before suddenly not being in the sky at all.
With a thunderous crack a 300 span tall ship appeared before them, going from hypersonic flight to a dead stop in moments. Its hull still glowed a dull cherry red from the heat of its reentry.
“Going with shock and awe I guess.” [Walter] sent wryly. Normally seeing a skyscraper sized structure floating in midair was awe inspiring enough, however he imagined it’s scale was less effective on their current audience. The ship was barely larger than one of the creatures’ heads. Speed on the other hand…well, to the humans it must have looked like the ship appeared from nowhere.
“Ha yeah, that must have looked even more crazy to them…not that they saw it though, they are still looking at the sky. Oh! They are beginning to flinch now. Geez. That pilot is wasted on this crowd.” [Frank] sent mirthfully as the giants around them reacted with comical slowness.
“Oh wow, look at that one, it launched itself into the air! It’s going higher than the ship!” [Eve] [laughed] as one of the white robed figures belatedly hurled itself away from the loud noise. The human guards appeared significantly less amused, as several of them trained weapons on the ship.
“Hmm, maybe that was a bit to provocative.” [Walter] said the humor draining from his signal. The team watched anxiously as the giants continued to stare daggers at the slowly cooling ship hovering above the grass a few kilospan in front of them.
“Sorry that surprised you, that was just a sonic boom from a rapid decent.” [Walter] slowly spoke, trying to calm the situation. “That was a standard landing for this type of mission.” He added, lying through his gills. One of the guards glanced at the radio his voice came from, and then over at him.
“Well you should have warned us then.” It slowly groaned out.
“Sorry, didn’t think to mention it. Could you stop pointing your weapons at the ship though? I don’t think anyone is going to come out while you’re doing that.”
The guard made a wordless grunt which [Walter] figured wasn’t a happy sound.
“If it can move that fast then our guns are useless if we aren’t already pointing at it.”
“Their useless even if they are pointed at it. You can’t even see it move, much less activate your weapon in time.” [Eve] interjected.
“Then there is no harm in us continuing to point our guns at it then.” The guard ground out even slower and louder than normal, before pausing as it listened to something over its comm. “…yes sir.” It said at last before lowering its weapon slightly.
“I guess that’s as much as we can hope for.” [Walter] muttered to the rest of the team as they watched the rest of the guards begrudgingly point their weapons just far enough downwards as to not technically be pointing at the ship.
[Walter] was going to continue but paused as signal came from the ship.
“Team 9, this is representative [Grace] sending. Good job on diffusing the situation. I had figured a small demonstration of our capabilities was in order, but I did not expect it to startle them so thoroughly. With that in mind please inform the humans that this ship is unarmed and we will be opening a hanger door soon.”
[Walter] glanced up with relief. “Yes ser, we’ll begin translating immediately.”
Director Townsend was not having a great day. Well, that was too harsh. So far it had been a truly remarkable day, he just wished he wasn’t the one in charge of organizing it.
This morning the main thing on his mind had been tightening the budget in preparation for next month’s funding review, now he was standing in the middle of a field while a tiny alien spaceship flaunted gravity and the sound barrier a few meters from his head. It was an interesting change of pace to say the least. He glanced around at the several technicians and researchers from the physics department that he had hastily assembled.
“Please tell me one of our cameras caught that.” He half whispered to one of the technicians.
“Umm, yes, I think camera 4 and 5 got good shots of the deceleration event.” the man said as he began pulling up clips on a nearby laptop. The field behind the lab was currently filled with a rough semicircle of high-speed cameras, range finders, microwave scanners and whatever other equipment the physicists had been able to carry outside, all pointing at the landing site. Townsend was currently standing a few meters back, next to a pair of folding tables where the snarl of cables from all the equipment was being fed to several laptops and a small server bank. He glanced over the mess and was glad there was no chance of rain tonight.
The aid confirmed they had several clear shots of the deceleration and Townsend turned his attention back to the ship now silently floating in the field before them. It was hovering in midair a few centimeters above the ground with no sign of effort, no sound or flames or gusts of wind. The grass below it was completely untouched.
“The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.” He thought wryly, as the pain of having to give up the grav drive they were studying was freshly renewed.
Aside from the hovering the ship itself wasn’t that interesting to look at, though he did admit there was a certain elegant simplicity to it. It was a perfect ovoid, 30 or so centimeters tall and 15 wide. Its outer hull was smooth and unadorned. On the high-speed camera shot he had seen it arrive shinning like a mirror, but after coming to a halt its color had shifted, rapidly darkening into a pitch-black shade to better radiated heat. Some sort of color shifting meta material perhaps? I wonder how they managed to make something that complex reentry proof.
He tore his eyes away from the strange sight as he heard an argument breaking out by the wasp enclosure. He suddenly noticed how on edge the guard detail was. “Oh for…” He leaned over to one of the NSA agents that were hovering around him like buzzards and hissed “Tell your goons to stop pointing their guns at the ship! Do you want to start a diplomatic incident?”
The man opened his mouth to reply but appeared to think better of it. He sighed and spoke a few words into his earpiece. Townsend relaxed slightly as the guards lowered their weapons again. Stupid. Why did the NSA insist on bringing armed security for this? If shit hits the fan we’re screwed regardless of how many guns we have…
One of the crackling voices from the wasp cage briefly rose in volume, calling out “Attention, the ship is unarmed. A hatch will open on its side in 87 seconds. It is a door to a hangar. Don’t shoot it.” before falling back into inaudibility as it started talking to a technician next to its cage.
“I guess that’s my cue.” Townsend muttered as he began walking apprehensively over to the front of the crowd where the ship and captives were. He hoped the creatures were just going to leave quickly and not bother with ceremony, he really wasn’t looking forward to giving the apology speech he had hastily written on behalf of the lab.
Waving off the two guards that started shadowing him he made his way over to wasp tank and watched a touch nervously as a technician opened it. The creatures paused for a bit, eying the door like they were worried of some trick, before suddenly flinging themselves out and beginning to buzz around the grass and the tray of returned equipment.
“Uh, I hope everything is in order?” Townsend asked cautiously.
“No, quite disordered.” The radio hissed.
That’s not what I mea- His thought was cut off as the ship a couple of meters in front of them moved. A seam appeared on its smooth surface and pair of doors appeared, quickly sliding apart to reveal an opening around the size of a post-it note. He crouched down slightly to get a better look inside and saw the ‘hangar’ went back a handful of centimeters, with platforms and wasp sized indentations set into the floor and walls at regular intervals. The off-white material of the floor and walls was dotted with faintly glowing lights, seemly marking out paths or landing spots. He couldn’t make out much detail about them from where he was standing though. I doubt pressing my face up against their hull to get a closer look would go over well.
His eye was eventually drawn to faint bit of movement near the front of the opening, if he hadn’t already been peering closely at the spot he doubted he would have noticed. A speck around the size of a mite was on the floor by the entrance and was shifting slightly.
The radio behind him spoke up “That is the council representative.”
Townsend started slightly and saw that one of the wasps was hovering near his head, keeping an eye on him while the others were gathering their equipment. The radio continued “They wish to convey gratitude/relief that you are upholding your end of the agreement. They hope this interaction will improve trust and improve future interaction.”
Townsend relaxed slightly. “That is good to hear. We hope that this is the beginning of more open communication with your people. I and the rest of the facility apologize for the…trying nature of your capture. We hope we can put that period of secrecy and misunderstanding behind us.”
“The representative expresses agreement.”
Townsend nodded stiffly, noting that the creature didn’t mention if itself agreed. He wondered how much resentment they might be holding. He was painfully aware of the many cameras were trained on him right now and figured this might not be the best time for such delicate questions. Instead he stepped back a pace and spent a few awkward moments watching the wasps shuttling the grav drive and the dissected ‘drones’ into the ship. Thankfully they were quick and it seemed the politician was satisfied with his short exchange as it remained silent. Townsend noticed with interest that the wasps were having to tie down the equipment in the hanger as it was apparently in zero g. After a few seconds of fiddling the creatures seemed to be satisfied that all was in order and one of them turned to look out the door at Townsend and the rest of the lab crew behind him. “The ship will leave now. Thank you for releasing us.”
He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“Of course. Safe travels.” He replied, stepping back a few paces in case their departure was going to be as dramatic as their arrival. The doors of the ship snapped shut and hull rippled to a mirror shine once again. For a moment Townsend saw a distorted reflection of himself in the shimmering ovoid, but then with a flick of motion and hiss of wind it was gone. He whipped his head skyward and for an instant saw a faint glint of silver against the darkening sky, and a breath later everyone in the field heard the crack of a distant sonic boom.
He paused like that for a few moments, just looking upwards, before turning his gaze back to Earth and walking back to the lab, sagging with relief.
When the door closed and the captain informed them that the ship was underway and that it seemed like nothing was being fired at them [Walter] finally let his last doubts melt away. “They did it. They actually let us go. We really are heading back.” He sent with his signal choked with relief.
“You’re just now accepting that?” [Eve] asked bemusedly as the rest of the team let out a ragged cheer and began disembarking from their crafts.
[Walter] [shrugged] “I didn’t want to get my hopes up to high.” He replied as he parked his craft in its familiar perch and disconnected. After scurrying down one of his crafts legs he felt his way blindly along the rungs of one of the paths set in the floor, the familiar routine of disembarking and the feeling of the solid pseudopodholds under his limbs provided a surprising amount of comfort.
After [Walter] and the rest of the team cycled through the hanger’s waterlock and took off their environmental suits they could finally smell again and were immediately hit with the jubilant greeting signals of a dozen or so of their old crewmates gathered in the tunnel outside. A very familiar signal reached him, followed swiftly after by a rush of water and a thud of impact.
“[Walter]!” [Faythe] sent jubilantly as she gripped him in a membrane stretching hug. “I’ve been worried sick about you guys! I tried to get [Alice] or a captain to rescue you sooner but nobody listened. I came really close to doing something stupid a few times. But you’re back now!”
[Walter] [laughed] and hugged her back. “I missed you too. Can you let up a bit though? You’re crushing my gills.”
The pressure dropped immediately and [Walter] stopped resembling a squeezed water balloon.
“Sorry. It’s just…how have you been?” She asked, her signal fading into a much more worried tone.
“…it was terrifying, painful, fascinating and boring. Often multiple at the same time. Being studied and experimented on by something that it can kill you with a twitch of its smallest limbs is…uniquely horrifying. Things got a bit better later, and I got kind of numb to the scale eventually, but let’s just say I’m glad to be back.”
“Experimented on? [Eve] mentioned they did some painful things to you guys at first, what happened?” [Faythe] asked worriedly.
[Walter] [shrugged] “I’d rather not relive it, at least not right now. I’m still in a wonderful mood at finally being back, I’ll process the trauma later, right now I just want to bask in the sense of normalcy of being on a familiar ship again.”
[Faythe] [smiled] “Want to go to the break room and play some [Fleets] to keep your mind off things then?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
The rest of the group was similarly breaking up, most heading to the cafeteria to get the first bit of flavorful food they had in half a day. [Walter] and [Faythe] meanwhile headed over to one of the ship’s small lounge rooms. The ship was operating with minimal crew, [Faythe] bashfully admitted [Alice] probably only let her go on this trip to prevent anymore nagging, so the room was pleasantly empty.
“Nice, I think the game set is in the [scent designation] cabinet.” [Faythe] said as she entered.
[Walter] drifted over to the compartment in question and fished around inside. “Hmm, I’m not feeling it, are you sure it’s…AGH!”
[Sybil] relaxed slightly as the little [Gaian] stopped twitching as the dart did its work. She would have to work fast, the lack of private quarters made time consuming modifications like this quite a risk. Keeping half her focus on checking the currents and scents coming through the doorway she deployed a few silencer filters to mop up the alarm scent her target had briefly given off. Clumsy she snarled to herself. She had hoped he would be more distractible.
She swam over to the body now drifting limply against the far wall and began the delicate task of deploying her editing equipment. Parting the tough but annoyingly stiff cell wall that covered her current body [Sybil] formed a tube of cell membrane and stabbed it into her target. Keeping a watch on the door she split off part of her attention to focus on the data stream from the equipment she began tunneling inside.
Feeling around the entrance site with a few sensor arrays she felt and tasted nothing alarming, there wasn’t any stray glue strands or chunks of mangled thought center drifting about, so the dart hadn’t failed catastrophically. She began quickly widening the hole and sending in the rest of her equipment; snipping proteins, grasping limbs and memory reading equipment were carried along a rapidly unfolding scaffolding network. The tips of this network forked and twisted deeper inside like thirsting roots, touching and tasting every structure they bumped into, following the scent left behind by the dart.
After a few moments she found the signal line which the dart had first latched onto, and she sent her editing equipment along the line after it, following the trail of sent markers the little machine had laid down as it rushed along the cable. Following the pathways that walker proteins use to carry sensory data back to a target’s main thought center was a trivially simple task, after all it had to be straight forward enough for a mindless molecule to follow. The pathway grew steadily as she made her way further inwards, different lines merging together to form a major signaling trunk. Just as the diameter of the cable started to indicate she was nearly upon her target however, several of the motor proteins dragging her editing equipment along suddenly reported that they had lost grip.
She felt around wildly and realized the pathway in front of her was gone. The sensory cable was sheared through, most likely via a hasty misuse of the pilot’s drone linking equipment. The fool had begun ripping his own mind apart, he would be a near vegetable at this point, assuming he hadn’t killed himself entirely in his thrashing. Damn it all. I don’t have time for this.
It was at this moment the data cables near her tunnel into the target reported a strong current heading towards them. She had brief moment of shock before her mind was suddenly jerked back outwards as her connection to her hacking equipment was severed.
Reeling from the violent sensory shift and the realization she had be tricked, she hastily tried to regain control. Turning her focus to the ragged remains of the data cables that had connected her to her equipment she felt through a few remaining sensing hairs that something large was rushing towards her. Something that smelled rather familiar.
Her dart.
[Walter] was mad.
No. That [word] was inadequate.
He was absolutely furious.
When he had felt something rushing towards him he had been confused. When he had felt it stab him he had been shocked. When he had felt it begin moving inside him, heading towards his mind, he had the icy realization that his friend was gone. That a nightmare from the brightest corners of the overworld was aboard this ship, a mind hacker.
He was suddenly deeply deeply glad for the redundances he had been adding to his sensory network. Most would consider what he had been doing to himself in his limited rest time over the last 3 tenthdays highly paranoid, but after his cycles long purgatory trapped in self-inflicted sensory deprivation he had decided that he wanted a few more sensory lines and better control of his mind weaving equipment. He didn’t want a repeat of that hell to be possible.
So when he felt the vile machine begin clawing its way deeper inside him he hastily powered on his weaving equipment and went to work. He rushed his nearest array towards where he felt the thing racing along, the dumb machine rapidly working its way along a major sensory pathway, its rapidly spinning corkscrew motor burrowing through the water briefly leaving a noticeable wake. A spindly limb protruded from the main body of the missile, loosely gripping the signal pathway it was swimming besides, feeling its way along as its swift passage tore walker proteins from their mountings.
The moment it felt the currents from the mass of scaffolding, sensors and snipping proteins [Walter] was hurling at it the machine reacted. It released its grip on [Walter]’s signal pathway and he lost touch of it, though a few sensor hairs felt its wake. It narrowly dodged a slice from a diamoniod cutting blade which tore the cable it was just swimming along in two. [Walter] winced but he had a spare. He reached out toward the wake he could feel as it hurled itself farther away. He tried to grab the craft, splaying his mind weaving array outwards, scaffolding and motor rods cast wide like a net, but the dart was far too quick and rapidly outpaced the now drag choked limb.
Fortunately, he had more than one weaving array, and by now 2 others had closed in, one of them dragging a food vacuole. He did not want to feel what kind of self-destruct poisons this thing might spit out. He forced himself to bring those limbs in slightly slower, giving time for their wakes to rapidly still in the viscous water.
The dart was quiet now, but he had a vague idea of where it was lurking. If it was moving at all it must be moving slowly as he felt no hint of movement from where he had last felt it. He carefully unfurled all three arrays, feeding them more scaffolding by cannibalizing nearby sections of his cytoskeleton, englobing the region where he was sure it could have gone.
At last he felt a twitch of movement. It seemed the next phase of the dart’s programming was to stealthily continue in the direction it had been heading before it was caught, as it had bumped into a section of net while slowly swimming in roughly the direction of the severed signal line. The moment it contacted the net it tried to swim way again, but [Walter] cut that section of netting free and whipped it forwards using a branch of scaffolding, and the flexible strands of motor protein in the net grabbed at the dart greedily. More lines and scaffolding piled on as he brought more sections of the net to bare, and he began hastily shuttling over the vacuole to contain it in case it might release poison in its death throws.
It did, sort of. As soon as its motor and cilia were completely jammed the missile ceased struggling. [Walter] was almost hoping it was over just before the nest of cables and struts enclosing the thing was wracked by an explosion. The missile had violently split itself apart to release its payload, a cloud of particles and tangling cables tailor made to jam mental machinery. [Walter] was exceeding glad that none of his thought centers had been breached, but the cloud would still be a problem out in his main body. They jammed signaling and motor proteins just as well, and he could feel the shredded remains of the net covering the dart go numb as messages from them ground to a halt.
He hastily ripping open the vacuole he had brought over and tried to englobe as much of the mess as possible. It cost him half of the remaining arrays in the area, but he managed to get most of it inside. There was still a few wisps of jamming particles floating about but he would just have to avoid them for now.
With the immediate threat taken care of he turned his focus outwards to what was wearing his friend. It was still by the door, waiting for him to succumb to the glue he supposed. Shit. [Faythe] is 3 times my mass and covered in armor, she could crush me like a [bug]. I’m faster than her but she is 4 span closer to the door then me. The only thing I can hope for is surprise.
With that in mind he gradually stilled the violent twitching his internal battle had caused and went limp. He felt currents close in as the thing swam over to him, and had to fight off the urge to move as it cornered him. Well. This is the exact opposite place you want to be in when fighting a mind hacker. He thought nervously as he prepared to run or wage an internal battle. He had no illusions of his repurposed civilian equipment being any match for black-market gear in a fair fight. Though, he did have some black market equipment at his disposal now.
He carefully began prepping the glue and debris filled vacuole for offense, hastily gathering vacuoles of a few volatile chemicals, digestive acids and respiration byproducts and merging them with the glue one or lashing them together so they wouldn’t mix just yet. He felt some ripples as the thing fiddled next to him and he knew he didn’t have much time, he hoped this would be enough of a distraction to dart away.
He began moving the whole mess with a remaining weaving array, trying to move just fast enough that he wasn’t noticeably twitching his outer membrane as the complex swam/crawled its was through his cytoskeleton, spiderlike limbs extending to grab at the web of struts and signal lines darting out like tentacles, disconnecting and reconnecting it to his signaling network as it moved. He wasn’t fast enough however, as he felt himself get stabbed a second time, and this time the hole was held open.
A nest of filaments and wires squirmed their way inside him. At first it was only faint movements that nearby sensors could barely feel, and then larger motions as other things were forced through the wound. [Walter] slowed the weaving array’s movements to a crawl. It is sending stuff over, so it opened up a chink in her cell wall, that’s the only place I can get a good hit in. he thought nervously, as he cautiously dragged his bulky payload closer.
Soon he felt the bulk of the machinery crawl deeper in and begin moving along where he knew the severed signal line was still drifting. He [smiled] Good, follow that dead end, nothing out of the ordinary happening over here. He continued along a fast as he dared, aware he had a time limit until the thing found the cut and realized something was up. That time limit ran out when he felt the hacker’s train of equipment stop with a lurch.
With the game up he abandoned stealth and closed the last few millispan to the wound site with several cutting tools thrust out on a pillar scaffolding, aiming for the data cables he knew must be trailing there. The cables were thick, it seemed they were actually tubes with the protein walkways and vibration transmission rods within their armored walls. They were still no match for the four diamoniod cutting clamps that slammed into them though. After a quarter beat of twisting and hacking the bundle of lines came apart entirely and he yanked that strut back with the data cables still caught in its grasp to delay any reconnection. He then shoved the mess of vacuoles into the breach.
The hacker for its part recovered quickly, lurching [Faythe]’s body backwards and severing the tunnel of membrane in an instant. But cell wall was not as malleable. [Walter] abandoned his finer scale controls and moved his body normally, pushing out a pseudopod with the mind weaving gear and vacuole bundle inside it and stabbed the limb into the slowly closing hole in [Faythe]’s cell wall. The last signal he sent the equipment before severing the pseudopod was to merge the little two explosive vacuoles he had stuck on the main one’s surface.
He didn’t pause to admire his handywork though as he had to immediately squirm out of the way of 5 armored limbs rushing at him. He got the impression that this second hug wouldn’t end if he asked politely. He managed to weave between three of them but the last two partly encircled him and began to squeeze.
He stretched his body out 3 times its normal length, trying to narrow himself down fast enough that he could slip out of its grip but it was fruitless. Another limb smacked him down and the three arms pinned him against the wall. He shoved off the wall and the thing had to dart a few limbs out to grip the ‘floor’ as it drifted backwards a touch. That was enough for him to flatten his body and slide under one of the limbs pinning him.
A current warned him of another incoming blow and he narrowly dodged a serrated limb, lightly scraping his membrane. The thing had gotten enough time to fashion something more than crude clubs, and now it no longer needed to play a futile game of punching an amorphous blob. Popping one was much easier. Fortunately, it seemed the glue was beginning to have an effect, as its movements were becoming decidedly more erratic.
He made a mad dash to the exit, and sprayed a series of data packets out in front of him towards the comm unit by the door. “Mind Hacker!“ He managed to [scream] before he was cut off by the thing launching itself off the back wall and barreling into him. They collided in midwater and [Walter] felt a massive gash in his side appear as its claw tore him open.
He crumpled inwards around the wound, doing his best to stanch the flood of cytoplasm and internal organs. His mind began to go hazy as the amount of [ATP analog] with in him dropped precipitously. He noticed the thing wasn’t doing much better though, it was struggling to use nearly half of its body, flailing awkwardly as it tried to keep him from drifting away.
Guess that glue trick wasn’t for nothing. He thought sleepily, as he felt a few weak blows and slashes rain down on him, doing little more than pushing him away from it. I hope they got the warning… was his last thought before his mind faded to scentlessness.
He awoke again in a medical ward with a nurse and several guards in armored environmental suits.
“What happened?” He sent, feeling around wildly.
A guard caught his signal packet and fed it into a large comm unit floating beside them. They paused for a moment while the machine gargled softly, and when they finally replied it was a through the same isolated comm. In the dry and formal tone of someone reciting a recording the guard responded
“The crew of the [Stalking Sea Predator] received a signal from the body of [Walter] about a mind hacker attack taking place in the ship’s third lounge room. When they arrived they found the body of [Walter] unconscious from a grievous rupture and the body of [Faythe] in the process of attacking it. Initially the body of [Faythe] claimed to be run by the mind of [Faythe] and that the body of [Walter] contained the attacker, but upon requests that it submit to a medical exam it became hostile. It presently revealed that the mind of [Faythe] was not in control, but the attacker did claim it still had her in storage and could irreparably damage her at anytime. As we cannot currently rule out this claim, we are treating it as a hostage situation.”
“The attacker eventually submitted to being moved to the ship’s brig to begin negotiations for a reduced sentence and the body of [Walter] was stabilized for the remainder of the 8-cycle trip back to [Luna Station]. Upon arrival a medical team and a mental hazard team were dispatched to the ship to assess the situation and to awaken the mind inside the body of [Walter]. It is currently unknown how thoroughly the mind of [Walter] was modified while in the presence of the attacker. Does this entity claim to still be the mind of [Walter]?”
Oh light. Here we go. [Walter] thought worriedly as he prepared for several kilobeats of interrogation and medical scans. He didn’t feel any different and didn’t remember being modified, but the truly horrifying thing about mind hackers is that meant nothing.
Eventually the interrogators were reasonably satisfied that he had the same memories as the original [Walter], and that if his personality had been replaced or significantly altered he was doing a decent job of hiding it. Like always they couldn’t rule out subtle changes or hidden triggers though, so he would be under close watch and placed on a tenthdaily schedule of mandatory psych evaluations for the foreseeable future. They removed every mind weaving tool from his body, including the gear from the hacker (boy had that raised some concerns) before finally deeming him safe enough to leave the room while under armed supervision.
(Continues in comments)
submitted by Earthfall10 to HFY [link] [comments]

We have had hints on the Lore behind this season since before it began, deep-dive time. (Possible insight into next season). Also, D.E.R?

First of all, hello!
Let's get to it,
So there have been a lot of people posting about "The Liar" the new lore book and the shock of learning that: Rasputin had uploaded a piece of himself into an Exo, the Siddartha Golem, also known as the Iron Lord, Felwinter. Now, I want to discuss why there should've been no surprise to this, we knew back when the season began, that Rasputin and ANA BRAY had been experimenting with uploading pieces of Rasputin's mind into Viable Exo Frames.
Let me explain.
Bungie has this lovely way of spoiling the story of the season before it begins, through our Pre-Season Lore drops in the days leading up to its launch. Let's start with the end of last season. The Season of Dawn.
The last Lore drop we got from Dawn was "What gives me pause."The page that tells us that Osiris went to visit Rasputin, he had seen something in the simulations of the future. It worried him, he went to see Raspy and asked him "who's side are you on?" Rasputin responded by giving him a signal to follow. Which brings him to the Kuiper-Oort expanse. (Those of you who aren't astrologists need to know that the Kuiper-Oort Expanse is the cloud of asteroids, comets and centaurs that orbit outside of the Heliopause(the furthest point at which the solar wind of our sun touches.) Essentially a sphere of objects that are pulled with the suns gravity but not strong enough to have a stable orbit.)
So Osiris makes his way to the very edge of our solar system, encountering a Gravitational Anomaly (Only things that we know that cause Gravitational Anomalies are the Pyramids of the Darkness) Sagira feels weird, much like our Ghost did near the Luna Pyramid. Then we reach this line
A metal seed laid barren in the bosom of the throne in a pool of light. A nexus.
And then:
Dark gives way to cold reflective alloy.
To logic and formless calculous.
vessel drenched in an angular shadow.
From this, we can assume that Osiris went to a dormant Pyramid beyond our Solar System and pulled out an Artifact similar to the one that we found and gave to Eris. We can't know what it showed him, not yet. We'll come back to this point.

Moving on, we get to the first piece of main story lore for Season of the Worthy, Legacy. Featuring: our gal Ana Bray, her Ghost: Jinju and Big Red himself, uplinked to Ana's HUD.
Legacy tells the story of what Ana was doing before they were rudely interrupted by a giant doomsday machine being thrown at us. She was visiting all of the old Clovis Bray facilities, seeing what she could find to assist Rasputin in helping Humanity. When she stumbled across something in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars, in a place known as Clovis-9. Built under the Caldera*(Bowl of a dormant volcano)* of Apollinaris Mons. She seems to be searching on something called "Atlas" most likely a program run by Rasputin and Clovis Bray to create possible solutions for human colonies: Crop generation, rapid construction etc. She continues through the Facility and locates the Mainframe, but she wasn't the first one there. There were Exos, from the Echo Project. Then:
Scans run over them.
"Anomalous Entity Detected…
Rogue Mind Detected…"
Rasputin, identified by a Braytech computer system as a "Rogue Mind" should worry us a lot more than people are thinking, perhaps he's rogue because we released him from his Neural Inhibitors during the "Will of Thousands" strike. However, if this facility hasn't been connected to the Neural Network since the Golden Age, that would mean Rasputin was rogue long before the collapse.
Moving on we can see that Ana gains access to the systems and we get this:
Ana stares into the console's interface. "What are you?"
"Not Atlas." Jinju's dejection reverberates in the glass cell.
Ana flicks a sideward glance over her shoulder at her Ghost before selecting 'Warmind Network Bypass'. "No, but it looks like this system has backdoors all over.”
She toggles through a list of shadow-networks, production facilities, and connected Pillory stations.
“It’s not Atlas, but it’s a start. There are eleven other stations like this—there’s a whole subnet defense network completely disconnected from the Warmind initiative.” Ana steps back.
“Why?” Jinju circles the screen.
“Why’s right.” Ana dives back into the terminal.
There is a whole system of "Echo" stations disconnected from the Warmind and using backdoors to all of the Warmind's systems, almost like a contingency program in the case of a "rogue Warmind" designed to seize control of systems from Rasputin. (For those who don't know, "Pillory" were the wooden stocks used in medieval times to lock people into place as punishment.) So the use of Pillory to name a system, it could be project design to lockdown the Warmind in the event of disobedience.
One particular station catches her eye:
The facilities listed span the system. Earth and Luna, Europa, Asteroids adrift now belonging to the Shore. Mars— naturally. Even so far as Uranus. That station, an orbital, caught her eye. ECHO. She flicks back to the previous menu.
“Echo link. One of these stations has a pending request.”
Now we get into AI-COM lines of code which can be difficult to read, I'll quote this and annotate:
In the event of a REDLINE PROTOCOL incident:[PARAGON-level members] Pillory system network: CLOVIS — 1 - 12.
ACCESS POINT: CLOVIS — 9In the event of a catastrophic failure, neural degeneration, or loss of containment, herein collectively referred to as a [ROGUE MIND] incident, initiates [WARMIND CEREBRAL PARTITIONING] and [QUARANTINE INTEGRATION] into twelve CLOVIS station(s) within [NEURAL WEB-WAY]. REDLINE PROTOCOL:Check [PURGE] for [No Target].System reads [Locked] when in useSystem reads [No Target] when in standbyFire: Test PilloryMust read [Ready]Fire: Initiate PilloryWARNING: Initiate only during [ROGUE MIND] incident.Automated Link: [ECHO CONTINGENCY]Fire: [ECHO] Project, automatedSever connection to [ECHO LINK] for [REDLINE PROTOCOL QUARANTINE] in the event of a [ROGUE MIND] incident.
We can see from these code lines that Echo was a project designed to deal with Rasputin should he break his shackles, they would purge his memory banks and partition pieces of his mind off into separate Echo facilities, basically crippling his entire network and removing all of his permissions from his system. This contingency took place during the collapse, we have a fair amount of substantial evidence that Rasputin did, in fact, cripple the Traveler, stopping it from leaving earth. The Seventh Seraph Titan Mark, named "Chapter 5: Abhorrent Imperative." For people who don't know Rasputins sub-routines intimately, Abhorrent Imperative was the sub-routine designed to stop the Traveler from leaving int the event of a Skyshock event (an extrasolar apocalyptic arrival.) This ties in quite well if Rasputin did, in fact, shoot the Traveler. Then the Echo Contingency could theoretically be brought into effect. If they shattered Rasputin's mind into 12 facilities across our solar system, then Rasputin is missing a lot of his own personality and ability.
"Red. If anyone can pull your brain apart, it should be you."
Ana leans into the console. "All these connections are one-way network integrations from closed systems. We'll have to do it manually at each site."
Ana gives Rasputin control over Clovis-9 and sets out to link Big Red back into his own systems, maybe they can find the missing pieces of his mind. But first:
Ana jumps back to the main menu and selects the pending 'Echo Link' request.
(!) ORBITAL DECLINE — 42d12m07s (!)
The orbital decline timer ticks down.
“No time to waste. Once you get Red access, we have a station to save.”
The Echo Contingency station is in a decaying orbit around Uranus, she needs to get there.
Legacy pt.1 gives us a lot of insight to what we're actually helping Rasputin and Ana do here, we are reactivating Rasputin to his full potential pre-collapse, while Ana restores all the pieces of his mind, which actually ties in to the main point of this post, why the new Lore Book "The Liar" shouldn't be as surprising as everyone thinks.

Next up we got "Remembrance" Which clues us into the current characters we're dealing with:Iron Lord Felwinter, why mention this in Pre-Season Lore if it isn't relevant to what's coming?
The only note of worth here is that Felwinter holds back on his own power because he doesn't want to injure the Lightless under Shaxx's protection:
“You should have used your Void instead,” Shaxx said. “You could have brought the whole fort down on us. Gained a fighting a chance.”
The Iron Lord shook his head. “Your people wouldn’t have survived that.”
Shaxx’s hands engulfed Felwinter’s shoulders like descending moons. “I would have stopped you. But I like your thinking. Now get out.”
Felwinter seems to hold himself back from injuring the innocents within the fort, and he stays, to help protect them, he seems to take the path for the greater good:
Efrideet had a hand on her helmeted chin. “We can buy time. Warlords in this region respect a prolonged challenge against Shaxx.” Her eyes flickered to Felwinter beneath the helmet. “Shaxx has multiple confirmed kills. Final deaths. It’s no small thing to challenge him. Most of those cowards won’t, and they’ll gladly let you try again, ‘til Shaxx decides to go after your Ghost…”
Felwinter stared at the weatherproofed plasteel doorway of the chamber. “I have a feeling that won’t be a concern,” he replied. “Besides. These people will never repair that south wall alone. The oncoming storm will be their end. I’ll help them.”
Felwinter challenges Shaxx to delay the Warlords from coming to claim his land, then he sticks around to help the humans defend themselves. This is a big insight into the way Felwinter is, deep in his Exomind.
We then see that Felwinter operates rather strangely for an Exo:
“Every one of Felwinter’s confirmed kills broke the Iron Decree. He provided ample evidence. Ghost-killers, murderers, and worse. All of them. But he never asked for permission.”
“Felwinter is no Saint-14. Why does he do it?”
“He calls it operational necessity.”
Saladin scoffed. “I’ve never heard an Exo talk like that.”
“Like what?”
“They’re usually more expressive.”
It's almost as if his intelligence is, well, artificial.
Felwinter and Lord Timur are investigating a Seraph Bunker from the Golden Age, supposedly containing nanites:
“Have you ever wondered what it is that calls to you in that void of memory,” Timur breathed,
“where the edge of the past infects your present?”
Felwinter was tense with expectation. He felt the world contracting around him until nothing existed but the sidearm in his hand. He heard his Ghost in his helmet comms, whispering: “Wait.”
Timur strode recklessly ahead. He expected Felwinter to watch his back, and he did. Watched him walk. Watched his Ghost, too. There were a lot of Fallen out here. Anything could happen to either of them. It would be easy to tell this story back home.
"Don't jump to conclusions,” his Ghost whispered as they fell behind, but Felwinter heard uncertainty in her voice. He adjusted his grip on the sidearm, lifting his hand a little…
… and dropped it again as Timur turned around. “It’s an itch you can’t scratch, isn’t it? Well, maybe you can.”
Felwinter's expression was blank. His finger twitched on the sidearm.
“You think I am one of them?” he asked as Timur turned back around to lead the way. “That all Exo are?”
“Lord Felwinter, I know what you are,” Timur said with a laugh in his voice. Felwinter lifted the sidearm again. An familiar dread coiled in his chest. He saw his future changing. Again. He saw himself running. Again.
He was so tired of running.
Felwinter knows something about himself, he knows he's connected to Rasputin here, you can see it. Cold logic to protect a secret.

Next, we got Legacy pt.2 Ana's adventure continues to the Echo Contingency station orbiting Uranus, Caelus Station. Her ship encounters some issues out in the dark 3AU(Astronomical Units = ~93million miles) from the station, she and Jinju are discussing the Pillory Project and the Exos found in Clovis-9:
“I’ve been going through the Pillory mainframe download. Those stations are meant to split Rasputin’s mind up in the event that he became… uh… insubordinate.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“ECHO appears to have been a contingency program that activates afterward. They also had a cornerstone schematic of his brain.”
We can see that they WERE preparing to shatter Rasputin's mind and dump it in bunkers across the system, if he enacted Abhorrent Imperative then perhaps, they did.
Ana chews on the information for a moment. “A foundational brain model would help with containment stability after the partitioning process. It’s like a front porch for your brain.”
“It… goes on.” Jinju continues, “Your name is cross-referenced all over this, Ana. Neural Web-way. Psycholinguistics. Exo brain maps with candidate profiles. It looks like Clovis Bray was syncing Rasputin’s basic core with viable hosts.”
“Oh.” Ana’s mind races. “For what though? Drop him into containment and clone him? Pretty elaborate restart button. I guess with an Exo you could also make some pretty potent AI with more limiters than a Warmind.”
Jinju processes. “Hm. Nothing conclusive here.”
Ana turns her gaze back to the stars. “It would be terrible to be buried like that—trapped in pieces of your own mind. You wouldn’t even know who you were anymore. Where you start, and where other versions of you end.”
Here is the important bit, Ana was involved in the selection of compatible candidates that mind be able to sync with parts of Rasputin's mind. 12 facilities, 12 hosts, 12 candidates, 12 Exo frames, 12 fragments of Rasputin's mind. What if we conclude, that Dissociative Exomind Rejection*(DER is a process that Exos go through where the mind cannot comprehend the body they are in and it starts to break down.)* is a by-product of having a fragment of Rasputin's consciousness hammered into a functional human mind? What if the Exos who have been reset multiple times experimented with Rasputin's consciousness?
So if Rasputin's mind was fragmented, as it was in D1 when we linked the Last Array back into the Neural Network across Sol. Then we could find ourselves piecing back Rasputin's mind by finding the Exos that have it stored in their sub-conscious, restoring him to some level of true god-like power. This may link back to what Osiris saw, what if we need to sacrifice those Exo: Ada-1, Morgan-2, Lakshmi-2, Shiro-4, Cayde-6, Cron-8, Tango-9, Lilavati-12, Saint-14, Nkechi-32, Banshee-44, Felwinter(No reset count is known, I assume 1.) Imagine Osiris' reaction to getting Saint-14 returned from the dead, only to have Rasputin reclaim his fragment from the Exo. Killing him. You would be pissed too.
Linking into this, these fragments of his mind could represent different aspects of his consciousness. Banshee, creativity in designing and building weapons. Saint, the will and mental strength to defend everyone you can, to be the hero. Cayde, the sense of freedom and adventure.
Moving on:
The shimmer surrounding the jump-ship jitters before abruptly smashing into empty space. Ana leans forward and looks out into the void.
“Um… where’s the planet?” She slowly rolls her head around the cockpit.
Jinju perks up, internal sensors suddenly askew. “Something nabbed us right out of our jump. We’re off course by…” Jinju calculates, “…three AU?”
“What!?” Ana manually scans the trajectory equations in the nav-computer. “There’s nothing wrong with the math.”
A slow wrinkle skulks across space. It presses up the fabric. Insignificant points between stars warp and spur small disturbances in the constellational congruence of the galaxy. From afar it is nothing. A flutter of wings in wind.
“It’s dark out here.” Jinju’s voice is distant as she peers outside. Beyond the canopy an expanse without horizon.
“That’s when the stars shine brightest, Jinju. Find a constellation for me so we can get our bearings.”
“Way ahead of you, ship.” Ana checks jump vectors and flicks through alignment procedures. Mav thrusters sputter to orient the ship toward Sol. Ana test-cycles the jump-drive. It revs and then chokes before locking.
Ana initiates recalibrations on the jump-drive’s positioning solution. “There’s definitely some weird space out there.”
The ship lurches. Ana’s stomach churns. Jinju vibrates violently in place, an outer shell of Light absorbing some form of force.
Red iron needles whistle tea-kettle pressure in white anxiety from Ana’s helmet.
Cloaked Shadows shift through the vacuum an eternity away and all too close; shown only when they wish to, to only whom they want.
I used the ellipsis to break up the non-relevant pieces here, here we see Ana being jolted out of NLS warp into a space filled with nothing, black. She is hit with a warning about a Gravitational Wave Anomaly (Sound familiar? Good.) The Pyramids are sending waves across the Cosmos to this point, almost purposefully presenting themselves to Ana and Rasputin.
Ana then jumps out of sub-space and arrives at Caelus Station, they find racks upon racks of Exo frames labelled "Echo-1" Jinju reactivates the station manager:
The Frame sparks to life, looks directly at Ana, and speaks with grating age to its voice.
“Welcome, Ana Bray! Very excited to see a Bray walk this hall again. It has been a long time.”
“So those crops in the rings are food supplies for a colony mission."
"Yes. Thank you for asking that, Ana Bray."
"Yeah. And the colony ships are full of Exos?"
"Partially. ECHO-1 and ECHO-2 were stocked with Exo unit crews. As you know, their task was to establish and oversee embryonic development at Colony M31, Site-A and Site-B."
"If Rasputin got out of hand, they weren't planning on resetting him.”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
“They just assumed he would win. The Pillory is a last-ditch panic room.”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
Jinju’s iris flicks back and forth between the two. Her tiny Light-leash hums.
Ana massages her palm. “What was my role in all this?”
“As you know, your work on the Warmind made you a prime asset to oversee applicant selection.”
“I chose the people in there?”
“As you know, yes. Additionally, your work on the Warmind, as you know, was vital to the establishment of Clovis 1-12.”
“Do I know where the candidates came from? Did they volunteer?”
“I do not have access to candidate profiles.”
Ana shuts her eyes and takes a steady breath.
“You said I helped with the Pillory stations?”
“How so?”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
“As you know, Miss Bray, there are thirteen CLOVIS sites that this station is linked to.”
“Thirteen? What’s the thirteenth?”
Ok, there is a lot to cover here, Ana has just been fed a lot of unknown info that we can probably theorize:
Firstly, Ana has been to Caelus prior to the Collapse, when she was Ana Bray, Braytech Psycholinguistics Expert. She was overseeing the selection of candidates to be sent on an Exodus mission. marked with Echo-1 and Echo-2 crews of Exo frames.
Secondly, their job was to assist in the construction of Colony M31 at two different locations.
Thirdly, it almost seems like they were going to fragment Rasputin's mind, leave him crippled and leave the system if Rasputin lost it. Project Pillory it seems was to scuttle the Neural Network and leave him behind. Ana created Project Pillory as a failsafe. And she selected the candidates that were going to be taken with them. These could possibly be the people who originally donated imprints of their minds to Braytech to build Rasputin's Neural Net.
Finally, that there is a thirteenth facility, expunged from all records of Project Pillory, This could be many things, my money is on the Deep Stone Crypt, Enceladus. Orbiting Saturn. Cayde knew something about it, and he didn't tell anyone. Except for Petra.

Moving onto the final piece of Lore we got which I think ties directly into next Season, Season of [REDACTED]. "MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS LOG 30037" This is from the perspective of a Redjack frame sweeper bot. he monitors a discussion between Osiris (u.2) and Saint-14 (u.1):
[u.1:03] What is this? A letter?
[u.2:03] For your eyes only, when I depart. Trust nothing. No one.
[u.1:04] Ha ha. Except you, of course.
[u.2:04] When have I ever led you astray?
[u.1:05] This week, you mean?
[u.2:05] Help where you can. The Vanguard has been serving too long; their blind spots have grown.
[u.1:06] Perhaps. But they’re wiser, too. Ikora Rey and the Commander have guided the City through dire straits.
[u.2:06] Have you spoken to the House of Light, like I asked?
[u.1:07] I would rather not speak with Fallen.
[u.2:07] They may need our help. Their cause is just.
[u.1:08] What happened to “trust no one?”
[u.2:08] What happened to your sense of right and wrong, hero?
[u.1:09] That is the City’s word, not mine. And the people still remember when I defended its borders from those very Fallen.
[u.1:12] If I can find the time, yes. Not all of us conjure Echoes.
[u.2:12] Reflections, Saint. I have no need for Echoes anymore.
[u.1:13] What do you mean? What’s the difference?
[u.2:13] One is a manifestation of Light. The other… reserved for Taken Kings. Better suited for traversing the Sundial because of what lies at its core.
[u.1:14] One day you’ll have to tell me exactly what you and the Guardian did to bring me back.
[u.2:14] We did what we had to. Trust me.
[u.1:15] Now you sound like the rat.
[u.2:15] No. The Drifter sounds like me.
[u.2:16] Wherever my road takes me. The Lunar Pyramid has galvanized the Hive; Toland has been left unchecked for too long. I’ve heard he’s still wandering the Cursed City.
Only 3 items of note here.
First of all, Osiris is leaving, and he's leaving Saint-14 an important task: Become a Guardian Envoy to the House of Light, to Mithrax. He is hesitant to do so after the Fallen's transgressions on Humanity.
Secondly, Osiris pulled some eery shit to bring Saint-14 back, something involving the powers of the dark. he mentions Oryx and his power, he used "Echoes" instead of Reflections, simply because they are "Better suited for traversing the Sundial because of what lies at its core." What is the Dark better at traversing than the Light? And why does the Drifter sound like Osiris? Did Osiris offer some semblance of Salvation to the Drifter? Did he help him with his 'Gambit'?
Finally, Osiris is going to check in on a couple of things, the Pyramid on Luna and what it's doing to the Hive. Then Toland, wandering the Dreaming City. Why Toland? He's the first Guardian to embrace the sword logic successfully, using the power of the deep to survive beyond simple life.
Next season. I don't see us dealing with the Almighty here and now, I believe it will loom over us into the beginning of next Season, when we ally ourselves with the Fallen, deal with the Devils and Judgement. Secure Mithrax as Worthy of the Traveler's Light. Help Rasputin re-build his mind with the help of Felwinter and some SIVA.
Bring forth your thoughts!
EDIT 1: Guys calm down with the Ada-1 stuff, I was just listing Exo's that we know to prove a point.
EDIT 2: Thanks for the awards!
EDIT 3: With the new in-game mission tied into the Lie quest, we now have confirmation that Rasputin activated SIVA with the purpose of killing Felwinter. Why we still don't know.
submitted by CorroCreative to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

Some stats on how the silent e rule is so inconsistent!

Long and short a, e, i, o, u
Doubled consonants are supposed to show when the letters a, e, i, o, u in words of more than one syllable have a short sound, as in matter, hemmed, hidden, dotty, tubby, rather than long, as in mate, theme, hide, dote, tube. When followed by just one consonant, or several consonants and a vowel, a, e, i, o, u are meant to be 'closed' , with a short sound, as in: am, ample; ten, tender; pin, pinked; pond ponder; bun bunker.
When followed by a single consonant and a vowel, they are ‘open’ and meant to be long; male, halo; peter, period; fine, final; sole, solo; tube, tubular'.
If a stressed short vowel before a single consonant and another vowel is to be short, or is to stay short, it should be followed by a doubled consonant: allergy, petty, Finnish, dolly, butter.
Schoolchildren spend much time learning to apply this rule when adding suffixes to short words: cut + er → cutter, prefer + ed → preferred; but: cute + er→ cuter, enter +ed → entered.
Sadly, at least 1,700 words of more than one syllable disobey the ‘closed /short' - 'open / long’ vowel system in 5 ways: 1. At least 567 common words fail to double the consonant after a short, stressed vowel, e.g. 'habit, very, similar, body, study'. 2. 219 words have needlessly doubled consonants after unstressed vowels, e.g. 'account, terrific, immense, occur, hurrah', undermining their regular use, as in: accurate, terror, simmer, occupy, hurry. 3. Nearly 200 words end with a surplus –e: (give, promise – cf.spiv drive; surprise tennis). 4. Around 200 words have irregular spellings for a, e, i, o and u (plait, bread, pretty, cough, touch), sometimes with missing doubled consonants as well (many, women, sausage, money). 5. At least 665 words do not use the long vowel method, of 'male, mere, mile, mole, mule': 87 for long a (late - wait, straight, eight), 373 long e (eke – seek, speak, shriek) - [e-e is used just in 86 words], 79 long i (while - style, whilst, island, height), 100 long o (mole – bowl, roll, soul), 26 long u (use - youth, juice, feud, lewd, beauty, Tuesday). All common words affected by the five irregularities are shown below in the following order: 1) Omitted consonant doubling; 2) Needless consonant doubling; 3) Surplus -e endings; 4) Exceptions to a, e, i, o, u; 5) Exceptions to a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e and 459 unpredictable spellings for the /ee/ sound. The exceptions dilute the English 'long/short' system so much that hundreds of spellings simply have to be learned word by word, instead of being spelt systematically, like 'pal, pale, pallid'. They were made irregular mainly with careless changes to the original English spelling system and are now most responsible for making learning to write English exceptionally difficult and time-consuming. Most of them cause reading difficulties as well, not just spelling ones: e.g. hide, hidden – hideous; arrow - arrive (cf. arise); save - have; ouch - touch. --------------------------------------------------------------
1) Words of more than one syllable without doubled consonants after their short, stressed vowel (which undermine the 500+ words with doubling, e.g. cabbage, chicken, adder...). (Only one-syllable words lengthened with suffixes have systematic consonant doubling: e.g. beg – begged, beggar, begging; fat – fatten, fatty).
Cabaret, cabin, cabinet, distribute, elaborate(X2), fabulous, habit, inhabit, liberal, liberty, nebula, probable, prohibit, rebel(noun), robin, tribute.
Articulate, binoculars, crocodile, decade, decorate, document, executive, faculty, placard, recognise, record(n), ridiculous, second(n), secondary, secular, vacuum, vicar. Accurate, broccoli, hiccough, hiccup, occupy, piccolo, soccer, succulent, tobacco. Echo, mechanism. Chequered, lacquer, liquor, liquorice.
Academy, adequate, body, credit, deciduous, edible, edit, educate, federal, graduate(X2), hideous, idiot, madam, medal, medical, moderate(X2), modern, modest, pedal, pedigree, produce(n), product, radical, radish, ridicule, shadow, study, video, widow.
Café, certificate, magnificent, Pacific, profit, reference, refuge, refuse (n), significant, specific,
agony, brigand, dragon, flagon, frigate, hexagonal, jaguar, negative, regular, sugar, vigorous, wagon,
Ability, abolish, analysis, apologise, astrology, balance, bilious, calendar, celebrate, celery, chalet, civilian, colony, column, delegate(X2), deliberate(X2), delicacy, deluge, demolish, develop, element, elephant, eligible, expel, facilities, felon, galaxy, helicopter, holiday, invalid(adj), italic, knowledge, lapel, lily, melody, melon, metropolitan, military, morality, motel, olive, palace, palate, pelican, policy, polish, politics, polythene, probability, qualify, quality, reality, relative, relevant, relic, salad, salary, salmon, salon, skeleton, solemn, solid, solitary, talent, talon, telescope, theology, tolerate, valentine, valiant, valid, value, ventriloquist, vitality, volume, voluntary.
Abominable, academic, amateur, atomic, barometer, calamity, camera, camouflage, cemetery, chemical, chemistry, comedy, comet, comic, criminal, damage, democrat, dominate, domino, dynamic, economic, eliminate, emerald, emigrate, epidemic, family, famished, feminine, glamour, image, kilometre, laminate(x2), lemon, limit, memorise, memory, plumber, preliminary, premier, premise, primitive, prominent, promise, remedy, semi, similar, simile, thermometer, timid, vomit.
Aluminium, animal, anonymous, anorak, astonish, astronomy, banish, banister, benefit, canopy, cinema, clinical, conifer, continue, degenerate(x2), economy, electronic, enemy, energy, finish, granary, honest, honour, January, lieutenant, linear, manage, manor, manual, manuscript, menace, menu, mineral, minimal, minimum, minister, minute(n), monarch, monastery, monitor, monument, opinion, organic, panic, penalty, penetrate, planet, punish, senate, sinister, spaniel, spinach, strenuous, supersonic, tenor, tonic, vanish, venison, vinegar.
Capita, capital, capitol, copy, deputy, dilapidated, epic, episode, leper, opera, operate, popular, proper, property, rapid, separate(x2), tapestry, tepid, topic, tropics.
America, Arab, arable, arid, asparagus, authority, baron, beret, caramel, caravan, caricature, carol, ceremony, chariot, charity, cherish, clarity, comparative, comparison, conspiracy, coral, derelict, empirical, experiment, florist, foreign, forest, garage(UK), herald, heritage, heroin/, heroine, heron, historic, horoscope, inherent, inherited, majority, merit, minority, miracle, moral, necessarily, numerical, orange, origin, parasol, parish, peril, periscope, perish, popularity, primarily, priority, quarantine, sheriff, sincerity, spirit, sterilise, therapist, transparent, very.
Acid, adolescent, anticipated, capacity, decimal, discipline, electricity, explicit, fascinate, glacier(UK), municipal, oscillate, pacifist, participate, precipice, prosecute, publicity, recipe, simplicity, solicitor, specify, specimen, velocity; glisten, listen; convalescent, crescent.
Gratitude, aquatic, athletic, atom, baton, botany, British, catalogue, catapult, category, citizen, city, compatible, competitive, critic, critical, dedicate, diplomatic, lateral, latitude, literal, literary, magnetic, mathematics, metal, monotonous, obliterate, pathetic, petal, pity, platinum, platypus, poetic, political, satin, saturate, Saturday, Saturn, static, strategy, tetanus, veteran, yeti.
Avenue, average, cavalry, cavern, cavity, civic, civil, clever, controversy, crevice, deliver, devil, driven, eleven, equivalent, ever, evidence, given, gravity, havoc, hover, javelin, lavender, navigate, never, novice, poverty, privilege, proverb, providence, quiver, ravenous, reverend, river, rivet, savage, scavenge, seven, shiver.
Hazard, lizard, lozenge, wizard, wizened; deposit, closet, desert, designate(x2), desolate(x2), hesitate, miserable, positive, presence, present, president, prison, resident, risen, visible, visit; scissors.
56 words have irregularly spelt short vowels and missing doubled consonants:
Any, berry/bury, burial, endeavour, heaven, heavy, heifer, jealous, jeopardy, leopard, many, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready (already), steady, threaten, weapon, zealous,
busy, chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physical, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny, women,
colour, courage, cousin, covenant, cover, covet, covey, dozen, govern, honey, monetary, money, nourish, onion, oven, shovel, slovenly, somersault, stomach, thorough. Sausage. Courier.
2) Words with needlessly doubled consonants (i.e. not after a stressed short vowel; the stressed syllable is underlined). - Compare: abridge, acute, adrenalin, afar, alone...
Accompany, accomplish, accord, accordance, accordion, account, accrue, accumulate, accuse, accustom.
Address(uk). Affair, affect, affection, affectionate, affluent, afford, chauffeur, differential, diffusion, effect, efficient, effluent, effusive, giraffe, graffiti, offence, offend, offensive, official, officious, paraffin, sheriff, sufficient. Aggravate, aggressive, suggest.
Alliance, allotment, allow, allowance, allowed/aloud, ballistic, balloon, caterpillar, collage, collapse, collect, collection, collide, constellation, controlled, excellent, hello, illegal, illegible, illiterate, illuminate, illusion, illustration, installation, intellectual, jewellery, llama, marvellous, parallel, pastille, roller, satellite, swollen, tonsillitis, traveller(UK), virtually, wholly, woollen.
Accommodation, ammunition, command, commemorate, commence, commercial, commission, commit, commodities, commotion, communication, communion, community, commuter, immaculate, immediate, immense, immersion, immortal, immune, programme, programmer, recommend.
Anniversary, announce, annoy, annul, connect, Finn/fin, inn, mayonnaise, personnel, questionnaire, tyranny.
Appal, apparatus, apparent, appendix, applaud, applause, appliance, apply, appoint, appreciate, apprehensive, apprentice, approach, appropriate(x2), approve, approximate(x2), hippopotamus, opportunity, oppose, sapphire, supply, support, suppose.
Arrange, array, arrest, arrive, barricade, correct, correlation, correspond, curriculum, erratic, hurrah, interrupt, irregular, irrigation, occurrence, serrated, surrender, surreptitious, surround, terrific, torrential, verruca.
Assail, assassin, assassinate, assault, assemble, assert, assessment, assessor, assign, assist, assistant, associate(x2), assort, assume, cassette, dessert, embassy, essential, lasso, moose/mousse, necessarily, necessary, possess, possessive, possibility.
Attach, attack, attain, attempt, attend, attention, attorney, attract, attributed, battalion, cigarette, mattress, omelette, palette, silhouette.
3) Words with surplus –e endings which obscure the vowel-lengthening function of –e in words like 'define, bone, care, endure, advise, inflate, ignite, drive, save, survive'.
Destine, determine, discipline, doctrine, examine, engine, famine, feminine, genuine, heroine, imagine, iodine, intestine, jasmine, masculine, medicine, urine,
gone, shone. Are, (cf. care, endure, mature). Conjure, exposure, failure, figure, fissure, injure, measure, pleasure, pressure, procedure, treasure. Adventure, agriculture, architecture, capture, caricature, creature, culture, departure, expenditure, feature, fracture, furniture, future, gesture, lecture, legislature, literature, manufacture, miniature, mixture, nature, picture, puncture, scripture, signature, structure, temperature, torture, venture, vulture. Purchase, premise, promise, purpose. (cf. atlas, devise, propose). Accurate, adequate, affectionate, candidate, chocolate, climate, considerate, corporate, delicate, desperate, extortionate, fortunate, frigate, illiterate, immaculate, immediate, intermediate, intricate, laureate, legitimate, obstinate, palate, passionate, pirate, private, proportionate, senate, Composite, Definite, exquisite, favourite, granite, infinite, opposite. In 25 words the –ate endings are used for two different words (to deliberate a deliberate act). Advocate, alternate, appropriate, approximate, articulate, associate, certificate, co-ordinate, degenerate, delegate, deliberate, designate, desolate, dictate, duplicate, elaborate, estimate, graduate, intimate, laminate, moderate, separate, subordinate, syndicate, triplicate (cf. inflate, dilate, obliterate). Give, forgive, have, live (cf. drive, save, alive), abrasive, abusive, adhesive, aggressive, apprehensive, comprehensive, compulsive, conclusive, creative, cursive, decisive, defensive, depressive, derisive, detective, dismissive, divisive, effusive, elusive, evasive, excessive, exclusive, expensive, explosive, expressive, extensive, fugitive, impressive, impulsive, incisive, inclusive, initiative, intensive, invasive, massive, motive, narrative, objective, obtrusive, offensive, oppressive, passive, pensive, permissive, perspective, persuasive, possessive, productive, progressive, prospective, radioactive, repulsive, respective, responsive, selective, sensitive, subjective, submissive, subversive, successive.
4) Words with irregular spellings for short /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ and - (Letters in red are redundant.)
A - (bad, cat, rang, chav) - plaid, plait, meringue, have.
E - (bed, bend) – but : Bread/bred, breadth, breast, breath, dead, deaf, dealt, death, dread, dreamt, head, health, lead(x2), leant, leapt, meant, read(x2), ream, spread, sweat, thread, threat, wealth. Breakfast, cleanliness, cleanse, endeavour, feather, heather, heaven, heavy, instead, leather, measure, stealthy, treacherous, treadmill, treasure, weather. Friend, every, said, says, Wednesday.
Some lack doubled consonants as well (c.f. jelly, teddy, penny): Berry/bury. Any, many. Jeopardy, leopard. Heifer. Jealous, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready, (already), steady, weapon, zealous.
Different in US and UK: Leisure, lieutenant [leesure/lesure, lutennant/leftennant].
I – (in, it, sit ) - except: Build, built, busy, English, pretty, sieve, vineyard, women. Abyss, crypt, crystal, cyclical, cygnet, cymbals, cyst, eucalyptus, gym, hymn, hypnotise, lynch, lynx, mystery, myth, Olympics, rhythm, syllable, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, symptom, synchronise, syndicate, syndrome, synthesis, system. Without doubled consonants as well (unlike ‘syllable’ and ‘symmetry’): Chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny.
O – (on hot spot) – irregular mainly just after w and qu: Swallow, swamp, swan, swap, waft, wand, wander, want/wont, wanton, warrant, warren, warrior, was, wash, wasp, watch, watt, wattle, what. Quality, quadrangle, quantity, quarantine, quarry, squabble, squad, squander, squash, squat. + Cough, trough; laurel, sausage.
U – (up, under) - Next to m, n , v and w, the short sound is often spelt o or o-e.
(* quite often without doubled consonants too, e.g. money– cf. funny).
Among, Monday, money, monger, mongrel, monk, monkey, month, mother, smother. Comfort, company, compass, pommel/pummel, stomach. Come, some/sum. Front, son, ton/tonne , tongue, sponge. Done, none/nun, nothing. Honey, onion. Above, cover, covet, covey, covenant, dove, glove, govern, love, oven, shove, shovel, slovenly.
Won/ one, wonder, worry. Once. Country, nourish, young. Enough. Not next to m, n or v: Double, couple, trouble. Rough, slough(x2), tough. Brother, colour, courage, cousin, dozen, does, hiccough/hiccup, other, Southern, thorough*, touch. Blood, flood.
5) Words with irregular spellings for a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, followed by e-e (because e-e is no longer the main spelling for the /ee/ sound, as it used to be until the 15th century).
A-e (late, tale) Ale/ail, bale/bail, male/mail, pale/pail, sale/sail, tale/tail, whale/wail, assail, cocktail, detail, fail, hail, jail, nail, prevail, rail, retail, snail, trail, Main/mane, pain/pane, plain/plane, rain/reins(reindeer)/reign, vain/vein, Abstain, brain, chain... (in 31 words) Skein; deign, feign; campaign; champagne. Crane, lane, sane, membrane. Made/maid, aid, braid, laid, paid, raid, afraid. Brake/break, stake/steak. Aim, claim, exclaim, maim, proclaim. Place/plaice. Haste, paste, taste, waste/waist; Daisy, praise, raise, raisin. Traitor, waiter. Ate/eight, bate/bait, grate/great, straight/straits, wait/weight. Fête, freight. Faith. Halfpenny, neighbour. Able, cable, cradle, fable, gable, ladle, sabre, stable, table – (cf. label).
I-e - (ice) - except: I /eye/aye/ay, bite/bight(bay), knight/night, lite/light, mite/might, rite/right/write,
slight/sleight(trick), sight/site/cite. Alight, blight, bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, frighten, lightning, mighty, tight. Height; indict. Behind, bind, blind, find, grind, hind, kind, mind, ninth, pint, rind, wind (x2); Bible (cf. libel), bridle, disciple, idle, rifle, stifle, trifle. Child, mild (cf. children, mildew), wild, whilst; island; climb. Eider-down, Fahrenheit, kaleidoscope. Either, neither (UK pronunciation). Choir. Resign, sign. Tire/tyre, asylum, cycle, cypress, dyke, dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, hyacinth, hydrangea, hydrogen, hyena, hygrometer, hypothesis, nylon, paralyse, psychology, pylon, python, rhyme, scythe, style, thyroid, type, tyrant.
O - e, -o - (open, so) – quite regular in more recently imported words: Alcove, associated, chrome... video, volcano, zero. Except: Bungalow. Cocoa. Oboe. Pharaoh. Depot.
In older English words, the o-e/-o sound is spelt very unpredictably:
Approach, boast, boat, broach/brooch, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coat, coax, cockroach, croak, float, foal, foam, gloat, goal, goat, groan, load, loaf, loan, loathe, moan, oaf, oak, oath, oats, poach, road, roam, roast, shoal, soak, soap, stoat, throat, toad, toast.
Bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, old, scold, sold, solder, soldier, told. Folk, yoke/yolk. Holster.
Bolt, colt, dolt, jolt, revolt. Mould, moult, sole/soul, shoulder, smoulder.
Knoll, pole/poll, role/ roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll, swollen, holy/ wholly. Control, enrol, patrol.
Host, most, post, postal, poster. Both, gross, noble, only, sloth. Goes. Mauve. Blown, bowl, grown, growth, known, mown, own, shown, sown/sewn, thrown, rowan. Blow, bow(x2), crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row(x2), show, slow, snow, sow(x2), stow, throw, tow. Arrow, barrow, bellow, below, billow, burrow, elbow, fellow, follow, gallows, hollow, marrow, narrow, pillow, shadow, shallow, swallow, sorrow, sparrow, tomorrow, wallow, widow, willow, window, yellow.
Doe, floe, foe, hoe, roe, sloe, toe, woe. Oh/owe. So/sew. Dough, though. Ago, also, fro, go, hello, no. Alone, arose, bone, bony, broke, choke, chose, chosen, close, clothes, clover, code, cone, cope, cove, dole, dome, dose, doze, drone, drove, froze, frozen, grocer, grope, hole, holy, home, hope, hose, joke, lone, mole, nose, open, over, poke, pony, pope, primrose, rode, rope, rose, scope, slope, smoke, spoke, stoke, stole, stolen, stone, strode, stroke, tadpole, throne, tone, whole, woke, wove, wrote, yodel.
U - e, -ue – (use, tuba; cue, due) – In the stem of words, few exceptions: you/ewe/yew, Eucalyptus, ewer, youth. Feud, feudal, neutral, pneumatic, pseudo, rheumatism. Lewd, newt, pewter, sewage, jewel, steward. Juice, nuisance, suicide, suitable, suitcase. Beauty. Nuclear. Tuesday.
In endings unpredictable: Cue/queue, due/dew, sue. Argue, avenue, barbecue, continue, imbue, issue, pursue, rescue, revenue, statue, subdue, tissue, value, devalue, venue, virtue. Chew, few, Jew, knew, new, pew, spew, stew, askew, curfew, curlew, mildew, nephew. View, interview, review. Emu, menu.
E - e / ea / ee ... – (deed, lead, concede, siege, conceive, police, people, key, ski ...) The spellings of the /ee/ sound were made unpredictable mainly in the 15th C, when court scribes were obliged to switch from French to English. They changed most e-e spellings (like Chaucer's 'seke, speke, shreke, beleve') to the many different ones we still use now. Johnson's dictionary of 1755 made them even worse by giving 48 words 2 spellings: Bee/be, beech/beach, been/bean, beet/beat, breech/breach, cheep/cheap, creek/creak, deedear, discreet/discrete, eerie/eyrie, eve/eaves, feet/feat, flee/flea, freeze/frieze, jeans/genes, Greece/grease, heel/heal, heahere, key/quay, leech/leach, leek/leak, meet/meat, need/knead, pee/pea, peace/piece, peek/peak, peel/peal, peepier, reed/readx2[reed/red], reek/wreak, reel/real, sealing/ceiling, seamen/semen, see/sea, seem/seam, seen/scene, serial/cereal, sheeshear, sheikh/chic, steel/steal, sweet/suite, tee/tea, teem/team, wee/we, week/weak, wheel/weal. In UK also: geezegeyser, leavelever.
Open e : Adhesive, arena, cafeteria, cedar, chameleon, Chinese, comedian, compete, complete, concrete, convene, convenient, decent, demon, equal, era, even, evil, experience, exterior, extreme, female, fever, frequent, genie, genius, hero, hyena, imperial, inferior, ingredient, intermediate, legal, legion, lenient, material, medium, mere, meteor, meter, millipede, mysterious, obedient, period, peter, polythene, precede, previous, query, recent, recess, region, relay, scheme, sequence, sequin, series, serious, serum, species, sphere, stampede, strategic, superior, supreme, swede, tedious, theme, theory, these, torpedo, trapeze, vehicle, Venus, zero. He, me, she. Beef, beer, beetle, between, bleed, bleep, breed, breeze, career, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, creep, deed, deep, eel, exceed, feeble, feed, feel, fleece, fleet, geese, greed, green, greet, indeed, jeep, jeer, keel, keen, keep, kneel, meek, needle, peep, pioneer, preen, proceed, proceedings, proceeds, queen, queer, reef, screech, screen, seed, seek, seep, seesaw, sheep, sheet, sleek, sleep, sleet, sleeve, smithereens, sneer, sneeze, speech, speed, squeeze, steep, steeple, steer, street, succeed, sweep, sweet, teeth, teetotal, thirteen, tweed, tweezers, weed, weep, wheedle, wheeze, wildebeest. Appeal, beacon, bead, beak, beam, beard, beast, beaver, beneath, bleach, bleak, bleat, breathe, cease, cheat, clean, clear, colleague, conceal, congeal, cream, crease, creature, deal, dean, decrease, defeat, disease, dream, dreary, each, eager, eagle, ear, ease, east, Easter, eat, fear, feast, feature, freak, gear, gleam, glean, heap, heat, heath, heathen, heave, increase, leadx2, leaf, league, lean, leap, lease, leash, least, leave, meagre, meal, mean, measles, near, neat, ordeal, peach, peat, plead, please, pleat, preach, queasy, reach, really, reap, rear, reason, release, repeat, retreat, reveal, scream, seal, sear, season, seat, sheaf, sheath, smear, sneak, speak, spear, squeak, squeal, squeamish, steam, streak, stream, teach, teak, tearx2, tease, theatre, treacle, treason, treat, treaty, veal, wean, weary, weasel, weave, wheat, wreath, year, yeast, zeal. Open i: Albino, antique, aubergine, bikini, clementine, fatigue, guillotine, machine, magazine, margarine, marine, mosquito, plasticine, police, prestige, ravine, regime, routine, sardine, suite, tambourine, tangerine, trampoline, unique, vaseline, pizza.
Achieve, belief, believe, brief , chief, diesel, field, fiend, fierce, grief, grieve, hygienic, medieval, niece, pierce, priest, relief, relieve, shield, shriek, siege, thief, thieve, tier, wield, yield. Caffeine, codeine, protein, seize, weir, weird, conceive /coneit, deceive /deceit, receive /receipt. Assorted variants: People; cathedral, secret; pizza, ski, souvenir; debris.
Learning to read and write English could be made much easier by merely correcting some of the above irregularities which make it exceptionally difficult and time-consuming.
Posted 1st July 2010 by Masha Bell (
submitted by gray-matterz to EnglishLinguistics [link] [comments]

Forever chemical Pollution - Immune systems low in key areas of Co-Vid outbreak - cause and effect?

Presented here is a link hop - what i hope to suggest is that
the Viral outbreak has gained traction due to local populations Immune systems being compromised after exposure to FOREVER CHEMICALS.
Yes i know we can't really trust the numbers of Co_vid deaths etc
but i thought it would be interesting to try and find out if their was a correlation between PFAs etc with the initial/central outbreak areas
Can the testing kits be trusted?
CR-based tests are being rolled out in hospitals nationwide, and the Food and Drug Administration is fast-tracking novel approaches as well
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit
Regulatory status: For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures. non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B),
Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.
but the test has limitations
  1. The detection result of this product is only for clinical reference, and it should not be used as the only evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment. The clinical management of patients should be considered in combination with their symptoms/signs, history, other laboratory tests and treatment responses. The detection results should not be directly used as the evidence for clinical diagnosis, and are only for the reference of clinicians.
  2. The detection result can be affected by operations, including specimen collection, storage and transportation. False negative result may occur if there is any mistakes in the operation. Cross contamination during specimen treatment may lead to false positive result.
  3. The detected target sequences of this products are the conservative region of 2019-nCoV's ORF1ab gene and N gene. However, target sequence variations may lead to false negative result.
see also Jon Rappaports blog
Quote: on joining CD diagnostics

"When I joined this company it was because their initial work was interesting enough for me to say,
Hey this is a big market with an unmet need,'" he said. "So I decided I should join them and see what I can do."
interestingly Creative Diagnostics is a partner of this company

CD Genomics,
a genomics services company, innovates sequencing services as well as genotyping and library construction to develop integrated systems of genomic products and services.
With professional work team and advanced biotechnology, the company has already been selling products in the United States, Europe, Asia. Scientists from CD Genomics have participated in many genome projects, such as Illumina,[1] the genome sequence,[2] DNA analyzer,[3] Bacillus thuringiensis, Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, Streptococcus suis, and quite a few virus genomes.[4]
via wikipedia
CD Genomics provides viral genome sequencing service within Illumina and PacBio Platforms. We can create high-quality de novo assembly of large viral genomes and highest possible data quality at low cost.
is CD Genomics a secret Dupont start up company?

interestingly the CEO of creative diagnostics is Rick Berkmeyer
who used to work at Dupont
“One of the things that I did while I was at DuPont was a two-year stint in each department,” Birkmeyer said. “The roles change. Therefore, there are times the personality of a CEO might fit at one stage and then another stage.”
Dupont Gave CD dignostics CEO a start up grant to form Strategic Diagnostics
"When I was working with DuPont, one of the groups that was part of DuPont at the time was Conoco Oil. They had spent $17 million developing a little rapid test that looks
much like a home pregnancy test kit. It was for bacteria that was found in oil wells that very quickly could eat through a stainless shaft and cause that well to go down for days.
They wanted a test that could very quickly say: “Is this bacteria present so that we can treat this well with biocide?” Within DuPont, they spent the $17 million developing this test. They brought it to my group to manufacture it, and lo and behold, they found out that the product couldn’t be frozen and had to be refrigerated. Well, that’s a real problem when your market is Abu Dhabi and the north slopes of Alaska. So, I convinced them to support me, give me a grant, move outside of DuPont, and start up my first company, Strategic Diagnostics. So, that’s how I got started."
"...if Monsanto and Bayer, the 1st and 3rd largest biotech and seed firms, together with Dow and DuPont being the 4th and 5th largest biotechnology and seed companies in the world respectively, both went through with the mergers, the so-called "Big Six" in the industry would control 63 percent of the global seed market and 76 percent of the global agriculture chemical market. They would also control 95 percent of corn, soybeans, and cotton traits in the US. Both duopolies would become the "big two" industry dominators.
The merger formed the world's largest chemical company in terms of sales. DuPont is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware."

in DUPONTS own words
Litigation: The Company is party to a number of claims and lawsuits arising out of the normal course of business with respect to product liability,patent infringement,
employment matters, governmental tax and regulation disputes, contract and commercial litigation, and other actions.Certain of the claims and lawsuits facing the Company purport to be class actions and seek damages in very large amounts. All such claims are contested.
With the exception of the possible effect of the asbestos-related liability of Union Carbide Corporation (“Union Carbide”) and Chapter 11 related matters of Dow Corning Corporation ("Dow Corning") as described below, it is the opinion of the Company's management that the possibility is remote that theaggregate of all such claims and lawsuits will have a material adverse impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.Union Carbide is and has been involved in a large number of asbestos-related suits filed primarily in state courts during the past four decades.
At December 31, 2017, Union Carbide's total asbestos-related liability, including defense and processing costs, was $1,369 million ($1,490 million at December31, 2016).In 1995, Dow Corning, a former 50:50 joint venture, voluntarily filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in order to resolve breastimplant liabilities and related matters ("Chapter 11 Proceeding").
Dow Corning emerged from the Chapter 11 Proceeding on June 1, 2004, and is implementing the Joint Plan of Reorganization (the "Plan"). The Plan provides funding for the resolution of breast implant and other product liability litigation covered by the Chapter 11 Proceeding and provides a process for the satisfaction of commercial creditor claims in the Chapter 11 Proceeding.
At December 31, 2017, Dow Corning's liability for breast implant and other product liability claims was $263 million ($263 million at December 31, 2016) andthe liability related to commercial creditor claims was $78 million ($108 million at December 31, 2016).See Note 16 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information on these matters.
Environmental Compliance:
The costs of complying with evolving regulatory requirements could negatively impact the Company's financial results.Actual or alleged violations of environmental laws or permit requirements could result in restrictions or prohibitions on plant operations, substantial civil or criminal sanctions, as well as the assessment of strict liability and/or joint and several liability.
The Company is subject to extensive federal, state, local and foreign laws, regulations, rules and ordinances relating to pollution, protection of the environment, greenhouse gas emissions, and the generation, storage, handling, transportation, treatment, disposal and remediation of hazardous substances and waste materials. At December 31, 2017, the Company had accrued obligations of $878 million ($909 million at December 31, 2016) for probable environmental remediation and restoration costs, including $152 million ($151 million at December 31, 2016) for the remediation of Superfund sites.
This is management's best estimate of the costs for remediation and restoration with respect to environmental matters for which the Company has accrued liabilities,although it is reasonably possible that the ultimate cost with respect to these particular matters could range up to approximately two times that amount. Costsand capital expenditures relating to environmental, health or safety matters are subject to evolving regulatory requirements and depend on the timing of thepromulgation and enforcement of specific standards which impose the requirements. Moreover, changes in environmental regulations could inhibit orinterrupt the Company's operations, or require modifications to its facilities.
Accordingly, environmental, health or safety regulatory matters could result insignificant unanticipated costs or liabilities.
Health and Safety: Increased concerns regarding the safe use of chemicals in commerce and their potential impact on the environment as well as perceived impacts of plant biotechnology on health and the environment have resulted in more restrictive regulations and could lead to new regulations.
Concerns regarding the safe use of chemicals in commerce and their potential impact on health and the environment and the perceived impacts of plant biotechnology on health and the environment reflect a growing trend in societal demands for increasing levels of product safety and environmental protection.
These concerns could manifest themselves in stockholder proposals, preferred purchasing, delays or failures in obtaining or retaining regulatory approvals, delayed product launches, lack of market acceptance and continued pressure for more stringent regulatory intervention and litigation.
These concerns could also influence public perceptions, the viability or continued sales of certain of the Company's products, the Company's reputation and the cost to comply with regulations. In addition, terrorist attacks and natural disasters have increased concerns about the security and safety of chemical production and distribution. These concerns could have a negative impact on the Company's results of operations.

"When it spun off its former performance chemicals unit in 2015, DuPont was facing multidistrict litigation involving 3,500 personal injury claims related to PFOA. DuPont pegged the maximum liability for those cases at $128 million. Dupont settled 19 months later for $671 million, agreeing to pay half the settlement amount, and up to $125 million more toward costs of other PFOA-related litigation. Chemours paid the other half.
Chemours claims that DuPont had “a keen incentive” to downplay environmental liabilities while extracting a multibillion-dollar dividend from Chemours that would help fund a stock buyback. Chemours sought a declaratory judgment from the court limiting DuPont’s indemnification rights to the maximum liabilities it certified, or for an order directing the return of the $3.9 billion dividend."


just a little reminder of what DuPont do

PFAS chemicals have caused contamination problems in drinking water supplies in cities and towns across the nation and are now the subject of numerous lawsuits.
DuPont Made Billions Polluting Tap Water With PFAS; Will Now Make More Cleaning It Up
Since the 1940s, DuPont made and used PFAS chemicals to make highly profitable consumer products, including Teflon, which at one point earned $1 billion a year for the chemical giant. Communities whose water is contaminated with the Teflon chemical, or other PFAS compounds from other companies, face huge costs for installing filters to remove the chemicals, which have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, reproductive and immune system problems and many other serious health harms.

USA: New York state sues Chemours, Dupont, 3M for alleged contamination of drinking water by toxic substances
"claims toxic substances in the manufacturers’ products, specifically foam used for firefighting, threatened public health and damaged the state’s natural resources...
The aqueous film-forming foam, known as AFFF, contains per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, including PFOS, a type of PFAS commonly found in contamination from the use of firefighting foam...
New York’s legal actions follows on the heels of similar lawsuits against chemical makers from other states, including New Jersey, New Hampshire, and North Carolina..."
The complaint alleges that DuPont, Chemours, and the manufacturers should have known that AFFF products and PFAS would “very likely injure and/or threaten public health and the environment.”
The companies also should have known that the products dissolve easily in water, have long shelf lives, and tend to bioaccumulate in the blood, meaning they can build up and stay in the blood of the general population, according to the complaint.
“On information and belief, Manufacturers’ and DuPont/Chemours’ conduct involved actual malice or wanton, willful, and reckless disregard for the health, safety, and rights of others. The Court should award the State punitive damages in an amount sufficient to deter and punish such conduct,” the complaint says.
Northern Italy is showing the highest in numbers for "Co-Vid 19"
"The number of cases has increased rapidly because there are two hotbeds, among other things, linked to two hospitals, and we have learned from SARS that these viruses spread mainly in nosocomial [originating in hospital] environments,» explains Giorgio Palù, professor of microbiology and virology at the University of Padua, and an internationally-renowned expert.
"Besides, northern Italy has communications with China every day because there are fairs, industries, relocated industries, and people travel a lot."
"The city of Vicenza is about 30km from Vo', a small settlement of 3,000 inhabitants that ended up on the news globally when one of its fellow citizens, 78-year-old pensioner Adriano Trevisan, became the first victim of coronavirus. "
Via WHO special report
"The discovery of PFAS water contamination in the Veneto Region, which was both complex and severe, was undoubtedly a testing moment for both the institutions and the population of the Veneto Region. "

11 September 2018
Italy pneumonia due to Legionella?
"Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease and other illnesses, has been confirmed in at least 12 of around 200 cases of pneumonia in Brescia, northern Italy, authorities said on Tuesday."
"There is no reason to close schools or not to drink tap water," he assured, adding that most of the patients affected were either elderly or had weakened immune systems. Separately, a suspected legionella infection was reported on Tuesday in Turin, where a woman in her 60s and suffering from other health problems died in hospital with symptoms of pneumonia. Health authorities are investigating, according to Ansa, which reports that she may have picked up the bacteria while on holiday at the coast.
Dow was established in Italy in 1960. A key player of the local chemical industry, Dow can count on a solid structure with its headquarters in Milan, a global R&D center in Correggio for Polyurethanes and four industrial production sites: Correggio (Polyurethanes systems), Mozzanica (Water-based acrylic emulsions), Mozzate (Polyurethanes and specialty resins for the production of adhesives), Parona (Polyester resin adhesives).
Subsideries in Italy
Danisco Italy S.p.A.
Just Outside Milan, Northern Italy
Hops, malt and raw material suppliers
Raw materials (1025 Companies)
Raw materials for non-alcoholic beverages production (680 Companies)
Fruit extracts (43 Companies)
Fruit juice concentrates, beverage concentrates (263 Companies)
Flavours (161 Companies)
clicking on this link
redirects to here

At DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences, we deliver essential food and beverage innovation, enabling healthy, safe and sustainable options so customers can deliver products consumers love, around the world every day. Through deep consumer insights and market knowledge, strong technical expertise and problem-solving capabilities and our broad DuPont™ Danisco® range, we know It’s What’s Inside that can create the best solutions for you.
For decades, our DuPont™ Danisco® range of ingredients has provided improved nutritional profiles, better taste and texture, and greater cost efficiency to meet the needs of global food and beverage, dietary supplement and pet food manufacturers. Through the work of a global network of food scientists and technologists at DuPont, the Danisco® range is supported by a uniquely broad spectrum of know-how across applications and market segments.
Performance Specialty Products Italy S.r.l.
Milan Area, Italy
Advanced Printing at Performance Specialty Products Italy S.r.l.
but here it describes
Probiotics, personal protection devices, systems for the supply of clean water, smarter and faster electronics and much more: we use science to innovate, to create many important products and solutions for daily use. At DuPont, we are working to make the world a safer, healthier and better place.
For decades prior to 2013, the people living in 21 municipalities in the south-west of the Veneto Region, Italy, were unaware that the tap water they were drinking contained perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS). The contamination was affecting the groundwater, the surface water and the drinking-water. PFAS are highly resistant persistent compounds used for repelling oil, grease and water and protecting the surfaces of carpeting and clothing; they are also contained in fire-fighting foam. They have been found to have negative consequences for human health, such as pregnancy complications, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and cancer, though these are not fully established. This case story describes the experiences of the Veneto Region in managing PFAS contamination in its waters. It provides a snapshot of the situation prior to the discovery of the contamination in 2013 and describes the short-, medium- and long-term steps taken to deal with it up to spring 2017
From the 1950s until the early 2000s, the chemical plant, DuPont Washington Works, in southwest Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA, released C8 into the air and the Ohio River. C8 is a surfactant for polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) used to produce polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or Teflon. PFOA in these emissions reached drinking-water supplies by entering the groundwater where it was detected in six districts near the DuPont plant in 2002. Air emissions from the plant have been largely eliminated, as have any significant releases into the Ohio River. Carbon filters are used to remove C8 from nearby water systems.A class-action lawsuit against Dupont ended in a settlement, which involved: • carrying out a supplies’ clean-up;• conducting a biomonitoring survey; • establishing a C8 science panel, including international experts.
A biomonitoring survey, called the C8 health project, was conducted between August 2005 and July 2006. Information was gathered through interviews and questionnaires, and blood samples were collected from about 69 000 people living near the plant. The C8 health panel found six probable cause–effect links, namely between C8 and pregnancy-induced hypertension/preeclampsia, autoimmune ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, cancers of the testes and kidney, and increased cholesterol (1
identification of PFAS contamination;
During the spring of 2013, following the results of a IRSA–CNR study (20), the Regional authorities were alerted about the presence of PFAS in the groundwater, surface water and drinking-water in some parts of the Veneto Region. The area involved spanned more than 200 kms2. Studies carried out by the Regional Environmental Protection Agency showed two main pathways for the spread of the contamination: (i) wastewater from the factory responsible for the pollution, which was emitted into a creek and percolated into the ground-water system; and (ii) water from a wastewater-treatment plant connected to the factory; this wastewater was deposited into a canal that drained into a river, the high flow rates of which enabled PFAS to be transported over long distances.
The Regional Environmental Protection Agency took the lead in carrying out a series of environmental monitoring actions in 2014–2016. In August 2014, a preliminary evaluation of local food products revealed contamination in some categories, such as eggs from locally bred hens and fish from contaminated rivers, that could affect the health of the consumers. The Region’s drinking-water monitoring system was reorganized and procedures to manage PFAS concentrations above the threshold value were established. The monitoring system included not only drinking-water but also other environmental matrices, such as surface water, groundwater, soil and air; thus, a comprehensive PFAS data warehouse was created for all water sources. Moreover, an environmental early-warning system was set up to identify key water-sampling points that should be regularly monitored.
The selection of water-sampling points was systemized and the drinking-water network re-evaluated according to the water-safety plan approach promoted by WHO (26). A hydrogeological study was carried out to investigate the distribution of groundwater and the extension and flow velocity of the contamination plume. These data eventually allowed for estimations of the duration of contamination, which dated back more than 20 years. Soil monitoring showed a widespread presence of PFAS, not only in areas where human activity or erosion could have produced contamination, but also in those assumed to be free of it. Of 14 soil samples taken in the summer of 2016, half were found to have PFOA values higher than the threshold. Levels of PFAS in water from other industrial sources than the chemical plant were also measured but found to be considerably lower than those in water from the plant
Occupational retrospective cohort study of employees at the chemical plant Currently, out of a total of approximately 600 employees at the chemical plant, 130 work in the production department, the pilot plant, the laboratory and the waste-processing area. The probable long-term effects of PFOA exposure on the health of 415 male employees, including former employees, were examined through a retrospective cohort mortality study (1975–2016). The study looked at all-cause mortality and mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, cirrhosis and diabetes. The sera of a group of employees have been measured for PFOA contamination since 2000; in 2004–2012, the levels of those working in the PFAS production departments were steady. Mortality rates were higher for those exposed to PFOA and excess rates of liver, bladder and kidney cancer and cirrhosis were also observed for this group. Excess rates of cirrhosis, diabetes and hypertension were observed among all employees though they were higher among those exposed to PFOA (30

.. Some previous studies have also reported the occurrence of PFASs, especially PFOA and PFOS in river water globally
(Hansen et al., 2002;Mclachlan et al., 2007;Murakami et al., 2008;Yeung et al., 2009;Nakayama et al., 2010;Hong et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2013;Zhang et al., 2013).
In general, the PFAS concentrations in the Yangtze River were lower than those in other rivers in the world. ...
... This suggests widespread use of PFASs in industrial applications in these two cities. There are dozens of major industries, including fluorochemical, food pro- cessing, textiles, insecticides, pharmaceutical, and electroplating located in Wuhan ( Zhou et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2013), which could be the potential pollution sources. Wang et al. (2013) reported PFASs contami- nation in the effluents of a manufacturing plant in Wuhan, being respon- sible for the high PFAS concentration in the surrounding river water. ...
... There are dozens of major industries, including fluorochemical, food pro- cessing, textiles, insecticides, pharmaceutical, and electroplating located in Wuhan ( Zhou et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2013), which could be the potential pollution sources. Wang et al. (2013) reported PFASs contami- nation in the effluents of a manufacturing plant in Wuhan, being respon- sible for the high PFAS concentration in the surrounding river water. High concentrations of PFASs, especially thousands ng/L of PFBA (max concentration 47800 ng/L) and PFBS (max concentration 15 300 ng/L), were observed in surface water near a fluorochemical plant in Wuhan ( Zhou et al., 2013).
Animal-related poison experiments and human epidemiological studies have revealed PFC adverse effects, such as hepatotoxicity, immunotoxicity, developmental and
reproductive toxicity, hormonal effects and carcinogenic potency9,10,11,12. In recent years, PFCs have been frequently detected in various environmental waters and strongly
proved to accumulate in aquatic biotas, which makes the aquatic ecosystem as an important medium for PFC transport.
Occurrence investigation of PFCs in surface water from East Lake
The East Lake, located in Wuhan city, is the second largest urban lake in China, with a total water area of 33 km2 and an average depth of 2.5 m. A number of enterprises,
hospitals and communities are built around the lake, which makes it very important for industrial production, life of local residents and tourist entertainment. However, during the past decades, with the rapid industrialization and urbanization, chemical pollutants were continuously discharged into the lake that has no dilution ability due to its closed shape
Presently, the existence of PFOS and PFOA in East Lake has been proved by researchers.
the PFCs in surface water from East Lake were accurately and sensitively determined by the proposed MSPE-UPLC-MS/MS method. The surface water had a widespread contamination of PFCs with PFOS and PFOA as the most prevalent pollutants, and the Niuchao lakelet was loaded with the greatest PFC pollutions attributed to more human activities.
OH THE IRONY...suit up!
dupont in wuhan

"Thousands of DuPont employees are working around the clock to increase production of protective garments that are in high demand by first responders and medical workers in high-impact regions like Wuhan, China.
The protective suits are used by health professionals during the outbreaks to reduce the risk of infection. Reports from China show workers running low on safety supplies including garments and masks."
"Of the protective suits DuPont makes, the most popular is the white Tyvek suit, which costs anywhere between $5 to $15. The suit is thin and protects the body from many fluids, but does not cover the hands, feet or face. But it also makes heavy duty Hazmat suits that act as a shell around the entire body, and are often worn with an oxygen tank.
Those suits can cost in many cases more than $1,000."
submitted by w4rdr0b3 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

hazardous waste collection facility near me video

Waste Management and Recycling - YouTube Why danger symbols can’t last forever - YouTube 7 Super Toxic U.S. Sites - YouTube Waste Management Recycling Trucks Unloading - YouTube How Do Wastewater Treatment Plants Work? - YouTube MRWMD: The MRF 2.0 Single Stream Video - YouTube Hazardous Substances Safety - The Fundamentals - Solvents ... How a Landfill Works - YouTube YuB - YouTube

Household Hazardous Waste and the Environment. Keeping our storm drains clean has never been so easy. With these simple steps listed in the video below, we can keep Fontana and all of San Bernardino County beautiful. 6900 Hahl Road (290 & N. Gessner) Houston, TX 77040 HHW Information Line: 346-286-4299 Para informacíon en español llame: 346-286-4296. The Harris County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility opened March 10, 2010 and provides free services to approximately 1.3 million residents of unincorporated Harris County.Our services allow residents a convenient, safe, and environmentally ... We can take up to 25 items or small loads that will easily fit into the cargo area of a small SUV or trunk of a car. Larger quantities or pickup truck-sized loads of household hazardous waste must be taken to the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility at the Ada County Landfill. If you have questions about specific materials, call the Boise Public Works Department at 208-608-7136. What is Hazardous Waste. Household hazardous waste (HHW) is a broad category and can include very common everyday items such as old light bulbs or leftover paint. They can also be unwanted cleaning products or from a home improvement project. The EPA classifies some household products as hazardous based on their risk of catching fire, exploding, or corrosive and toxic properties. You can specify a facility using any combination of facility name, geographic location (e.g., zip code) and facility industrial classification. Search the Hazardous Waste Report (Biennial Report) in Envirofacts to locate data on the generation, management and minimization of hazardous waste. The report provides detailed data on the generation ... Many communities have collection programs for HHW to reduce potential harm posed by these chemicals. Search for "household hazardous waste" near your zip code in the Earth 911 database Exit for more information.; Contact your local environmental, health, or solid waste agency to learn about permanent or periodic HHW collections near you. Vista residents should bring old and broken electronics, paint or oil cans, used batteries, or other toxic products that are not suitable for donation to the Vista Household Hazardous Waste collection facility. These items should not be placed in regular residential trash. *Please see COVID-19 added rules in place before visiting the facility here HHW Collection Events. Starting in January 2021, EGSD will be hosting collection events the second Saturday of every month. They will be happening in a differernt Ward each month. In addition to HHW and E-waste (electronic waste), EGSD will be adding document shredding at these events (limit 3 boxes per vehicle). View and print the 2021 schedule Waste Management, based in Houston, Texas, is the leading provider of comprehensive waste management environmental services in North America. Through its subsidiaries, Waste Management provides collection, transfer, disposal services, and recycling and resource recovery. Household Hazardous Waste Collection The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers a substance hazardous if it is toxic (insecticides and pesticides), flammable (oil-based paints, gasoline, paint thinner, stains), corrosive (cleaners and pool acid) or reactive (strong fertilizers and pool chlorine). Household hazardous wastes are disposed of improperly when poured down the ...

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Waste Management and Recycling - YouTube

How to design fear, explained with 99% Invisible. Check them out here: http://99pi.orgCorrection: The correct spelling of “warning” in Persian is هشدار.Watch... I make Gaming, Music, and Reaction videos.If you want YuB Merchandise, go HERE - CAN FIND THE GEAR I USE TO M... This animated video takes you on a tour of a modern landfill and how it’s constructed and managed. There are literally thousands of different substances used in the workplace. Cleaners, adhesives, paints, solvents, pesticides, inks, lubricants and fuels ar... SUPPORT CR on PATREON:'s a topic we'd rather not think about, where does last nights dinner go when we flush it down the drain? While... **Viewers please note: This less than ideal transfer system Waste Management has been forced to use is a direct result of the failure of their transfer contr... All batteries in California must be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste disposal facility, a universal waste handler, or an authorized recycling facility. To learn more about reducing, reusing ... Let's face it: Humans are pretty messy. Industrial processes like mining and manufacturing are important parts of keeping civilization going, but they all im... Monterey Regional Waste Management District: The Materials Recycling Facility 2.0 Single Stream VideoThe Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) is the centerpiece... This clip shows how household trash are recycled and processed. More info can be found @ www.wm.comPlease subscribe to

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