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Adjoint vs conjugate transpose

Hey All,
Going through QM notes, and am confused over relationships between adjoint and conjugate transpose.
In the lecture slides, it states that: (Ω^∤)ij=(Ωij)^*
A cursory search regarding the adjoint simply confuses me as to what is different between it and transpose conjugate. If someone could explain the above relationship, it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by alecman14 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

numpy - conjugate transpose

Is there no easy way to find the conjugate transpose of a numpy array? When I look online, there seems to be only a way for a numpy matrix.
submitted by dleibniz to learnpython [link] [comments]

What's the basis transformation matrix of an adjoint(conjugate transpose) operator?

This is a T/F question with answer F, but I want to know how to make it right, and I have no idea why is false...
I guess i understand what adjoint operator in an inner dot form, but how to associate that to this transformation matrix?
Here's the questionhttps://imgur.com/a/zsMJNa5
submitted by kevinljc to learnmath [link] [comments]

Why is a bra vector the conjugate transpose of a ket vector, and not just the transpose?

I am a beginner in the Dirac notation and vectors in general, and have very little knowledge of names like vector spaces and what capital letters and such, so a layman's explanation is appreciated.
submitted by Gizmo110 to askmath [link] [comments]

What's the intuition for conjugate transpose?

I have a hard time understand conjugate transpose, it prevents me understand deeper concepts like normal unitary self adjoint...do you have any tips?
submitted by kevinljc to learnmath [link] [comments]

Poll: what symbol for the conjugate transpose?

submitted by extremeaxe5 to math [link] [comments]

What’s the difference between the adjoint and the conjugate transpose?

For complex-valued matrices I’m pretty sure the adjoint is equivalent to the conjugate transpose. But I came across an introductory linear algebra text that defines the adjoint/Hermitian transpose A* of A with the rather mysterious formula = , and then uses this definition to derive a bunch of the familiar properties of A* without ever mentioning the conjugate transpose.
Why define it this way instead of using the much more accessible conjugate transpose interpretation? I suspect that the adjoint is a more general concept but I’m not really sure.
submitted by jacer21 to learnmath [link] [comments]

Question about conjugate transpose (syntax)

Little example.
 a = [4-7*i; 3+4*i; 1-2*i] a_1 = (imag(a))' a_2 = imag(a)' a_3 = imag(a') Output: a = 4.0000 - 7.0000i 3.0000 + 4.0000i 1.0000 - 2.0000i a_1 = -7 4 -2 a_2 = -7 4 -2 a_3 = 7 -4 2 
Why do (imag(a))' and imag(a)' give me nonconjugate transpose instead of conjugate? Is it an order of operations thing?
So I guess this is a syntax question in general. Is there something inherently wrong with the way I wrote those two commands? Something that I should avoid in Matlab when working with matrices or putting functions within functions etc?
submitted by mrkarlis to matlab [link] [comments]

Relationship between Conjugate Transpose and Adjoint of an Operator

So, I'm studying for a linear algebra prelim, and I have a question. I've seen adjoints treated differently in a number of different places, so I just wondered if any of you could help clarify this: How is the conjugate transpose of the matrix form of a linear operator related to its adjoint? What is the relationship between normal matrices and adjoints?
submitted by mordwand to puremathematics [link] [comments]

Did you hear about the matrix that finally became identical to her conjugate transpose?

It was her mission (Hermetian)
submitted by bluebandedgobi to MathJokes [link] [comments]

[matrix theory] eigenvalues of conjugate transpose of a normal marix

A* := conjugate transpose of A A is normal (AA* = A*A)
showing that Ax = ex => A*x = e*x
(x*A*Ax)* = (x*A*ex)* => x*A*Ax = e*x*Ax => ex*A*x = e*x*ex => x*A*x = x*e*x ?=>? A*x = e*x
This is the closest Ive got, But I'm fairly certain the last implication is false. Help please?
submitted by 1010110111 to learnmath [link] [comments]

Proving distributivity of conjugation/transpose/hermitian conjugate of the tensor product

I'm trying to figure out how to do this, i.e. how to show:
[; (A \otimes B)T = AT \otimes BT ;]
I just can't figure it out. For exmaple, if we say:
[; A \otimes (B \otimes C) = (A \otimes B) \otimes C ;]
So then, it seems like maybe try and write:
[; A \otimes (B \otimes C)* = ?? ;]
But I can't write the other side, because I have know rules to break it up. Feeling very stupid at this point. Appreciate any advice ...
submitted by TRIANGULATE-tinsel to cheatatmathhomework [link] [comments]

Eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix have the same algebraic and geometric multiplicity

I've come upon this question and I'm not sure how to approach it. I know that the algebraic multiplicity is how many times an eigenvalue appears as an answer to the characteristic equation, and geometric multiplicity is how many linearly independent eigenvectors correspond to each eigenvalue. Hermitian matrices are symmetric and equal to their conjugate transpose. Where do I go from here in order to prove this?
submitted by PowerfulBat235 to learnmath [link] [comments]

Bases in quantum mechanics in dirac notation?

So i want to find the coefficients to write some state |psi>, i know the eigenfunctions of |p> and if i want to write |psi> in the momentum basis i have to do this
and we need to find for the coefficients.
I don't think i understand this conceptually. Would be the coefficients of the momentum basis? if so, how come? what is the significance of ? the way i see it it's just applying the momentum operator to psi (the conjugate transpose no?). I am really lost here haha!
submitted by Final_Orchid to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

How i can know if a specific operator its a observable?

So i tryng to make my homework and i get stucked in this question..

I have this operator with a constant with energy dimension. And a orthonormal basis with 2 vectors, but what procedure i have to do to know if the operator its an observable?
Sorry for my english guys, i'm from brasil so its difficult to write in another language xd

edit 1 - put a image with the operator H and my first try.
Thanks to u/010011100000 for give me the first clue - A self-adjoint operator on the HilbertSpace is an observable. So if the operrator is Hermitian so he its equal to your on conjugate transpose.
edit 2 - Form of the operator and my first mistake https://imgur.com/3jOQljG
u/Sane_Flock thanks for the tip " its eigenvalues are observables. Loosely speaking, a Hermitian operator is an operator that is its own conjugate transpose. "
and i can use matrix representations or braket representation. and can i represent my orthonormal basis like unitary vectors

pre-edit 3 - https://imgur.com/eCwA1Yt
So i tried to do this. But i don't understand in |ui>|ui> case.
I will come back to |ui>? or 1?
submitted by Kioolz to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

Passing 2D Array to Function - Knee Deep in Pointers!

Hi all. I am trying to implement a simple program to find the transpose of a matrix. Each array element is a complex number, so I've made a struct to contain the real and imaginary component. I'm getting quite confused about how to pass a pointer to a 2D array of structs to a function! Code below:
#include  #include  #define ROWS 2 #define COLUMNS 2 typedef struct complex_number { float real; float imag; } complex_number; void matrix_conjugate_transpose (complex_number * input[ROWS][COLUMNS], complex_number * output[ROWS][COLUMNS], int rows, int columns) { int i; int j; for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < columns; ++j) { output[j][i]->real = input[i][j]->real; output[j][i]->imag = input[i][j]->imag * -1; } } return; } int main() { complex_number matrix[ROWS][COLUMNS]; complex_number matrix_transpose[COLUMNS][ROWS]; matrix[0][0].real = 1.55; matrix[0][0].imag = 6.33; matrix[0][1].real = -5.67; matrix[0][1].imag = 10.2; matrix[1][0].real = 0.50; matrix[1][0].imag = -17.80; matrix[1][1].real = -12.67; matrix[1][1].imag = 6.00; matrix_conjugate_transpose(matrix[ROWS][COLUMNS], matrix_transpose[ROWS][COLUMNS], 2, 2); return 0; } 
Hopefully you can see what I'm trying to do. What should the function arguments look like? I think I've got them right in the function declaration but not in the function call. Thanks in advance.
submitted by TechWise96 to cprogramming [link] [comments]

Normal Matrices and Complex Numbers

Normal Matrices and Complex Numbers
I found a really interesting thing about visualizing normal matrices. I am copy-pasting the last paragraph of the Wikipedia article on normal matrices.
"It is occasionally useful (but sometimes misleading) to think of the relationships of different kinds of normal matrices as analogous to the relationships between different kinds of complex numbers:
As a special case, the complex numbers may be embedded in the normal 2 × 2 real matrices by the mapping
which preserves addition and multiplication. It is easy to check that this embedding respects all of the above analogies. "
I wanna ask what about the other matrices in the plane? Like how does multiplication and addition work here? How correct is this visualization and the various properties this visualization shares with the regular complex numbers? Any kind of inputs and caution in such kind of visualization would be really kind. I am a second-year undergrad student.
submitted by madematics to 3Blue1Brown [link] [comments]

Utilization of Laplace Transformations to Incur Reverse Degeneracy in Topological Foundations

It’s supposed that reality exists in a predefined Riemann space — within given parameters it should henceforth be possible to translate any given state within an eigensystem to another eigensystem or even substitute particular values within the system to change the underlying algorithm responsible for functionality.
This is called the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm and is a highly advanced mathematical tool that can be EASILY euclidated just by observation alone.
Don’t even get me started on orthonormalization and Hermitian matrices. Is this 2020 or pre-1900? It’s like nobody knows an inkling about conjugate transposes or Blackbody Radiation.
No wonder some people thought everything was a hologram. All everybody knows how to do is copy-paste and plug-and-chug. Where’s the nonlinear thinking?
Even 3D operates hyperbolically. It’s an insult to the higher powers to think you can simply project one reality onto another and call it good.
It’s so much more complicated and the math is just dizzying until you really begin to break it down. Pythagoras is ROLLING in his grave because literally everyone forgets that you can triangulate just about everything. Fractal structures can surmise structural integrity with up to say 99.999% accuracy if you operate on the appropriate scale.
Topological remapping should be within our technological grasp. Some people should have the know-how. It’s literally as easy as 2+2. You just have to remember the true primes and that everything is a tree. The tree grows until it connects to another tree. That forms a network.
The foundations of spatiotemporal reality is a network with multidimensional facets that have a strong mathematical basis for being plausibly manipulated without incurring underlying structural damage.
With this knowledge, we should be well on the way to creating a Matrioshka brain, yet we’re so hard stuck in the past that we’re still using rocketry to overcome problems with more elegant solutions that lie in simplicity.
It’s not about getting from point A to point B. It’s about getting point B TO point A.
*I just read about v→ field nontransferability. If you combine information from a multitude of observers, couldn’t you somehow theoretically override the nontransferability and work on a macro scale?
submitted by MojaveYXL to VXJunkies [link] [comments]

Can someone help me bridge the gap between algebraic and bra-ket notation?

A wave-function can be defined using bra-ket notation as follows: ψ(r) = <r|ψ>
|r> will take a different value at each position so let's consider a single point in space: r_0. We now have ψ0 = ψ(r_0) = <r_0|ψ>.
ψ0 is just a scalar.
What is one possible vector representation |r> ? I realise there are many. How many dimensions does |r> have? Could I represent this as (x0, y0, z0) or must |r_0> be some infinite dimensional things with infinitesimal numbers at each index?
Back to |r>, is this a vector where each value is a function r_n(x,y,z) ?
I know how to take a conjugate transpose of a vector so the next part is easy.
Alternatively, should I avoid thinking of kets as infinite dimensional vectors with numbers for entries?
submitted by XiPingTing to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

Plotting the surface spectral function

Hi everyone, I am trying to plot the surface spectral function of a tight-binding model I have calculated using the algorithm outlined in M P Lopez Sancho et al 1984 J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 14 1205. I have run into an issue where I need to invert a 2x2 matrix and multiply it with another 2x2 matrix. When I try and invert the necessary 2x2 matrix I get the error that I have not given the Inverse function a non-empty square matrix which has me quite confused.
The first part of the code is just the tight-binding model:
Clear["Global`*"] q={kx,ky,kz}; a1={1,0,0}; a2={-(1/2),Sqrt[3]/2,0}; a3={-(1/2),-Sqrt[3]/2,0}; (* This is the in plane momentum Subscript[k, x],Subscript[k, y] *) k={q.a1,q.a2,q.a3}; (* Tight binding model *) d2[kx_,ky_,A1_,A2_,A3_,A4_]=A1 Sin[kz]+A2 Sin[2 kz]+A3(\!\( \*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(j = 1\), \(3\)]\(Cos[k[\([\)\(j\)\(]\)]]\)\))Sin[kz]+A4(Sin[k[[1]]- k[[2]]]+Sin[k[[2]]-k[[3]]]+Sin[k[[3]]-k[[1]]]); d3[kx_,ky_,B1_,B2_,B3_]=B1+B2(3-\!\( \*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(j = 1\), \(3\)]\(Cos[k[\([\)\(j\)\(]\)]]\)\))+B3(1-Cos[kz]); f=\!\(\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(j = 1\), \(3\)]\(Cos[k[\([\)\(j\)\(]\)]]\)\); g=Sin[k[[1]]-k[[2]]]+Sin[k[[2]]-k[[3]]]+Sin[k[[3]]-k[[1]]]; d[kx_,ky_,kz_,A1_,A2_,A3_,A4_,B1_,B2_,B3_] = {0,d2[kx,ky,kz,A1,A2,A3,A4],d3[kx,ky,kz,B1,B2,B3]}; Energy[kx_,ky_,kz_] = Norm[d[kx,ky,kz,1,1,1,0.5,-0.8,1,1]]; 
The next part of my code is defining all the functions I will be using later:
(* Function that samples along a single line specified by the starting an end points,and the step between sampling points:dir_~{{x1,y1,z1,{x2,y2,z2}} Dk_~Real Number *) kLine[dir_,Dk_]:=Module[ {DirVec=-Subtract @@ dir}, (* Direction vector *) Nr=Floor[Norm[DirVec]/Dk]; (* Nr of sampling points *) NestList[Plus[#,1/Nr DirVec]&,dir[[1]],Nr] ]; (* Function that patches several samplings together using kLine[dir_,Dk_] defined above. Takes as input a list of line specifications:path_~{{{x1,y1,z1}, {x2,y2,z2}},{{x3,y3,z3},{x4,y4,z4}}} *) kPath[path_,Dk_]:=kLine[#,Dk]& /@ path; (* Symmetry points *) N\[CapitalGamma]={0,0,0}; NK={(4\[Pi])/(3Sqrt[3]),0,0}; NM=(2\[Pi])/3 {Sqrt[3]/2,1/2,0}; (* Buld the sampling for the full path *) temp=kPath[{{N\[CapitalGamma],NM},{NM,NK}},.01]; (* These are the terms of the Hamiltonian that describes no hopping Subscript[H, 00] and hopping between nearest neighbor layers Subscript[H, 01] respectively *) h00 [A1_,A3_,B3_]:= {{B3/2,-A1/2-(A3 f)/2},{A1/2+(A3 f)/2,-B3/2}}; h01 [A4_,B1_,B2_]:= {{B1+B2(3-f),-I A4 g},{I A4 g,-B1-B2(3-f)}}; (* Definition of Subscript[G, 00] *) surfaceGreens[\[Omega]_] := Inverse[\[Omega] *IdentityMatrix[2]-h00-h01. transferMatrix]; (* Definition of the surface spectral function *) spectralFunc[{kx_,ky_,kz_}]:=-1/\[Pi] Im[Tr[surfaceGreens[\ [Omega]]]] sf={}; (* Definition of Subscript[t, 0] and Subscript[Overscript[t, ~], 0] where l is used for Overscript[t, ~] *) t0[\[Omega]_] :=Inverse[\[Omega]*IdentityMatrix[2] - h00[1,3/4,1]].ConjugateTranspose[h01[1/2,-1/2,1]]; l0[\[Omega]_]:= Inverse[\[Omega]*IdentityMatrix[2]- h00[1,3/4,1]].h01[1/2,-1/2,1]; (*Small number for use with \[Omega]*) \[Delta]=0.1; omega= Range[-6,6,0.1] + I \[Delta]; 
Here is where the issue lies, specifically in the while loop where I am trying to build up the two lists t and t-tilde:
(* loop over omega values to build the surface greens function for each point *) Do[ \[Omega] = omega[[i]]; (* This is the first element of the t and Overscript[t, ~] lists that will be used to calculate T(\[Omega]). *) t = {t0[\[Omega]]}; \!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)= {l0[\[Omega]]}; (* Build up the list of matrices t and Overscript[t, ~] to calculate T, this incredibly slow once I set n < 6 or higher... *) n=2; (* Error with the while loop. Not able to invert matrices due to not feeding it a square matrix. *) While[n<5, AppendTo[t,Inverse[IdentityMatrix[2] - t[[n-1]].\!\ (\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[n-1]] - \!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[n- 1]].t[[n-1]]].t[[n-1]]^2]; AppendTo[\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\),Inverse[IdentityMatrix[2] - t[[n-1]].\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \ (~\)]\)[[n-1]] - \!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[n-1]].t[[n-1]]].\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[n-1]]^2];n++]; Flatten[t]; Flatten[\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)]; (* Calculation of the transfer matrix T(\[Omega]), placeholder for right now. Remember to put in more efficient expression to calculate T(\[Omega]) once above errors are fixed.*) transferMatrix=t[[1]]+\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[1]].t[[2]]+\!\ (\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[1]].\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\) [[2]].t[[3]]+\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[1]].\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \ (~\)]\)[[2]].\!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)[[3]].t[[4]]; (* Calculate the surface spectral function for the given \[Omega] value. Store it in an array called sf *) surfaceSpectral = Map[spectralFunc,temp,{2}]//Flatten; AppendTo[sf,surfaceSpectral]; (* Clear t and Overscript[t, ~] so I can use them again for the next value of \ [Omega] *) t={}; \!\(\*OverscriptBox[\(t\), \(~\)]\)={}; ,{i,1,Length[omega]}] 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by HeatDust to Mathematica [link] [comments]

Diagonalisable and Unitarily Diagonalisable 2x2 Matrix

I really have no idea for the first one, I know it means "similar to a diagonal matrix D such that A = P^-1 * D * P where P is Unitary. And I know Unitary means a matrix is equal to its complex conjugate transpose, but I really dont understand how you determine the similarity part. Are you supposed to find the matrices P and D? Or is there some other easier trick way that you can tell by looking at it?
For the second one, I think it is diagonalisable, because to be diagonalisable it has to follow one of these 4 https://i.imgur.com/WXuXr0d.png. I think the easiest thing to check is number 2). So I checked and I got eigenvalues 1 and -1. Those are 2 distinct and so it is diagonalisable, I think.
submitted by croft0920 to cheatatmathhomework [link] [comments]

Find the gradient

I have this non-linear operator equation Q(x)=D.
In order to solve the inverse problem e.g. through gradient descent I need to find the gradient of the following function: F(x)=||Q(x)-D||2
Where ||.|| is the standard Euclidean 2-norm, x is a vector of length 3, Q(x) and D are vectors of length 3 also.
What I’ve got so far:
Write F(x)=h(g(x)), where h(x)=||x||2 and g(x)=Q(x)-D, and then use the chain rule to get F’(x)=g’(x) h’(g(x)). We have that h’(x)=2xT, so F’(x)=2 g’(x) g(x)T but then (and this is where I’m confused/ not sure if this is right) we have
Grad(F)=F’(x)T (because grad is a column vector)
So grad(F)=2g’(x)T g(x), which corresponds to
Grad(F)=2[Q’(x)]T (Q(x)-D) which is so very close to what I want except in the formula my supervisor told me to try to find there is * instead of T , I.e. the hermitian adjoint (conjugate transpose) instead of just the transpose and I really don’t know where he conjugate part came from.
Was wondering if anybody could help with this problem or redirect me to somewhere where I can read up about it because I found very little online, thanks.
submitted by nullspace1729 to learnmath [link] [comments]

conjugate transpose video

1.11 Transpose-Conjugate of a Matrix  Conjugate-Transpose ... Conjugate transpose - YouTube Conjugate transpose of the matrix lecture-0,part-4 What is conjugate transpose of a matrix - YouTube Transposed conjugate of a Matrix - YouTube Conjugate and transpose conjugate of matrices

The complex conjugate transpose of a matrix interchanges the row and column index for each element, reflecting the elements across the main diagonal. The operation also negates the imaginary part of any complex numbers. For example, if B = A' and A (1,2) is 1+1i , then the element B (2,1) is 1-1i. When reading the literature, many people say "conjugate transpose" (e.g. [1]), so implementing the transpose operation to do also a conjugate, it would lead to confusion. A hermitian operator could help to reduce the overhead to zero for complex gradients, when they are used for real data. The Conjugate Transpose of a Matrix. We are about to look at an important theorem which will give us a relationship between a matrix that represents the linear ... The conjugate transpose of A is also called the adjoint matrix of A, the Hermitian conjugate of A (whence one usually writes A ∗ = A H). The notation A † is also used for the conjugate transpose . In , A ∗ is also called the tranjugate of A. A unitary matrix is a matrix whose inverse equals it conjugate transpose.Unitary matrices are the complex analog of real orthogonal matrices. If U is a square, complex matrix, then the following conditions are equivalent :. U is unitary.. The conjugate transpose U* of U is unitary.. U is invertible and U − 1 = U*.. The columns of U form an orthonormal basis with respect to the inner product ... The conjugate transpose of a matrix is the matrix defined by where denotes transposition and the over-line denotes complex conjugation. Remember that the complex conjugate of a matrix is obtained by taking the complex conjugate of each of its entries (see the lecture on complex matrices ). It is very convenient in numpy to use the .T attribute to get a transposed version of an ndarray.However, there is no similar way to get the conjugate transpose. Numpy's matrix class has the .H operator, but not ndarray. Because I like readable code, and because I'm too lazy to always write .conj().T, I would like the .H property to always be available to me. Conjugate transpose You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know. Suppose that a matrix. contains complex numbers. Then the conjugate transpose of . is a matrix . containing the complex conjugates of the matrix ... The conjugate transpose therefore arises very naturally as the result of simply transposing such a matrix—when viewed back again as n-by-m matrix made up of complex numbers. Properties of the conjugate transpose (+) = + for any two matrices and of the same dimensions. = ¯ for any complex ... The conjugate transpose of a matrix is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ConjugateTranspose[A]. The conjugate transpose is also known as the adjoint matrix, adjugate matrix, Hermitian adjoint, or Hermitian transpose (Strang 1988, p. 221). Unfortunately, several different notations are in use as summarized in the following table.

conjugate transpose top

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1.11 Transpose-Conjugate of a Matrix Conjugate-Transpose ...

This video is continuation of matrix theory lecture-0 . In this lecture we discussed conjugate transpose of matrix .In this video lecture we also discussed t... Conjugate of matrices , transpose conjugate of matrices #transposeconjugate #conjugate #matrices In this video I have covered the concept of conjugate of mat... #TransposeConjugateOfaMatrix #PropertiesofTransposeConjugate In this video we will discuss about the Transpose-Conjugate of Matrix :- 1.What do you mean by T... In this video we'll learn linear algebra matrices topic named TRANSPOSED CONJUGATE OF A MATRIX. This will be helpful for solving difficult questions asked in... In mathematics, the conjugate transpose or Hermitian transpose of an m-by-n matrix A with complex entries is the n-by-m matrix A* obtained from A by taking t... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

conjugate transpose

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